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Tree exercise
* =====================================================================
* Filename:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 04/14/2013 11:20:59
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Enrico Franchi (ef), [email protected]
* Modified by: <INSERT YOUR NAME HERE>
* =====================================================================
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
typedef int T;
struct tree_node;
typedef tree_node* tree;
struct tree_node {
T value;
tree left;
tree right;
tree tree_empty() {
return NULL;
bool tree_is_empty(tree t) {
return t == NULL;
bool tree_is_leaf ( tree t ) {
return !tree_is_empty(t) &&
tree_is_empty(t->left) &&
tree tree_make(tree left, T value, tree right) {
tree t = new tree_node;
t->left = left;
t->right = right;
t->value = value;
return t;
tree leaf(T value) {
return tree_make(NULL, value, NULL);
void tree_free(tree& t) {
if(!tree_is_empty(t)) {
delete t;
t = 0;
tree tree_copy( tree t ) {
if (tree_is_empty(t)) {
return tree_empty();
} else {
return tree_make(
bool tree_init(tree& t, T value) {
if (!tree_is_empty(t)) {
return false;
} else {
t = tree_make(NULL, value, NULL);
return true;
bool tree_add_left(tree& t, T value) {
if(tree_is_empty(t)) {
return tree_init(t, value);
} else {
return tree_init(t->left, value);
bool tree_add_right(tree& t, T value) {
if(tree_is_empty(t)) {
return tree_init(t, value);
} else {
return tree_init(t->right, value);
int tree_max_height(tree t) {
if (tree_is_empty(t)) return 0;
int lh = tree_max_height(t->left);
int rh = tree_max_height(t->right);
return (lh > rh) ? lh + 1: rh + 1;
std::string to_s(T val) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << val;
return ss.str();
* tree_print: Use this to print a formatted tree.
* Code adapted from:
void tree_print(tree root, int level, int indent_space, std::ostream& out);
// ignore this. it is hard.
void print_branches(int branch_len, int node_space_len,
int start_len, int nodes_in_this_level,
const std::deque<tree>& nodes_queue,
std::ostream& out) {
std::deque<tree>::const_iterator iter = nodes_queue.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_in_this_level / 2; i++) {
out << ((i == 0) ? std::setw(start_len-1) : std::setw(node_space_len-2))
<< "" << ((*iter++) ? "/" : " ");
out << std::setw(2*branch_len+2) << "" << ((*iter++) ? "\\" : " ");
out << std::endl;
// ignore this. it is hard.
void print_nodes(int branch_len, int node_space_len,
int start_len, int nodes_in_this_level,
const std::deque<tree>& nodes_queue, std::ostream& out) {
std::deque<tree>::const_iterator iter = nodes_queue.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_in_this_level; i++, iter++) {
out << ((i == 0) ? std::setw(start_len) : std::setw(node_space_len))
<< "" << ((*iter && (*iter)->left) ? std::setfill('_') : std::setfill(' '));
out << std::setw(branch_len+2)
<< ((*iter) ? to_s((*iter)->value) : "");
out << ((*iter && (*iter)->right) ? std::setfill('_') : std::setfill(' '))
<< std::setw(branch_len) << "" << std::setfill(' ');
out << std::endl;
// ignore this. it is hard.
void print_leaves(int indent_space, int level,
int nodes_in_this_level,
const std::deque<tree>& nodes_queue, std::ostream& out) {
std::deque<tree>::const_iterator iter = nodes_queue.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_in_this_level; i++, iter++) {
out << ((i == 0) ? std::setw(indent_space+2) : std::setw(2*level+2))
<< ((*iter) ? to_s((*iter)->value) : "");
out << std::endl;
// ignore this. it is hard. Just use the function
void tree_print(tree root, int level, int indent_space, std::ostream& out) {
int h = tree_max_height(root);
int nodes_in_this_level = 1;
int branch_len = 2*((int)std::pow(2.0,h)-1) - (3-level)*(int)std::pow(2.0,h-1);
int node_space_len = 2 + (level+1)*(int)pow(2.0,h);
int start_len = branch_len + (3-level) + indent_space;
std::deque<tree> nodes_queue;
for (int r = 1; r < h; r++) {
print_branches(branch_len, node_space_len,
start_len, nodes_in_this_level,
nodes_queue, out);
branch_len = branch_len/2 - 1;
node_space_len = node_space_len/2 + 1;
start_len = branch_len + (3-level) + indent_space;
print_nodes(branch_len, node_space_len,
start_len, nodes_in_this_level,
nodes_queue, out);
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_in_this_level; i++) {
tree curr_node = nodes_queue.front();
if (curr_node) {
} else {
nodes_in_this_level *= 2;
print_branches(branch_len, node_space_len,
start_len, nodes_in_this_level,
nodes_queue, out);
print_leaves(indent_space, level,
nodes_in_this_level, nodes_queue,
* === FUNCTION ======================================================
* Name: array_to_tree
* Description:
* Si vuole costruire un albero binario di N nodi,
* realizzato con puntatori ai figli, a partire dal vettore dei padri,
* con la convenzione che il primo nodo nel vettore dei padri avente
* padre p, `e il figlio sinistro di p.
* =====================================================================
tree array_to_tree (int ancestor_vector[], size_t ancestor_vector_size)
return 0;
* === FUNCTION ======================================================
* Name: sum_distances
* Description:
* Progettare un algoritmo ricorsivo che, dato un un albero binario
* rappre- sentato con puntatori ai figli, calcoli la somma delle
* distanze dei suoi nodi dalla radice. Valutare la complessit`a in
* tempo e in spazio dell’algoritmo proposto.
* =====================================================================
unsigned int
sum_distances ( tree t, unsigned int level )
return 0;
* === FUNCTION =====================================================
* Name: verify_max_heap
* Description:
* Progettare un algoritmo che, preso in ingresso un albero binario T ,
* realiz- zato con puntatori ai figli e i cui nodi contengono chiavi
* intere, verifichi che le chiavi nei nodi soddisfano la propriet`a
* (di valore) di heap di massimo.
* =====================================================================
verify_max_heap ( tree t )
return false;
* === FUNCTION ======================================================
* Name: dedup
* Description:
* Si progetti un algoritmo che, dato un albero binario T , realizzato
* con puntatori ai figli e i cui nodi contengono interi, cancella
* ogni foglia contenente un elemento uguale a quello del padre.
* =====================================================================
dedup ( tree t )
/* 1. Implementare array_to_tree
* 2. Provarla accuratamente
* 3. Usarla per costruire facilmente alberi
* 4. Implementare sum_distances e provarla accuratamente
* 5. Implementare verify_max_heap e provarla accuratamente
* 6. Implementare dedup e provarla accuratamente
int main() {
tree root = tree_make(
tree_make(tree_make(leaf(5), 10, leaf(15)),
tree_make(NULL, 25, leaf(28))),
tree_make(leaf(41), 50, NULL)));
std::cout << "Tree pretty print with level=1 and indent_space=0\n\n";
// Output to console
tree_print(root, 1, 0, std::cout);
tree t2 = tree_copy(root);
tree_print(t2, 1, 0, std::cout);
/* std::cout << root << std::endl; */
return 0;
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