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Created October 26, 2015 03:49
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Base set of classes for more complex features - NOT a "pattern" to be followed like you will be cursed for not adhering to, if you use an unnecessary factory I will hunt you down with a super soaker
* @property int $id
* @property string $email
* @property string $password
* @property Carbon $created_at
class User extends Model {
class UserController {
// I'm not going to lay out all the injections, just assume every other class here except the model
function __construct(){}
function store () {
$email = Input::get('email');
$password = Input::get('password');
if ($this->creationValidator->validate($email, $password)->any()) {
return $this->respondWithValidationErrorsHere();
$user = $this->userFactory->makeFromNew($email, $password);
return $this->respondWithSuccessfulUserCreationHere($user);
class UserCreationValidator {
function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository) {
$this->repository = $userRepository;
// I like to have agnostic validator classes that CAN use laravel's validators if needed - or any other validators.
// The one in use here is Respect\Validation.
function validate($email, $password) {
$bag = new MessageBag;
if (!v::stringType()->length(5, 500)->validate($password)) {
$bag->add("password", "Password needs to be between 5 and 500 characters.")
if (!v::email()->validate($email)) {
$bag->add("email", "Please enter a valid email.")
if ($this->repository->emailExists($email)) {
$bag->add("email", "Email already used.");
return $bag;
class UserFactory {
* Let's imagine we DI, say, a BcryptHasher into this.
function __construct (Hasher $hasher) {
$this->hasher = $hasher;
public function makeFromNew($email, $password) {
$i = new User;
$i->email = $email;
$i->password = $this->hasher->hash($password);
return $i;
// factories can contain whatever various ways a model might be created
public function copyExistingUser(User $user) {}
class UserRepository {
function __construct (User $model) {
$this->model = $model;
// yeah, yeah, eloquent repositories lol
public function persist(User $user) {
public function emailExists($email) {
return $this->model->where('email', $email)->exists();
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