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Last active August 31, 2022 06:18
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Emscripten compilation
#example for making jq
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"
. ~/workspace/emsdk/
autoreconf -fi
emconfigure ./configure
emmake make LDFLAGS=-all-static
#emcc -O2 jq.obj -o jq.js -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0
emcc -O3 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MODULARIZE_INSTANCE=1 -s EXPORT_NAME="jq" -s WASM=1 --pre-js ./pre.js --post-js ./post.js jq.o -o ./jq.wasm.js -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0
#Is this the autoreconf -if alternative?
#Run “autoscan”.
#Rename “configure.scan” to “”
#Run “autoheader”.
#Run “autoconf”.
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