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Created August 30, 2014 14:59
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  • Save rixtox/4f800f75cfb78ae32b9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rixtox/4f800f75cfb78ae32b9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var alias;
defaultToCurrentScreen: true,
nudgePercentOf: 'screenSize',
resizePercentOf: 'screenSize'
alias = {
full: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX',
height: 'screenSizeY'
full_0: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX',
height: 'screenSizeY 0'
full_1: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX',
height: 'screenSizeY 1'
lefthalf: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX/2',
height: 'screenSizeY'
leftthird: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX/3',
height: 'screenSizeY'
righthalf: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX+screenSizeX/2',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX/2',
height: 'screenSizeY'
rightthird: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX+screenSizeX/3+screenSizeX/3',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX/3',
height: ' screenSizeY'
middlethird: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX+screenSizeX/3',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX/3',
height: 'screenSizeY'
tophalf: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY',
width: 'screenSizeX',
height: 'screenSizeY/2'
bottomhalf: S.op('move', {
x: 'screenOriginX',
y: 'screenOriginY+screenSizeY/2',
width: 'screenSizeX',
height: 'screenSizeY/2'
topleft: S.op('corner', {
direction: 'top-left',
width: 'screenSizeX/2',
height: 'screenSizeY/2'
topright: S.op('corner', {
direction: 'top-right',
width: 'screenSizeX/2',
height: 'screenSizeY/2'
bottomleft: S.op('corner', {
direction: 'bottom-left',
width: 'screenSizeX/2',
height: 'screenSizeY/2'
bottomright: S.op('corner', {
direction: 'bottom-right',
width: 'screenSizeX/2',
height: 'screenSizeY/2'
enlarge_to_right: S.op('resize', {
width: '+30%',
anchor: 'top-left'
enlarge_to_left: S.op('resize', {
width: '+30%',
anchor: 'bottom-right'
back_to_screen: function() {
var rect, ret, screen;
rect = S.window().rect();
screen = S.screen();
return ret = {
topLeftX: rect.x,
topLeftY: rect.y,
sizeX: rect.width,
sizeY: rect.height,
screen: screen
'return:alt,shift': alias.full,
'h:alt,shift': alias.lefthalf,
'j:alt,shift': alias.bottomhalf,
'k:alt,shift': alias.tophalf,
'l:alt,shift': alias.righthalf,
'h:alt,shift,cmd': alias.leftthird,
'h:alt,shift,ctrl': alias.leftthird,
'i:alt,shift,cmd': alias.middlethird,
'i:alt,shift,ctrl': alias.middlethird,
'b:alt,shift': alias.bottomleft,
'y:alt,shift': alias.topleft,
'l:alt,shift,cmd': alias.rightthird,
'l:alt,shift,ctrl': alias.rightthird,
'.:alt,shift': alias.bottomright,
'p:alt,shift': alias.topright,
'o:alt,shift': alias.enlarge_to_right,
'u:alt,shift': alias.enlarge_to_left,
'space:alt,shift': alias.back_to_screen
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