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Created July 12, 2011 22:24
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Enforced getters and setters in JavaScript?
var o = (function(){
var properties = {
color : { value: "red" },
size : { value: "large", set: false },
secret : { value: "cookies", get: false }
return {
// this only exists in Mozilla?
__noSuchMethod__: function (name, args) {
// the name argument is the called method
var action = name.substr(0,3);
// we only handle getters and setters
if ((action !== "get") && (action !== "set")) { return; }
// there must be a property name
if (name.length < 4) { return; }
// allow camel case by lowercasing all property names
var key = name.substr(3).toLowerCase();
// only use existing properties
if (!(key in properties)) { return; }
if (action === "set") {
// did we get any arguments?
if (args.length < 1) { return; }
if (("set" in properties[key]) && (properties[key].set === false)) {
console.warn("Attempt to write to a read-only property: " + key);
} else {
properties[key].value = args[0];
// allow chaining
return this;
} else {
// must be a getter
if (("get" in properties[key]) && (properties[key].get === false)) {
console.warn("Attempt to read from a write-only property: " + key);
return properties[key].value;
console.log(o.getColor()); // should say "red"
console.log(o.setColor("blue").getColor()); // should say "blue"
console.log(o.getColor()); // should say "blue"
// these are not allowed so we should get a warning
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