tail -f
man command
-> bufferとかで検索
Use line buffering, it can be a performance penality.
$ iostat -x 1 | grep --line-buffered 'sda'
fflush([file]) Flush any buffers associated with the open output file or pipe file. If file is missing, then standard output is flushed. If file
is the null string, then all open output files and pipes have their buffers flushed.
$ vmstat 1 | awk '{print $1}{fflush()}'
? --unbuffered, -n
Flush the buffer after each query.
$ mysql -n -uroot -e "SQL"
※あまり使う場面が思いつかなかったですが、少なくともfork & execでSTDOUTとか継続して使おうとした時に必要でした。
普通にprint STDOUT "hogehoge"
$| = 1;
$ hoge.pl | tee /tmp/log