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rinarakaki /
Last active February 13, 2023 17:45
knuffel (Rust KDL parser) cheat sheet


  • New type pattern
  • Box, Arc, Rc, Vec, Option
    • FromIterator cannot be implemented for Option<T> so #[knuffel(child, unwrap(_))] approach can't be used
  • Semantic difference between structs with and without fields (unit/tuple structs)
    • Enum variants with single Decode element without attribute vs variants with single scalar element with attribute
    • Do we need arguments/properties/children? Is there a case where a type can be used for both patterns?
    • Lack of documentation about tuple structs
  • #[knuffel(child, unwrap(children(name)))] plugins: Vec instead of Vec doesn't work?
rinarakaki /
Last active January 19, 2023 02:44
Structs' field-level mutability at instantiation (not at definition)


Modify syntax to let you put mut in right hands when you instantiate structs to refine its mutability.


Mutability of a itself but not a.*s.

let mut a = A { x: 0, y: 1 };
rinarakaki /
Last active January 19, 2023 02:51
Restricted (and not Perl compatible) Regular Expression



We only use [ ] as quantifier not { } like [n], [m,n]. In expression [m,n], m or n can be omitted like [,n], [m,]. And you can't use *, +, and ? as quantifier anymore (first restriction).


* is used as any single character with quantifier instead of .. For example *[1]hoge matches ahoge, bhoge, choge. Without quantifier, * operates as a wildcard, which means it is interpreted as *[0,] rather than *[1], so you can express partial matches like *hoge*, hoge*(forward match) and *hoge(backward match). Now you can't express them like ^hoge and hoge$ anymore (second restriction).

rinarakaki /
Last active October 10, 2022 11:12
rinarakaki /
Last active November 22, 2018 13:58
How to integrate "as" semantics over "import", "with" and "try/except" statements (in a backward incompatible way)

I bring a strong proposal that is prematurely rejected but indeed the most likely to be accepted to our community. That is to select as spelling not :=, and modify with and except semantics at the same time. For that, we need to investigate what will be derived from the change throughly and here are the results.


This alternative has already been out of consideration, PEP 572 says, but is still here because many Python developers are wondering if as spelling can go and there are few discussions about the way of modifing the two semantics. Even PEP 572 shows little attension to this possibility.

as semantics

rinarakaki /
Last active January 19, 2023 03:06
Albino language specification.


# 'none' is a value
none of None

# 'True' and 'False' are higher-order exists
True is not False
False is not True
# TODO 'True or False' looks evaluation. Can this be a justification of 'type' keyword?