A feature rich Discord Music bot
| Command Aliases Arguments Description |
| join connect N/A Join the voice channel where you're connected |
| leave disconnect/lost N/A Leave the voice channel |
| loop lp track/queue/unloop Loop the track (options: trackm queue, unloop) |
| nowplaying np N/A Shows what's now playing |
| pause wait N/A Pause the current playback |
| play p [track_name] Play/add track/playlist |
| queue q N/A Shows the queue of upcoming tracks |
| related matched/same N/A Add matched tracks of current plaback |
| resume re N/A Resume the paused playback |
| search se [track_name] Search tracks and let you to choose which you want to play/add |
| seek sik [time] Seek current track to a specific time |
| skip sk/next [track_num (optional)] Skip current track or to a specific track |
| stop die N/A Stop the current track and leave voice channel |
| unloop unl N/A Remove any previous loop from the track/queue |
| volume vol [level] Change volume |
If you have any question or anything else join my support server! https://discord.gg/cKyJXnmVsD