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Last active February 15, 2020 19:24
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You can download the flickr API by running
pip install flickrapi
Info here:
You'll need to create a Flickr API app here:
There's zero guarantee this is reliable. Use at your own risk. The quality of this script is subpar
at best, but it was also written in about five mintues. Please don't judge me. It worked to download
the 8000+ image that NASA had in their account.
import flickrapi
import urllib
import os
API_KEY = ""
SAVE_LOCATION = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Dropbox', 'NASA')
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(API_KEY, API_SECRET, format='parsed-json')
flickr_accounts = {
'NASA HQ': '35067687@N04',
'Apollo Archive': '136485307@N06',
def download_image(base_path, image):
full_image_path = os.path.join(base_path, image['title'] + '.jpg')
if os.path.exists(full_image_path):
print image['title'], "already exists. Skipping..."
print "downloading %s..." % image['title']
sizes =['id'])
original = None
for size in sizes['sizes']['size']:
if size['label'] == 'Original':
original = size['source']
if original:
urllib.URLopener().retrieve(original, full_image_path)
print "skipping", image
def download_images(base_path, images):
for image in images:
download_image(base_path, image)
def create_folder(filepath):
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
print "created folder", filepath
return filepath
def get_all_photos(photoset_id, page=1):
to_ret = []
list_photos = flickr.photosets.getPhotos(photoset_id=photoset_id, per_page=500, page=page)
num_pages = int(list_photos['photoset']['pages'])
page = int(list_photos['photoset']['page']) + 1
while page <= num_pages:
print "Getting page", page
return to_ret + get_all_photos(photoset_id, page)
return to_ret
def main():
for account_name, account_id in flickr_accounts.iteritems():
create_folder(os.path.join(SAVE_LOCATION, account_name))
print "Grabbing photos for %s" % account_name
photo_sets = flickr.photosets.getList(user_id=account_id, per_page=500)
for photoset in photo_sets['photosets']['photoset']:
photoset_title = photoset['title'].get('_content').replace('/', '.')
base_path = create_folder(os.path.join(SAVE_LOCATION, account_name, photoset_title))
list_photos = get_all_photos(photoset['id'])
download_images(base_path, list_photos)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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