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Created February 17, 2021 17:48
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crypto_bitcoin (full)
//// Advanced relational diagram for bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin
//// Update on 2021-02-12
//// diagram by @rifkiamil
//// For the project
Project "bigquery-public-data:Crypto_Bitcoin" {
database_type: 'BigQuery'
Note: 'Advanced Bitcoin diagram layout (not using RECORD field type)'
Table "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.blocks" as bcb {
hash STRING [pk, not null,note: 'Hash of this block']
size INTEGER [null, note: 'The size of block data in bytes']
stripped_size INTEGER [null, note: 'The size of block data in bytes excluding witness data']
weight INTEGER [null, note: 'Three times the base size plus the total size.']
number INTEGER [not null, note: 'The number of the bloc']
version INTEGER [null, note: 'Protocol version specified in block header']
merkle_root STRING [note: 'The root node of a Merkle tree, where leaves are transaction hashes']
timestamp TIMESTAMP [not null,note: 'Block creation timestamp specified in block header']
timestamp_month "PARTITIONED FIELD & DATE" [not null,note: 'Month of the block which contains this transaction and used for partitioned field']
nonce STRING [null, note: 'Difficulty solution specified in block header']
bits STRING [null, note: 'Difficulty threshold specified in block header']
coinbase_param STRING [null, note: 'Data specified in the coinbase transaction of this block']
transaction_count INTEGER [null, note: 'Number of transactions included in this block']
Note: 'Stores each Block from Bitcoin Blockcain'
Table "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.transactions" as bct
hash STRING [not null, pk, note: 'The hash of this transaction']
size INTEGER [null, note: 'The size of this transaction in bytes']
virtual_size INTEGER [null, note: 'The virtual transaction size (differs from size for witness transactions)']
version INTEGER [null, note: 'Protocol version specified in block which contained this transaction']
lock_time INTEGER [null, note: 'Earliest time that miners can include the transaction in their hashing of the Merkle root to attach it in the latest block of the blockchain']
block_hash STRING [not null, note: 'Hash of the block which contains this transaction']
block_number INTEGER [not null, note: 'Number of the block which contains this transaction']
block_timestamp TIMESTAMP [not null, note: 'Timestamp of the block which contains this transaction']
block_timestamp_month "PARTITIONED FIELD & DATE" [not null, note: 'Month of the block which contains this transaction and used for partitioned field']
input_count INTEGER [null, note: 'The number of inputs in the transaction']
output_count INTEGER [null, note: 'The number of outputs in the transaction']
input_value NUMERIC [null, note: 'Total value of inputs in the transaction']
output_value NUMERIC [null, note: 'Total value of outputs in the transaction']
is_coinbase BOOLEAN [null, note: 'true if this transaction is a coinbase transaction']
fee NUMERIC [null, note: 'The fee paid by this transaction']
inputs RECORD [not null, note: 'Transaction inputs']
"inputs.index" INTEGER [not null, note: '0 indexed number of an input within a transaction']
"inputs.spent_transaction_hash" STRING [null, note: 'The hash of the transaction which contains the output that this input spends']
"inputs.spent_output_index" INTEGER [null, note: 'The index of the output this input spends']
"inputs.script_asm" STRING [null, note: 'Symbolic representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
"inputs.script_hex" STRING [null, note: 'Hexadecimal representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
"inputs.sequence" INTEGER [null, note: 'A number intended to allow unconfirmed time-locked transactions to be updated before being finalized; not currently used except to disable locktime in a transaction']
"inputs.required_signatures" INTEGER [null, note: 'The number of signatures required to authorize the spent output']
"inputs.type" STRING [null, note: 'The address type of the spent output']
"inputs.addresses" STRING [not null, note: 'Addresses which own the spent output']
"inputs.value" STRING [null, note: 'The value in base currency attached to the spent output']
outputs RECORD [not null, note: 'Transaction outputs']
"outputs.index" INTEGER [not null, note: '0 indexed number of an output within a transaction used by a later transaction to refer to that specific outpu']
"outputs.script_asm" STRING [null, note: 'Symbolic representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
"outputs.script_hex" STRING [null, note: 'Hexadecimal representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
"outputs.required_signatures" INTEGER [not null, note: 'The number of signatures required to authorize spending of this output']
"outputs.type" STRING [null, note: 'The address type of the output']
"outputs.addresses" STRING [not null, note: 'Addresses which own this output']
"outputs.value" STRING [null, note: 'The value in base currency attached to this output']
Table "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.inputs (view)" as bci
transaction_hash STRING [not null, pk, note: 'The hash of this transaction']
block_hash STRING [not null,note: 'Hash of this block']
block_number INTEGER [not null,note: 'The number of the bloc']
block_timestamp TIMESTAMP [not null,note: 'Block creation timestamp specified in block header']
index INTEGER [not null, pk, note: '0-indexed number of an input within a transaction']
spent_transaction_hash STRING [null, note: 'The hash of the transaction which contains the output that this input spends']
spent_output_index INTEGER [null, note: 'The index of the output this input spends']
script_asm STRING [null, note: 'Symbolic representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
script_hex STRING [null,note: 'Hexadecimal representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
sequence INTEGER [null,note: 'A number intended to allow unconfirmed time-locked transactions to be updated before being finalized; not currently used except to disable locktime in a transaction']
required_signatures INTEGER [null,note: 'The number of signatures required to authorize the spent output']
type STRING [null,note: 'The address type of the spent output']
addresses STRING [null,note: 'Addresses which own the spent output']
value NUMERIC [null,note: 'The value in base currency attached to the spent output']
Note: 'This is a view based on the transaction table using field input which has the type of RECORD'
Table "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.outputs (view)" as bco
transaction_hash STRING [not null, pk, note: 'The hash of this transaction']
block_hash STRING [not null,note: 'Hash of this block']
block_number INTEGER [not null,note: 'The number of the bloc']
block_timestamp TIMESTAMP [not null,note: 'Block creation timestamp specified in block header']
index INTEGER [not null, pk, note: '0-indexed number of an input within a transaction']
script_asm STRING [null, note: 'Symbolic representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
script_hex STRING [null,note: 'Hexadecimal representation of the bitcoins script language op-codes']
required_signatures INTEGER [null, note: 'The number of signatures required to authorize spending of this output']
type STRING [null, note: 'The address type of the output']
addresses STRING [not null, note:'Addresses which own this output']
value NUMERIC [null, note:'The value in base currency attached to this output']
Note: 'This is a view based on the transaction table using field output which has the type of RECORD'
Ref: "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.blocks"."hash" < "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.transactions"."block_hash"
Ref: "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.transactions"."hash" < "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.inputs (view)"."transaction_hash"
Ref: "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.transactions"."hash" < "bigquery-public-data:crypto_bitcoin.outputs (view)"."transaction_hash"
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