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Created January 21, 2025 22:10
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Include custom field data from donor metadata in GiveWP's donation history export
* This function sets the column header in the generated CSV file for the custom field. Add an if statement for each aditional field.
function givewp_custom_columns_name( $cols ) {
if ( isset( $cols['givewp_employer'] ) ) {
$cols['givewp_employer'] = __( 'Employer', 'give' );
return $cols;
add_filter( 'give_export_donation_get_columns_name', 'givewp_custom_columns_name' );
* Thi function adds a checkbox to the Donor fields section in the Export page. Add an if statement for each aditional field.
function givewp_export_custom_field() {
<label for="give-export-employer">
<input type="checkbox" checked
id="give-export-employer"><?php _e( 'Employer', 'give' ); ?>
add_action( 'give_export_donation_standard_donor_fields', 'givewp_export_custom_field' );
* This function populates the CSV with the custom field data. Include additional items in the $data array as needed.
use Give\Donors\Models\Donor;
function givewp_export_custom_field_data( $data, $payment, $columns, $instance ) {
// We use the donor email to get the donor id.
$email = $payment->get_meta( '_give_payment_donor_email' );
$donorId = Donor::whereEmail($email)->id;
// With the donor id, we can query any custom field stored in the donormeta table
$employer = give()->donor_meta->get_meta( $donorId, 'employer' , true);
if ( ! empty( $columns['givewp_employer'] )) {
if ( $employer ) {
$data['givewp_employer'] = $employer ;
} else {
$data['givewp_employer'] = '';
return $data;
add_filter( 'give_export_donation_data', 'givewp_export_custom_field_data', 20, 4 );
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