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Last active August 21, 2024 02:25
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# RegCN
import math # Untuk fungsi matematika dasar
import torch # Librari utama untuk komputasi tensor dalam PyTorch
import torch.nn as nn # Modul untuk membangun jaringan saraf
import torch.nn.functional as F # Fungsi aktivasi dan operasi umum dalam jaringan saraf
from transformers import BertModel # Model BERT dari pustaka Transformers, untuk embedding teks
# Modul DynamicLSTM yang didefinisikan secara terpisah, mungkin untuk menangani panjang urutan yang variabel
from layers.dynamic_rnn import DynamicLSTM
class GraphConvolution(nn.Module): # kelas yang mengimplementasikan lapisan konvolusi grafis
# Inisialisasi kelas dengan parameter input dan output, serta pilihan bias
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True):
super(GraphConvolution, self).__init__()
self.in_features = in_features
self.out_features = out_features
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_features, out_features))
if bias:
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features))
self.register_parameter('bias', None)
# Fungsi yang melakukan operasi konvolusi grafis
def forward(self, text, adj):
text = # Tensor yang mewakili masukan teks
hidden = torch.matmul(text, self.weight) # Hasil perkalian text dengan weight untuk mendapatkan representasi tersembunyi
denom = torch.sum(adj, dim=2, keepdim=True) + 1 # Penjumlahan elemen dalam setiap baris dari adj (plus 1 untuk menghindari pembagian dengan nol)
# Hasil konvolusi grafis, dihitung dengan perkalian matriks adj dan hidden dan dibagi dengan denom
output = torch.matmul(adj, hidden) / denom # adj: Matriks adjacency yang menggambarkan koneksi antar kata
if self.bias is not None: # Bias ditambahkan ke output jika diperlukan
return output + self.bias
return output
class REGCN(nn.Module): # adalah kelas utama model ReGCN
# Inisialisasi kelas dengan matriks embedding dan opsi konfigurasi (`opt`)
def __init__(self, embedding_matrix, opt):
super(REGCN, self).__init__()
self.opt = opt
self.usebert = self.opt.usebert # Flag untuk menentukan apakah model BERT digunakan
if self.usebert:
self.embed = BertModel.from_pretrained('./datasets/bert-base-uncased').requires_grad_(False)
self.embed.eval() # Inisialisasi model embedding (BERT atau Embedding biasa)
# Layer LSTM untuk memproses teks
self.text_lstm = DynamicLSTM(768, opt.hidden_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
self.embed = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(torch.tensor(embedding_matrix, dtype=torch.float))
self.text_lstm = DynamicLSTM(opt.embed_dim, opt.hidden_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
# Layers konvolusi grafis yang digunakan untuk pemrosesan semantic, syntax, dan dependency
self.gc1 = GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim)
self.gc2 = GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim)
self.gc3 = GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim)
self.gc4 = GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim)
# Layers konvolusi grafis yang digunakan untuk pemrosesan semantic, syntax, dan dependency
self.semantic = nn.Sequential(*[GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim) for _ in range(opt.gcn_layer)])
self.syntax = nn.Sequential(*[GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim) for _ in range(opt.gcn_layer)])
self.dependency = nn.Sequential(*[GraphConvolution(2*opt.hidden_dim, 2*opt.hidden_dim) for _ in range(opt.gcn_layer)])
# Layer fully-connected untuk klasifikasi sentimen
self.fc = nn.Linear(2*opt.hidden_dim, opt.polarities_dim)
self.dfc = nn.Linear(4*opt.hidden_dim, opt.polarities_dim)
self.text_embed_dropout = nn.Dropout(opt.dropout) # Layer dropout untuk regularisasi
# Parameter yang digunakan untuk cross-network
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(4 * opt.hidden_dim, 4 * opt.hidden_dim))
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(4 * opt.hidden_dim))
# Fungsi untuk menghitung bobot posisi berdasarkan lokasi aspek dalam teks
def position_weight(self, x, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len):
batch_size = x.shape[0]
seq_len = x.shape[1]
aspect_double_idx = aspect_double_idx.cpu().numpy()
text_len = text_len.cpu().numpy()
aspect_len = aspect_len.cpu().numpy()
weight = [[] for i in range(batch_size)]
for i in range(batch_size):
context_len = text_len[i] - aspect_len[i]
for j in range(aspect_double_idx[i,0]):
for j in range(aspect_double_idx[i,0], aspect_double_idx[i,1]+1):
for j in range(aspect_double_idx[i,1]+1, text_len[i]):
for j in range(text_len[i], seq_len):
weight = torch.tensor(weight).unsqueeze(2).to(self.opt.device)
return weight*x
# Fungsi untuk melakukan cross-network antara representasi semantic dan syntax
def cross_network(self,f0,fn):
fn_weight = torch.matmul(fn,self.weight)
fl = f0*fn_weight + self.bias + f0
x = fl[:,:,0:2*self.opt.hidden_dim]
y = fl[:,:,2*self.opt.hidden_dim:]
return x,y
# Fungsi untuk me-mask representasi teks di luar rentang aspek
def mask(self, x, aspect_double_idx):
batch_size, seq_len = x.shape[0], x.shape[1]
aspect_double_idx = aspect_double_idx.cpu().numpy()
mask = [[] for i in range(batch_size)]
for i in range(batch_size):
for j in range(aspect_double_idx[i,0]):
for j in range(aspect_double_idx[i,0], aspect_double_idx[i,1]+1):
for j in range(aspect_double_idx[i,1]+1, seq_len):
mask = torch.tensor(mask).unsqueeze(2).float().to(self.opt.device)
return mask*x
# Fungsi utama model yang mengambil masukan dan melakukan prediksi sentimen
def forward(self, inputs):
# inputs: Masukan model, termasuk indeks teks, indeks aspek, dan matriks adjacency
text_indices, aspect_indices, left_indices, pmi_adj, cos_adj, dep_adj = inputs
aspect_len = torch.sum(aspect_indices != 0, dim=-1) # Panjang aspek dan bagian kiri teks
left_len = torch.sum(left_indices != 0, dim=-1)
# Indeks awal dan akhir aspek
aspect_double_idx =[left_len.unsqueeze(1), (left_len+aspect_len-1).unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
if not self.usebert:
text_len = torch.sum(text_indices != 0, dim=-1)
text = self.embed(text_indices) # Hasil embedding teks
text_out = self.text_embed_dropout(text)
text_out, (_, _) = self.text_lstm(text_out, text_len) # Hasil dari layer LSTM
f0 =[text_out, text_out], dim=2) # Representasi awal teks yang digabungkan dari text_out
text_len = torch.sum(text_indices != 0, dim=-1) - 1
text, pool = self.embed(text_indices)
pad0 = torch.zeros((text.shape[0], 1, text.shape[2])).to(self.opt.device)
text =[:, 1:, :], pad0), dim=1)
text_out = self.text_embed_dropout(text)
text_out, (_, _) = self.text_lstm(text_out, text_len - 2)
f0 =[text_out, text_out], dim=2)
num_layer = self.opt.num_layer
f_n = None
for i in range(num_layer):
if i == 0:
# Hasil konvolusi grafis menggunakan matriks adjacency PMI dan cosine
x_pmi_1 = F.relu(self.gc1(self.position_weight(text_out, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len), pmi_adj))
x_pmi_2 = F.relu(self.gc2(self.position_weight(x_pmi_1, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len), pmi_adj))
x_cos_1 = F.relu(self.gc3(self.position_weight(text_out, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len),cos_adj))
x_cos_2 = F.relu(self.gc4(self.position_weight(x_cos_1, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len),cos_adj))
x_s =[(x_pmi_2) , (x_cos_2)],dim=2)
x_d_pmi = F.relu(self.gc1(self.position_weight(x_pmi, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len), dep_adj))
x_p_d = F.relu(self.gc2(self.position_weight(x_d_pmi, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len), dep_adj))
x_d_cos = F.relu(self.gc3(self.position_weight(x_cos, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len), dep_adj))
x_c_d = F.relu(self.gc4(self.position_weight(x_d_cos, aspect_double_idx, text_len, aspect_len), dep_adj))
f_n =[(0.3*x_pmi_2 + x_p_d) , (0.3*x_cos_2 + x_c_d)],dim=2)
# Hasil akhir dari layer konvolusi grafis yang telah di-mask dan di-attention
x = self.mask(f_n, aspect_double_idx)
alpha_mat = torch.matmul(x, f0.transpose(1, 2))
alpha = F.softmax(alpha_mat.sum(1, keepdim=True), dim=2)
x = torch.matmul(alpha, f0).squeeze(1) #(batch,hidden_dim)
output = self.dfc(x) # Prediksi sentimen
return output ,text_indices, alpha
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