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build ) ninja test
[0/2] Re-checking globbed directories...
[0/65] cd /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/fish-rust && /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/...b/fish-shell/build/./cargo/build --config foo=0 -- -Cdefault-linker-libraries=yes
Compiling fish-rust v0.1.0 (/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/fish-rust)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.24s
[63/64] cd /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build && /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.2...ll/build/test/buildroot//usr/local /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build/test/root
[0/2] Re-checking globbed directories...
[0/13] cd /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/fish-rust && /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.26.3/bin/cmake -E env FISH_BUILD_DIR=/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build FISH_AUTOCXX_GEN_DIR=/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build/fish-autocxx-gen/ FISH_RUST_TARGET_DIR=/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build/cargo/build/aarch64-apple-darwin PREFIX=/usr/local CARGO_TARGET_AARCH64_APPLE_DARWIN_LINKER=c++ CORROSION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build CARGO_BUILD_RUSTC=/Users/peter/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/rustc /Users/peter/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/cargo rustc --lib --target=aarch64-apple-darwin --features fish-ffi-tests --package fish-rust --manifest-path /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/fish-rust/Cargo.toml --target-dir /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build/./cargo/build --config foo=0 -- -Cdefault-linker-libraries=yes
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s
[1/13] cd /Users/peter/github/fish-shell && /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build_tools/ /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build
[3/11] Running utility command for _cargo-build_fish-rust
[4/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/fish_indent.dir/src/fish_indent.cpp.o
[5/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/fish_key_reader.dir/src/fish_key_reader.cpp.o
[6/10] Linking CXX executable fish_indent
[7/10] Linking CXX executable fish_key_reader
[8/10] Building HTML documentation with Sphinx
[9/10] Building man pages with Sphinx
[9/10] Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Debug"
[63/64] cd /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build && env CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL=10 FI...r/cmake/3.26.3/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure --progress
Test project /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build
1/237 Test #77:***Failed 0.61 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECKERR on line 13 wants:
bind: No binding found for sequence '\\t'
which failed to match line stderr:3:
bind: No binding found for sequence “\\t”
bind: bad bind mode: invalid mode name. See `help identifiers`
bind: bind-mode: invalid mode name. See `help identifiers`
bind: No binding found for sequence “\\t” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 13: bind: No binding found for sequence '\\t'
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish checks/
3/237 Test #105:***Failed 0.63 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECKERR on line 61 wants:
source: Error encountered while sourcing file '/banana/\\t/foo':
which failed to match line stderr:8:
source: Error encountered while sourcing file “/banana/\\t/foo”:
[...] from line 32 (stderr:5):
checks/ (line 1): The expanded command was empty.
source: Error encountered while sourcing file “/banana/\\t/foo”: <= does not match CHECKERR on line 61: source: Error encountered while sourcing file '/banana/\\t/foo':
source: No such file or directory
checks/ (line 65): function: eval: cannot use reserved keyword as function name
function eval
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish checks/
4/237 Test #142:***Failed 0.68 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECK on line 70 wants:
0000000 130 303 274 130
which failed to match line stdout:11:
[...] from line 48 (stdout:8):
0000000 130 303 273 130
<= nothing to match CHECK on line 70: 0000000 130 303 274 130
<= nothing to match CHECK on line 71: 0000004
<= nothing to match CHECK on line 82: 0000000 131 374 131
<= nothing to match CHECK on line 83: 0000003
<= nothing to match CHECK on line 89: 0000000 124 077 124
<= nothing to match CHECK on line 90: 0000003
ö <= no more checks
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish -C "set fish ../test/root/bin/fish" checks/
6/237 Test #192:***Failed 0.89 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECKERR on line 18 wants:
umask: Invalid mask '1234'
which failed to match line stderr:1:
umask: Invalid mask “1234”
umask: Invalid mask “1234” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 18: umask: Invalid mask '1234'
umask: Invalid mask “228” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 19: umask: Invalid mask '228'
umask: Invalid mask “0282” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 20: umask: Invalid mask '0282'
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish -C 'set -g fish ../test/root/bin/fish' checks/
7/237 Test #178:***Failed 0.95 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECK on line 10 wants:
<fish: The 'exec' command can not be used in a pipeline>
which failed to match line stdout:1:
<fish: The “exec” command can not be used in a pipeline>
additional output on stderr:5:22:
source: Error while reading file “/var/folders/98/bdb47hcn3091xl6yh0kf3z2w0000gp/T/tmp.wfkhRAPe/temp/”
fish: Unknown command: this_should_be_an_error
set -g fish_function_path /var/folders/98/bdb47hcn3091xl6yh0kf3z2w0000gp/T/tmp.wfkhRAPe/temp; this_should_be_an_error
fish: Expected a variable name after this $.
echo {$}
fish: Expected a variable name after this $.
echo {$,}
bind: -M: option requires an argument
Standard input (line 1):
bind -M
(Type 'help bind' for related documentation)
<fish: The “exec” command can not be used in a pipeline> <= does not match CHECK on line 10: <fish: The 'exec' command can not be used in a pipeline>
<echo foo | exec grep # this exec is not allowed!>
< ^~~~~~~~^>
<fish: The 'time' command may only be at the beginning of a pipeline>
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish -C 'set -g fish ../test/root/bin/fish' checks/
8/237 Test #134:***Failed 1.21 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECKERR on line 83 wants:
fish: The 'exec' command can not be used in a pipeline
which failed to match line stderr:1:
fish: The “exec” command can not be used in a pipeline
fish: The “exec” command can not be used in a pipeline <= does not match CHECKERR on line 83: fish: The 'exec' command can not be used in a pipeline
echo notprinted; echo foo | exec true; echo banana
fish: $$ is not the pid. In fish, please use $fish_pid.
[...] from line 99 (stderr:10):
fish: Unsupported use of '='. In fish, please use 'set a b'.
echo notprinted; echo foo; a=b
fish: The “and” command can not be used in a pipeline <= does not match CHECKERR on line 104: fish: The 'and' command can not be used in a pipeline
echo notprinted | and true
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish -C 'set -l fish ../test/root/bin/fish' checks/
9/237 Test #164:***Failed 1.65 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECKERR on line 700 wants:
set: Tried to change the read-only variable 'status'
which failed to match line stderr:12:
set: Tried to change the read-only variable “status”
[...] from line 535 (stderr:8):
set --show 'argle bargle'
(Type 'help set' for related documentation)
set: Tried to change the read-only variable “status” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 700: set: Tried to change the read-only variable 'status'
set: : invalid variable name. See `help identifiers`
checks/ (line 758):
set "" foo
when running command:
env FISH=../test/root/bin/fish ../test/root/bin/fish checks/
10/237 Test #83:***Failed 2.57 sec
Testing file checks/ ... Failure:
The CHECKERR on line 133 wants:
cd: The directory 'nonexistent' does not exist
which failed to match line stderr:1:
cd: The directory “nonexistent” does not exist
cd: The directory “nonexistent” does not exist <= does not match CHECKERR on line 133: cd: The directory 'nonexistent' does not exist
/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/share/functions/ (line 30):
builtin cd $argv
in function 'cd' with arguments 'nonexistent'
\tcalled on line 132 of file checks/
cd: “file” is not a directory <= does not match CHECKERR on line 142: cd: 'file' is not a directory
/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/share/functions/ (line 30):
builtin cd $argv
in function 'cd' with arguments 'file'
\tcalled on line 141 of file checks/
cd: Permission denied: “bad-perms” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 153: cd: Permission denied: 'bad-perms'
/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/share/functions/ (line 30):
builtin cd $argv
in function 'cd' with arguments 'bad-perms'
\tcalled on line 152 of file checks/
cd: Permission denied: “bad-perms” <= does not match CHECKERR on line 187: cd: Permission denied: 'bad-perms'
/Users/peter/github/fish-shell/share/functions/ (line 30):
builtin cd $argv
when running command:
../test/root/bin/fish -C 'set -g fish ../test/root/bin/fish' checks/
237/237 Test #69: rust_ffi
97% tests passed, 8 tests failed out of 237
Total Test time (real) = 16.46 sec
The following tests FAILED:
77 - (Failed)
83 - (Failed)
105 - (Failed)
134 - (Failed)
142 - (Failed)
164 - (Failed)
178 - (Failed)
192 - (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
FAILED: CMakeFiles/fish_run_tests /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build/CMakeFiles/fish_run_tests
cd /Users/peter/github/fish-shell/build && env CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL=10 FISH_FORCE_COLOR=1 FISH_SOURCE_DIR=/Users/peter/github/fish-shell /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.26.3/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure --progress
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
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