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Last active January 3, 2019 06:21
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Running ArchiveTeam tumblr-grab on GCP

Running ArchiveTeam tumblr-grab on GCP

Guide by riley (efnet,

To use other projects, see Running ArchiveTeam Warrior on GCP Based on this

Create a GCP project

If necessary.
Then select the project you want to use

Create a new instance template
name: archiveteam-tumblr-grab
type: micro
disk: 10gb debian 9
Expand "Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy" section
Security -> SSH Keys -> paste in your key
Networking -> Network service tier, if you like
Management -> Startup script (edit the variables!):


DOWNLOADER="awoobis-unconfigured" # your handle for the scoreboard
CONCURRENCY="1" # simultaneous items to run PER INSTANCE
PIPELINE_ARGS="" # If needed, eg. "--context-value bind_address="

# A bit of swap for comfort
fallocate -l "$SWAPSIZE" /swap
chmod 600 /swap
mkswap /swap
echo '/swap swap swap defaults 0 0' >>/etc/fstab
swapon /swap

# Set up tumblr-grab
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y tmux python-pip git liblua5.1-0
pip install --upgrade seesaw
adduser --system --group --shell /bin/bash archiveteam
sudo -u archiveteam bash -c "cd /home/archiveteam;git clone"

# To build your own wget-lua
#apt-get install -y git-core autoconf libgnutls28-dev liblua5.1-0-dev flex
#sudo -u archiveteam bash -c "cd ~/tumblr-grab;./"

# Install GCP monitoring agent
curl -sS | bash &

# tumblr-monitor
wget -O /home/archiveteam/tumblr-monitor
chmod +x /home/archiveteam/tumblr-monitor

sudo -i -u archiveteam tmux new-session -d -s tumblr-grab \
    "cd /home/archiveteam/tumblr-grab/;run-pipeline --concurrent $CONCURRENCY $PIPELINE_ARGS $DOWNLOADER"
echo "@reboot tmux new-session -d -s tumblr-grab \
    'cd /home/archiveteam/tumblr-grab/;run-pipeline --concurrent $CONCURRENCY $PIPELINE_ARGS $DOWNLOADER'" \
    | crontab -u archiveteam -

Then start deploying!
It'll take several minutes for setup to finish, but eventually you should be able to run /home/archiveteam/tumblr-monitor to check the status.

To stop

For a nice shutdown (may take hours/days), either attach and Ctrl+C once or run this on each VM, then wait for the program to exit:

install -o archiveteam /dev/null /home/archiveteam/tumblr-grab/STOP

To kill it, either attach and Ctrl+C twice or just kill the VMs from

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