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Last active October 11, 2022 16:29
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CMS MET Phi (Type II) correction
# coding: utf-8
Lightweight Python implementation of the Run 2 MET phi (type II) correction, following,
taken from
Downloadable source at,
gist at
Supports Python 3.6+. Requires numpy and scipy.
Usage example:
from met_phi_correction import METPhiCorrector, Campaign
corrector = METPhiCorrector(
# supports scalar values and arrays, applies broadcasting when mixed
corr_pt, corr_phi = corrector(
Marcel Rieger
import enum
from typing import Union, Tuple
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
class Campaign(enum.Enum):
PL_2016 = 1
PL_2017 = 2
PL_2018 = 3
UL_2016 = 4 # data only
UL_2016_APV = 5 # mc only
UL_2016_NONAPV = 6 # mc only
UL_2017 = 7
UL_2018 = 8
def __int__(self) -> int:
return self.value
def validate(self, is_data: bool) -> None:
if is_data and self in (self.UL_2016_APV, self.UL_2016_NONAPV):
raise ValueError(f"campaign '{self}' is not supported for data")
if not is_data and self == self.UL_2016:
raise ValueError(f"campaign '{self}' is not supported for mc")
class RunEra(enum.Enum):
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
F_LATE = 7
G = 8
H = 9
def __int__(self) -> int:
return self.value
class METPhiCorrector(object):
def __init__(
campaign: Campaign,
is_data: bool,
is_puppi: bool = False,
# lazily verify arguments and set attributes
assert isinstance(campaign, Campaign)
self.campaign = campaign
self.is_data = bool(is_data)
self.is_puppi = bool(is_puppi)
# fixed recommendations
self.use_metv2 = self.campaign == Campaign.PL_2017
# create the lookup table
self.lut = self._create_lookup_table(
def __call__(
uncor_pt: Union[float, np.ndarray],
uncor_phi: Union[float, np.ndarray],
npv: Union[int, np.ndarray],
run: Union[int, np.ndarray] = 0,
) -> Union[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
# broadcast inputs to arrays
all_float_inputs = (
isinstance(uncor_pt, (int, float)) and
isinstance(uncor_phi, (int, float)) and
isinstance(npv, (int, float)) and
isinstance(run, (int, float))
uncor_pt, uncor_phi, npv, run, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(
# clip npv
npv = np.clip(npv, 1, 100)
# get the run era
if self.is_data:
assert not np.any(run <= 0)
run_era = self._get_data_run_era(self.campaign, run)
run_era = np.zeros(len(run), dtype=np.int32)
# get the correction factors
factors = np.array(self.lut[run_era].todense())
# get corrected px and py values
corr_px = uncor_pt * np.cos(uncor_phi) - (factors[:, 0] * npv + factors[:, 1])
corr_py = uncor_pt * np.sin(uncor_phi) - (factors[:, 2] * npv + factors[:, 3])
# compute results
corr_pt = (corr_px**2 + corr_py**2)**0.5
corr_phi = np.arctan2(corr_py, corr_px)
if all_float_inputs:
return corr_pt[0], corr_phi[0]
return corr_pt, corr_phi
def _create_lookup_table(
campaign: Campaign,
is_data: bool,
is_puppi: bool,
use_metv2: bool,
) -> scipy.sparse.lil_matrix:
key = (
"data" if is_data else "mc",
"puppi" if is_puppi else "no_puppi",
"metv2" if use_metv2 else "metv1",
factors = correction_factors[key]
# get maximum run era to determine the lut shape
max_run_era = max(int(r) for c, r in factors.keys() if c == campaign)
# create and fill the table
lut = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((max_run_era + 1, 4), dtype=np.float32)
for (c, r), coeffs in factors.items():
if c == campaign:
lut[int(r)] = coeffs
return lut
def _get_data_run_era(
campaign: Campaign,
run: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
run_era = np.zeros(len(run), dtype=np.int32)
if campaign in (Campaign.PL_2016, Campaign.UL_2016):
run_era[(run >= 272007) & (run <= 275376)] = int(RunEra.B)
run_era[(run >= 275657) & (run <= 276283)] = int(RunEra.C)
run_era[(run >= 276315) & (run <= 276811)] = int(RunEra.D)
run_era[(run >= 276831) & (run <= 277420)] = int(RunEra.E)
# small distinction in UL
if campaign == Campaign.PL_2016:
run_era[(run >= 277772) & (run <= 278808)] = int(RunEra.F)
else: # UL_2016
run_era[((run >= 277772) & (run <= 278768)) | (run == 278770)] = int(RunEra.F)
run_era[((run >= 278801) & (run <= 278808)) | (run == 278769)] = int(RunEra.F_LATE)
run_era[(run >= 278820) & (run <= 280385)] = int(RunEra.G)
run_era[(run >= 280919) & (run <= 284044)] = int(RunEra.H)
elif campaign in (Campaign.PL_2017, Campaign.UL_2017):
run_era[(run >= 297020) & (run <= 299329)] = int(RunEra.B)
run_era[(run >= 299337) & (run <= 302029)] = int(RunEra.C)
run_era[(run >= 302030) & (run <= 303434)] = int(RunEra.D)
run_era[(run >= 303435) & (run <= 304826)] = int(RunEra.E)
run_era[(run >= 304911) & (run <= 306462)] = int(RunEra.F)
elif campaign in (Campaign.PL_2018, Campaign.UL_2018):
run_era[(run >= 315252) & (run <= 316995)] = int(RunEra.A)
run_era[(run >= 316998) & (run <= 319312)] = int(RunEra.B)
run_era[(run >= 319313) & (run <= 320393)] = int(RunEra.C)
run_era[(run >= 320394) & (run <= 325273)] = int(RunEra.D)
return run_era
# all x and y components are corrected by a 1st degree polynomial dependent on the number of
# primary vertices, so store all 2+2 values per configuration, referring to the x and y parameters
correction_factors = {
("mc", "no_puppi", "metv1"): {
# PL
(Campaign.PL_2016, 0): (-0.195191, -0.170948, -0.0311891, 0.787627),
(Campaign.PL_2017, 0): (-0.217714, 0.493361, 0.177058, -0.336648),
(Campaign.PL_2018, 0): (0.296713, -0.141506, 0.115685, 0.0128193),
# UL
(Campaign.UL_2016_NONAPV, 0): (-0.153497, -0.231751, 0.00731978, 0.243323),
(Campaign.UL_2016_APV, 0): (-0.188743, 0.136539, 0.0127927, 0.117747),
(Campaign.UL_2017, 0): (-0.300155, 1.90608, 0.300213, -2.02232),
(Campaign.UL_2018, 0): (0.183518, 0.546754, 0.192263, -0.42121),
("mc", "no_puppi", "metv2"): {
# PL
(Campaign.PL_2016, 0): (-0.159469, -0.407022, -0.0405812, 0.570415),
(Campaign.PL_2017, 0): (-0.182569, 0.276542, 0.155652, -0.417633),
(Campaign.PL_2018, 0): (0.299448, -0.13866, 0.118785, 0.0889588),
("mc", "puppi", "metv1"): {
# UL
(Campaign.UL_2016_NONAPV, 0): (-0.0058341, -0.395049, 0.00971595, -0.101288),
(Campaign.UL_2016_APV, 0): (-0.0060447, -0.4183, 0.008331, -0.0990046),
(Campaign.UL_2017, 0): (-0.0102265, -0.446416, 0.0198663, 0.243182),
(Campaign.UL_2018, 0): (-0.0214557, 0.969428, 0.0167134, 0.199296),
("data", "no_puppi", "metv1"): {
# PL
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.B): (-0.0478335, -0.108032, 0.125148, 0.355672),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.C): (-0.0916985, 0.393247, 0.151445, 0.114491),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.D): (-0.0581169, 0.567316, 0.147549, 0.403088),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.E): (-0.065622, 0.536856, 0.188532, 0.495346),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.F): (-0.0313322, 0.39866, 0.16081, 0.960177),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.G): (0.040803, -0.290384, 0.0961935, 0.666096),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.H): (0.0330868, -0.209534, 0.141513, 0.816732),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.B): (-0.259456, 1.95372, 0.353928, -2.46685),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.C): (-0.232763, 1.08318, 0.257719, -1.1745),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.D): (-0.238067, 1.80541, 0.235989, -1.44354),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.E): (-0.212352, 1.851, 0.157759, -0.478139),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.F): (-0.232733, 2.24134, 0.213341, 0.684588),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.A): (0.362865, -1.94505, 0.0709085, -0.307365),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.B): (0.492083, -2.93552, 0.17874, -0.786844),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.C): (0.521349, -1.44544, 0.118956, -1.96434),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.D): (0.531151, -1.37568, 0.0884639, -1.57089),
# UL
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.B): (-0.0214894, -0.188255, 0.0876624, 0.812885),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.C): (-0.032209, 0.067288, 0.113917, 0.743906),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.D): (-0.0293663, 0.21106, 0.11331, 0.815787),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.E): (-0.0132046, 0.20073, 0.134809, 0.679068),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.F): (-0.0543566, 0.816597, 0.114225, 1.17266),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.F_LATE): (0.134616, -0.89965, 0.0397736, 1.0385),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.G): (0.121809, -0.584893, 0.0558974, 0.891234),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.H): (0.0868828, -0.703489, 0.0888774, 0.902632),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.B): (-0.211161, 0.419333, 0.251789, -1.28089),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.C): (-0.185184, -0.164009, 0.200941, -0.56853),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.D): (-0.201606, 0.426502, 0.188208, -0.58313),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.E): (-0.162472, 0.176329, 0.138076, -0.250239),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.F): (-0.210639, 0.72934, 0.198626, 1.028),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.A): (0.263733, -1.91115, 0.0431304, -0.112043),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.B): (0.400466, -3.05914, 0.146125, -0.533233),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.C): (0.430911, -1.42865, 0.0620083, -1.46021),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.D): (0.457327, -1.56856, 0.0684071, -0.928372),
("data", "no_puppi", "metv2"): {
# PL
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.B): (-0.0374977, 0.00488262, 0.107373, -0.00732239),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.C): (-0.0832562, 0.550742, 0.142469, -0.153718),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.D): (-0.0400931, 0.753734, 0.127154, 0.0175228),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.E): (-0.0409231, 0.755128, 0.168407, 0.126755),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.F): (-0.0161259, 0.516919, 0.141176, 0.544062),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.G): (0.0583851, -0.0987447, 0.0641427, 0.319112),
(Campaign.PL_2016, RunEra.H): (0.0706267, -0.13118, 0.127481, 0.370786),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.B): (-0.19563, 1.51859, 0.306987, -1.84713),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.C): (-0.161661, 0.589933, 0.233569, -0.995546),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.D): (-0.180911, 1.23553, 0.240155, -1.27449),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.E): (-0.149494, 0.901305, 0.178212, -0.535537),
(Campaign.PL_2017, RunEra.F): (-0.165154, 1.02018, 0.253794, 0.75776),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.A): (0.362642, -1.55094, 0.0737842, -0.677209),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.B): (0.485614, -2.45706, 0.181619, -1.00636),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.C): (0.503638, -1.01281, 0.147811, -1.48941),
(Campaign.PL_2018, RunEra.D): (0.520265, -1.20322, 0.143919, -0.979328),
("data", "puppi", "metv1"): {
# UL
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.B): (-0.00109025, -0.338093, -0.00356058, 0.128407),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.C): (-0.00271913, -0.342268, 0.00187386, 0.104),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.D): (-0.00254194, -0.305264, -0.00177408, 0.164639),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.E): (-0.00358835, -0.225435, -0.000444268, 0.180479),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.F): (0.0056759, -0.454101, -0.00962707, 0.35731),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.F_LATE): (0.0234421, -0.371298, -0.00997438, 0.0809178),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.G): (0.0182134, -0.335786, -0.0063338, 0.093349),
(Campaign.UL_2016, RunEra.H): (0.015702, -0.340832, -0.00544957, 0.199093),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.B): (-0.00382117, -0.666228, 0.0109034, 0.172188),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.C): (-0.00110699, -0.747643, -0.0012184, 0.303817),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.D): (-0.00141442, -0.721382, -0.0011873, 0.21646),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.E): (0.00593859, -0.851999, -0.00754254, 0.245956),
(Campaign.UL_2017, RunEra.F): (0.00765682, -0.945001, -0.0154974, 0.804176),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.A): (-0.0073377, 0.0250294, -0.000406059, 0.0417346),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.B): (0.00434261, 0.00892927, 0.00234695, 0.20381),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.C): (0.00198311, 0.37026, -0.016127, 0.402029),
(Campaign.UL_2018, RunEra.D): (0.00220647, 0.378141, -0.0160244, 0.471053),
if __name__ == "__main__":
corrector = METPhiCorrector(Campaign.UL_2017, False)
print(corrector(35.0, -0.5, [15, 20]))
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