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Last active January 8, 2025 17:01
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Add a light/dark toggle button to a GiveWP form
add_action('givewp_donation_form_schema', static function (Give\Framework\FieldsAPI\DonationForm $form) {
$field = Give\Framework\FieldsAPI\HTML::make('YourFieldName')
aria-label="Change to light theme"
>Change to light theme</button>
$form->insertAfter('email', $field);
add_action( 'givewp_donation_form_enqueue_scripts', function(){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
* Utility function to calculate the current theme setting.
* Look for a local storage value.
* Fall back to system setting.
* Fall back to light mode.
function calculateSettingAsThemeString({ localStorageTheme, systemSettingDark }) {
if (localStorageTheme !== null) {
return localStorageTheme;
if (systemSettingDark.matches) {
return "dark";
return "light";
* Utility function to update the button text and aria-label.
function updateButton({ buttonEl, isDark }) {
const newCta = isDark ? "Change to light theme" : "Change to dark theme";
// use an aria-label if you are omitting text on the button
// and using a sun/moon icon, for example
buttonEl.setAttribute("aria-label", newCta);
buttonEl.innerText = newCta;
* Utility function to update the theme setting on the html tag
function updateThemeOnHtmlEl({ theme }) {
document.querySelector(".givewp-donation-form").setAttribute("data-theme", theme);
* On page load:
* 1. Grab what we need from the DOM and system settings on page load
const button = document.querySelector("[data-theme-toggle]");
const localStorageTheme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
const systemSettingDark = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
* 2. Work out the current site settings
let currentThemeSetting = calculateSettingAsThemeString({ localStorageTheme, systemSettingDark });
* 3. Update the theme setting and button text accoridng to current settings
updateButton({ buttonEl: button, isDark: currentThemeSetting === "dark" });
updateThemeOnHtmlEl({ theme: currentThemeSetting });
* 4. Add an event listener to toggle the theme
button.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
const newTheme = currentThemeSetting === "dark" ? "light" : "dark";
localStorage.setItem("theme", newTheme);
updateButton({ buttonEl: button, isDark: newTheme === "dark" });
updateThemeOnHtmlEl({ theme: newTheme });
currentThemeSetting = newTheme;
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