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Last active November 18, 2024 13:17
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  • Save richy486/98b26c3206b2d466c89ccc42facf219d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save richy486/98b26c3206b2d466c89ccc42facf219d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
New Mac

New Mac


Show file extensions

Finder > Settings, then click Advanced. Select or deselect "Show all filename extensions"

Hidden files

toggle: CMD + SHIFT + .

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES then relaunch

Path bar

View -> Show Path bar

Folders on top in Finder

Preferences -> Advanced -> "Keep folders on top:" -> "In windows when sorting by name"


Three finger drag

System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Pointer Control -> Mouse & Trackpad -> Trackpad Options -> Enable Dragging -> three finger drag


Secondary click

System Preferences -> Mouse -> Secondary click

Swipe navigate

System Preferences -> Mouse -> More Gestures -> Swipe between pages -> "Scroll Left or Right with One Finger"


System Preferences -> Desktop & Dock -> Mission Control -> Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use -> off System Preferences -> Desktop & Dock -> Mission Control -> Displays have separate Spaces -> off (requires logout)

Spaces shortcut

Might have to relaunch System Preferences to get the full list System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts... -> Mission Control -> Mission Control (drop down)


Show file extensions

Preferences -> General and change the “File Extensions” option to “show all”

Word wrap

Preferences -> Text Editing -> Display -> Line Wrapping

Code column

Preferences -> Text Editing -> Editing -> Recormat code column -> 100


Preferences -> Text Editing -> Indentation -> Tab Width / Indent Width -> 2

Toggle minimap

⌘(command) + ⇧(shift) + ⌃ (Ctrl) + M

Documentation markup

Preferences -> Themes

SF Mono Regular 12.0

Spell check

Edit -> Format -> Spelling and Grammar -> Check spelling while typing Might need to open a code file to enable the option.






Pro look

Use bash chsh -s /bin/bash



New way:


  1. Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent
  2. Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account

Old way:

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