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Created August 23, 2014 01:35
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Allow WordPress-MU plugins to be loaded automatically from a sub directory
* Plugin Name: MU plugins subdirectory loader
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Enables the loading of plugins sitting in mu-plugins (as folders)
* Version: 0.1
* Author: iamfriendly, CTLT
* Author URI:
class CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir
// The transient name
static $transientName = 'mu_plugins_in_sub_dir';
* Set up our actions and filters
* @author Richard Tape <@richardtape>
* @package CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir
* @since 1.0
* @param null
* @return null
public function __construct()
// Load the plugins
add_action( 'muplugins_loaded', array( $this, 'muplugins_loaded__requirePlugins' ) );
// Adjust the MU plugins list table to show which plugins are MU
add_action( 'after_plugin_row_subdir-loader.php', array( $this, 'after_plugin_row__addRows' ) );
}/* __construct() */
* Will clear cache when visiting the plugin page in /wp-admin/.
* Will also clear cache if a previously detected mu-plugin was deleted.
* @author Richard Tape <@richardtape>
* @package CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir
* @since 1.0
* @param null
* @return (array) $plugins - an array of plugins in sub directories in the WPMU plugins dir
public static function WPMUPluginFilesInSubDirs()
// Do we have a pre-existing cache of the plugins? This checks in %prefix%_sitemeta
$plugins = get_site_transient( static::$transientName );
// If we do have a cache, let's check the plugin still exists
if( $plugins !== false )
foreach( $plugins as $pluginFile )
if( !is_readable( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $pluginFile ) )
$plugins = false;
if( $plugins !== false ){
return $plugins;
// Check we have access to get_plugins()
if( !function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
require ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
// Start fresh
$plugins = array();
foreach( get_plugins( '/../mu-plugins' ) as $pluginFile => $pluginData )
// skip files directly at root (WP already handles these)
if( dirname( $pluginFile ) != '.' ){
$plugins[] = $pluginFile;
// OK, set the transient and...
set_site_transient( static::$transientName, $plugins );
// ...ship
return $plugins;
}/* WPMUPluginFilesInSubDirs() */
* Delete the transient if we're on an individual site's plugins page
* Require each of the MU plugins
* @author Richard Tape <@richardtape>
* @package CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir
* @since 1.0
* @param null
* @return null
public function muplugins_loaded__requirePlugins()
// delete cache when viewing the plugins page in the dashboard
if( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-admin/plugins.php' ) !== false ){
delete_site_transient( static::$transientName );
// Now load each plugin in a subdir
foreach( static::WPMUPluginFilesInSubDirs() as $pluginFile ){
require WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $pluginFile;
}/* muplugins_loaded__requirePlugins() */
* Quick and dirty way to display which plugins are MU and slightly adjust their layout
* to show which ones are subdir or not
* @author Richard Tape <@richardtape>
* @package CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir
* @since 1.0
* @param null
* @return null
public function after_plugin_row__addRows()
foreach( static::WPMUPluginFilesInSubDirs() as $pluginFile )
// Super stripped down version of WP_Plugins_List_Table
$data = get_plugin_data( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $pluginFile );
$name = empty( $data['Plugin Name'] ) ? $pluginFile : $data['Plugin Name'];
$desc = empty( $data['Description'] ) ? '&nbsp;' : $data['Description'];
$id = sanitize_title( $name );
echo static::getPluginRowMarkup( $id, $name, $desc );
}/* after_plugin_row__addRows() */
* Helper function to output a table row in the MU plugins list
* @author Richard Tape <@richardtape>
* @package CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir
* @since 1.0
* @param (string) $id - plugin ID (slug of the $name)
* @param (string) $name - Name of the plugin
* @param (string) $desc - The plugin's description
* @return (string) the <tr> markup for this plugin
public static function getPluginRowMarkup( $id, $name, $desc )
$output = '
<tr id="' . $id . '" class="active">
<th scope="row" class="check-column"></th>
<td class="plugin-title"><strong style="padding-left: 10px;">+&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $name . '</strong></td>
<td class="column-description desc">
<div class="plugin-description"><p>' . $desc . '</p></div>
return $output;
}/* getPluginRowMarkup() */
}/* class CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir */
global $CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir;
$CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir = new CTLT_Load_MU_Plugins_In_SubDir();
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Thank you it still works after 9 years

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