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Last active December 18, 2015 13:28
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Save rickosborne/5789677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(re)Learning CoffeeScript. Decided to build a prime number generator.
$ time ./primes-c 10000000 > primes10M.csv
real 2m23.426s
user 2m20.229s
sys 0m0.329s
$ time coffee 10000000 > primes10M.csv
real 5m35.077s
user 5m6.806s
sys 0m28.262s
$ time ./primes-go -t 6 10000000 > primes10M.csv
real 1m7.012s
user 5m13.209s
sys 0m48.497s
$ time ./primes 100000000 > primes100M.csv ; tail -n 1 primes100M.csv
real 75m22.288s
user 71m47.830s
sys 0m6.150s
// main.c
// primes
// Created by Rick Osborne on 6/15/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 rick osborne dot org. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NOT_PRIME 0
#define PRIME 1
struct PrimeNode {
long value;
struct PrimeNode* next;
typedef struct PrimeNode prime;
static long _lastChecked = 1;
static long _iterations = 0;
static clock_t _started;
static int _stats = 0;
static long _primeCount = 0;
static size_t _primeSize = sizeof(prime);
prime* _firstPrime = NULL;
prime* _lastPrime = NULL;
void clearPrimes() {
prime* nextPrime = _firstPrime;
while (nextPrime) {
_firstPrime = nextPrime;
nextPrime = nextPrime->next;
// printf("free: %ld\n", _firstPrime->value);
_firstPrime = NULL;
_lastPrime = NULL;
int check(long n) {
long maxDivisor = sqrt(n);
long primeIndex = 0;
long divisor;
prime* nextPrime = _firstPrime;
_lastChecked = n;
while (++_iterations && nextPrime && (divisor = nextPrime->value) && (divisor <= maxDivisor) && ++primeIndex) {
if (!(n % divisor)) return NOT_PRIME;
nextPrime = nextPrime->next;
nextPrime = (prime*)malloc(_primeSize);
if (!nextPrime) exit(-1);
nextPrime->value = n;
nextPrime->next = NULL;
if (!_firstPrime) _firstPrime = nextPrime;
if (_lastPrime) _lastPrime->next = nextPrime;
_lastPrime = nextPrime;
if (_stats) printf("%ld,%ld,%ld,%.16Lf,%lu\n", _primeCount, _lastPrime->value, _iterations, log10l(_iterations) / log10l(_lastChecked), (clock() - _started) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
else printf("%ld\n", _lastPrime->value);
return PRIME;
int isPrime(long n) {
int result = NOT_PRIME;
if (_lastChecked >= n) {
prime* nextPrime = _firstPrime;
while (nextPrime) {
if (nextPrime->value == n) return PRIME;
nextPrime = nextPrime->next;
return NOT_PRIME;
while (_lastChecked < n) result = check(_lastChecked + 1);
return result;
void primeCount(long count) {
_started = clock();
while (_primeCount < count) isPrime(_lastChecked + 1);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
_started = clock();
int i;
long n = 10, l;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp("-v", argv[i])) {
_stats = 1;
else {
l = atol(argv[i]);
if (l) n = l;
return 0;
# Prime Number Generator
# @author Rick Osborne
# @since 2013-06-15
class PrimeNumberGenerator
# Private
_primes = []
_lastChecked = 1
_iterations = 0
_started =
_stats = false
check = (n) ->
_lastChecked = n
# Only check divisors up to sqrt(n)
maxDivisor = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(n))
primeCount = _primes.length
primeIndex = 0
while ++_iterations && (primeIndex < primeCount) && (divisor = _primes[primeIndex]) && (divisor <= maxDivisor) && ++primeIndex
# if n is divisible then it's not prime
return false unless n % divisor
# add this to our list of primes
_primes.push n
# log it out
if _stats
console.log [
Math.log(_iterations) / Math.log(_lastChecked) - _started
console.log n
# yep, it's prime
# Public
showStats: (verbose) ->
_stats = !!verbose
console.log [
].join(",") if _stats
isPrime: (n) ->
result = false
if _lastChecked >= n
# We've already tried this number
result = _primes.indexOf(n) > -1
# Catch up to this number
while _lastChecked < n
result = check _lastChecked + 1
primeCount: (count) ->
# reset the clock
_started =
# Keep going until we've got as many as we need
@isPrime _lastChecked + 1 while _primes.length < count
# main
verbose = false
count = 10
for arg in process.argv
verbose = true if arg.match /^(-v|--verbose|--stats)$/
count = arg if arg.match /^\d+/
png = new PrimeNumberGenerator
png.showStats verbose
png.primeCount count
// Rick Osborne
// 2013-06-16
package main
import (
// _ "runtime/race"
const (
PRIME bool = true
NOT_PRIME bool = false
LARGE_CHANNEL uint = 100
type (
Stats struct {
seq uint64
prime uint64
iter uint64
ns int64
isPrime bool
Worker struct {
id uint
nextNumber chan uint64
results chan *Stats
var (
statsFlag *bool = flag.Bool("v", false, "Print extended stats.")
debugFlag *bool = flag.Bool("d", false, "Print debugging information.")
threadCount *uint = flag.Uint("t", uint(runtime.NumCPU()) - 2, "Number of threads")
primes []uint64
lastChecked uint64 = 1
iterations uint64 = 0
primeCount uint64 = 0
started = time.Now()
func check(stats *Stats) (isPrime bool) {
var (
n =
maxDivisor uint64 = uint64(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
divisor uint64 = 0
primeIndex uint64 = 0
iter uint64 = 0
isPrime = PRIME
for primeIndex < primeCount {
divisor = primes[primeIndex]
if divisor <= maxDivisor {
if (n % divisor) == 0 {
isPrime = NOT_PRIME
primeIndex = primeCount
} else {
} else {
primeIndex = primeCount
stats.iter = iter
stats.isPrime = isPrime
if (isPrime == PRIME) && *statsFlag {
stats.ns = time.Now().Sub(started).Nanoseconds()
return stats.isPrime
func giveWork (count uint64, nextWorker <-chan *Worker, nextToPrint chan<- *Worker) {
var (
n uint64 = lastChecked
worker *Worker = nil
threadsLeft uint = *threadCount
step uint64 = 2
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("controller started counting %d .. %d\n", n, count) }
// For the first few we need to step by 1
for n < 7 {
worker = <-nextWorker
nextToPrint <- worker
worker.nextNumber <- n
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("controller gave %d to #%d\n", n, }
if (n % 2) == 0 { n-- } // even -> odd
if ((n - 1) % 3) == 0 {
step = 4 // 7 + 4, 13 + 4, ...
} else {
step = 2 // 5 + 2, 11 + 2
} // 5 + 2
// after that we can follow the pattern 2, 4, 2, 4, ...
for primeCount < count {
worker = <-nextWorker
nextToPrint <- worker
n += step
step = 6 - step // 4, 2, 4, 2 ...
worker.nextNumber <- n
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("controller gave %d to #%d\n", n, }
for threadsLeft > 0 {
worker = <-nextWorker
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("controller terminating #%d (%d left)\n",, threadsLeft) }
worker.nextNumber <- 0
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("controller done\n") }
func countPrimes(nextWorker chan<- *Worker, workerId uint) {
var (
thisWorker = Worker{
make(chan uint64, 2), // we don't need 2, but this keeps the controller from blocking
make(chan *Stats, LARGE_CHANNEL),
stats *Stats
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("worker #%d started\n", workerId) }
for lastChecked < uint64(workerId) {
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("worker #%d ready\n", workerId) }
nextWorker <- &thisWorker
for n := range thisWorker.nextNumber {
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("worker #%d got %d\n", workerId, n) }
if n > 0 {
stats = &Stats{ 0, n, 0, 0, false }
thisWorker.results <- stats
nextWorker <- &thisWorker
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("worker #%d finished\n", workerId) }
func printWork (target uint64, printIn <- chan *Worker, out chan <- string) {
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("printer started\n") }
for worker := range printIn {
stats := <-worker.results
iterations += stats.iter
if (stats.isPrime) {
if (primeCount < target) {
primes[primeCount] =
if *statsFlag {
out <- fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d,%.16f,%d,%d\n", primeCount,, iterations, math.Log(float64(iterations)) / math.Log(float64(, stats.ns,;
} else {
out <- fmt.Sprintf("%d\n",
} else if *debugFlag {
fmt.Printf("printer got extra prime %d from #%d\n",,
} else if *debugFlag {
fmt.Printf("printer got non-prime %d from #%d\n",,
lastChecked =
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("printer done\n") }
func main() {
var (
target uint64 = 10
err error
nextWorker = make(chan *Worker, *threadCount + 1)
stdout = make(chan string, LARGE_CHANNEL)
nextToPrint = make(chan *Worker, *threadCount * *threadCount)
i uint = 0
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
target, err = strconv.ParseUint(flag.Arg(0), 10, 0)
if err != nil {
target = 10
primes = make([]uint64, target, target)
if *statsFlag {
fmt.Printf("Count:%d,Prime,Iterations,Exponent,NS,Thread\n", target)
go giveWork(target, nextWorker, nextToPrint)
go printWork(target, nextToPrint, stdout)
for i = 0; i < *threadCount; i++ {
go countPrimes(nextWorker, i)
for msg := range stdout {
if *debugFlag { fmt.Printf("Done\n") }
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