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Forked from ivg/
Created February 27, 2025 00:03
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A tree representation for ppx
open Core_kernel
module Ast = struct
type ident = string [@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]
type t =
| Var of ident
| Int of int
| Let of ident * t * t
| App of ident * t list
[@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]
include Base.Comparable.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
module Tree = struct
type tree = {
uid : int;
eid : int;
car : tree;
cdr : tree;
type t = tree
let rec nil = {
uid = 0;
eid = 0;
car = nil;
cdr = nil;
module Source = struct
let last_uid = ref 0
let last_eid = ref 0
let trees = Hashtbl.create (module Ast)
let exps = Hashtbl.create (module Int)
let intern ?(car=nil) ?(cdr=nil) exp =
incr last_eid;
incr last_uid;
Hashtbl.add_exn exps ~key:!last_eid ~data:exp;
{uid = !last_uid; eid = !last_eid; car; cdr}
let unique t =
incr last_uid;
{t with uid = !last_uid}
let rec refresh t = match t with
| {uid=0} -> t
| {car; cdr} -> Source.unique {
t with
car = refresh car;
cdr = refresh cdr
let rec of_exp exp : tree =
match Hashtbl.find Source.trees exp with
| Some t -> refresh t
| None ->
let tree = match exp with
| Var _ | Int _ | App (_,[]) -> Source.intern exp
| Let (_,x,y) ->
Source.intern ~car:(of_exp x) ~cdr:(of_exp y) exp
| App (_,x :: xs) ->
Source.intern ~car:(of_exp x) ~cdr:(of_exps xs) exp in
Hashtbl.set Source.trees ~key:exp ~data:tree;
and of_exps = function
| [] -> nil
| x :: xs -> Source.intern ~car:(of_exp x) ~cdr:(of_exps xs) x
let to_exp tree = Hashtbl.find_exn Source.exps tree.eid
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