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Created June 27, 2020 10:10
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import csv
from os.path import isfile
from simplewa import SimpleWhatsapp
from sys import exit
from jinja2 import Template
from typing import Union
from time import sleep
class CustomException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str):
self.message = message
def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="WhatsApp Personalised Message Blaster")
parser.add_argument("-d","--driver", help="Path of chromedriver.exe", default="")
parser.add_argument("-c","--csv", help="Path of .csv file containing contact details", default="")
parser.add_argument("-t","--template", help="Path of file containing the message template", default="")
parser.add_argument("--test", action='store_true' ,help="Prints example message produced from the given template", default=False)
return parser.parse_args()
def read_csv(csv_path: str) -> (list, list):
"""Reads from given .csv file and returns a tuple(list of column names, list of rows)"""
column_names = []
rows = []
with open(csv_path, "r") as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
column_names = csvreader.fieldnames or column_names
rows = [row for row in csvreader]
return column_names, rows
def render_message(template_path: str, row: dict) -> str:
"""Returns rendered template"""
template = None
with open(template_path, "r") as templatefile:
template = Template(
return template.render(row)
def validate_number(number: Union[int, str]) -> int:
"""Returns extracted handphone number"""
if isinstance(number, str):
number = "".join([c for c in number if c.isdigit()])
return int(number)
return 0
def blast_messages(driver_path: str, csv_path: str, template_path: str, test: bool) -> None:
"""Send messages personalized using given template"""
if not driver_path or not isfile(driver_path):
raise FileNotFoundError("[X] Driver cannot be found".format(driver_path))
if not csv_path or not isfile(csv_path):
raise FileNotFoundError("[X] CSV cannot be found".format(csv_path))
if not template_path or not isfile(template_path):
raise FileNotFoundError("[X] Template cannot be found".format(template_path))
column_names, rows = read_csv(csv_path)
if not column_names or not rows:
raise CustomException("[X] Error while reading CSV file")
number_column = ""
while True:
number_column = input("[*] Select the field containing handphone number {}: ".format(column_names)).strip()
if number_column in column_names:
for row in rows:
number = validate_number(row[number_column])
if not number:
raise CustomException("[X] Unable to parse handphone number: {}".format(row[number_column]))
row[number_column] = number
print("[X] Invalid column!")
if test:
print("----- Example Message -----")
print(render_message(template_path, rows[0]))
whatsapp_client = SimpleWhatsapp(driver_path)
for row in rows:
number = row[number_column]
message = render_message(template_path, row)
print("[*] Sending message to {}".format(number))
whatsapp_client.send_message(number=number, message=message)
def main() -> int:
args = parse_args()
blast_messages(args.driver, args.csv, args.template, args.test)
return 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return 0
except CustomException as e:
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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