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rigomate /
Last active December 13, 2024 08:12
Makes a NAT Forward rule from TCP port 443 to DEST_IP:443
# Create a random temporary file
TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp /tmp/forward_rules.XXXXXX)
# List all rules in the FORWARD chain with line numbers
iptables -L FORWARD -n --line-numbers | grep "dpt:443" | grep -v "ufw" > "$TEMP_FILE"
# Check if any rules were found
if [[ ! -s "$TEMP_FILE" ]]; then
# Depends on
# * Python
# * Pillow (
# Execute with
# Source
# --------------------
diskspd.exe -c10M -d360 -r -w40 -t8 -o32 -b4k -Sh -L testfile.dat