For my Relevant & Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS), I’ve chosen to use to show instructors for online classes how they can work in projects with similar patterns to how they would in physical classrooms.
GitHub started with a simple concept: easy source code hosting using Git, a software package designed to help teams track changes to their code. Because of its free and Open Source nature, it has since been adopted and adapted to suit needs beyond its original intent. I’ve been using Git and GitHub in the classroom for almost 2 years now and both have been amazingly helpful. But I think that GitHub’s slick user-friendly web interface to Git could be applied to more classrooms than just those with heavy development focus.
I’m a problem-solver. I love to pick and poke at something until I understand it. So when Rena expressed frustration at being able to track activity in the Literature Review assignments, I immediately started picking at the problem to see where I cou