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Last active January 13, 2019 13:41
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Transducers & Reducers in Swift 2
//-- This is an introduction to Transducers in Swift, inspired by
// Talk:
// Code:
// Updated with Swift 2
* Define a few test methods
func append <A> (xs: [A], x: A) -> [A] { return xs + [x] }
let isOdd : Int -> Bool = { $0 % 2 == 1 }
let incr : Int -> Int = { $0 + 1 }
let square: Int -> Int = { $0 * $0 }
* Define operators: |> <| <<|
infix operator |> {associativity left}
infix operator <| {associativity right}
infix operator <<| {associativity right}
// x |> f = f(x)
//-- apply f to x
func |> <A, B> (x: A, f: A -> B) -> B { return f(x) }
// f <| x = f(x)
//-- apply f to x (right associativity)
func <| <A, B> (f: A -> B, x: A) -> B { return f(x) }
// (f |> g)(x) = f(g(x))
//-- apply g to f of x
func |> <A, B, C> (f: A -> B, g: B -> C)(x: A) -> C { return g(f(x)) }
// (f <| g)(x) = g(f(x))
//-- apply f to g of x (right
func <| <A, B, C> (f: B -> C, g: A -> B)(x: A) -> C { return f(g(x)) }
// xs <<| transducer -> ys
//-- Improve syntax for chaining reducers
func <<| <A, B> (xs: [A], transducer: (([A], A) -> [A]) -> ([B], A) -> [B]) -> [B] {
return xs.reduce([], combine: transducer(append))
* Build curried functions
func map <A, B> (f: A -> B) (xs: [A]) -> [B] { return } // (2 times)
func filter <A> (p: A -> Bool) (xs: [A]) -> [A] { return xs.filter(p) } // (1 time)
func reduce <A, B> (initial: B, reducer: (B, A) -> B)(xs: [A]) -> B {
return xs.reduce(initial, combine: reducer)
func take <A> (n: Int)(xs: [A]) -> [A] {
return xs.reduce([]) { acc, x in acc.count < n ? acc + [x] : acc } // (1001 times)
* Build functions using reducers
func map <A, B, C> (f: A -> B)(reducer: (C, B) -> C)(acc: C, x: A) -> C { // (2000 times)
return reducer(acc, f(x))
func filter <A, C> (p: A -> Bool)(reducer: (C, A) -> C)(acc: C, x: A) -> C { // (2001 times)
return p(x) ? reducer(acc, x) : acc
func take <A, C> (n: Int)(reducer: ([C], A) -> [C])(acc: [C], x: A) -> [C] { // (1000 times)
return acc.count < n ? reducer(acc, x) : acc
* Let's test them out
let xs = Array(0...2000)
//-- Using chained Standard Library functions
xs |> filter(isOdd)
|> map(incr)
|> map(square)
|> take(30)
That required 4 passes of xs (one per function).
x => take limit
n => xs.count
map -> 2 times
filter -> 1 time
take -> 1001 times???
//-- Using Transducers
xs <<| filter(isOdd)
<| map(incr)
<| map(square)
<| take(30)
That only required 1 pass of xs, calling each function on each value.
However, this is slower since our take function doesn't short circuit and
our Transducers are not as optimised as Apple's Standard Library functions.
x => take limit
n => xs.count
map -> n times
filter -> n + 1 times
take -> 1000 times
* Let's build a short circuiting reduce
enum Cir<T> {
case Continue(T)
case Shorted(T)
var val: T {
switch self {
case .Shorted(let val): return val
case .Continue(let val): return val
func attempt (f: T -> Cir<T>) -> Cir<T> {
switch self {
case .Shorted: return self // (1939 times)
case .Continue(let val): return f(val) // (185 times)
func short_append <A> (xs: Cir<[A]>, x: A) -> Cir<[A]> { // (30 times)
return xs.attempt { val in
return .Continue(val + [x])
* Define a new operator, again
infix operator <<<| {associativity right}
func <<<| <A, B> (xs: [A], transducer: ((Cir<[A]>, A) -> Cir<[A]>) -> (Cir<[B]>, A) -> Cir<[B]>) -> [B] {
return xs.reduce(Cir.Continue([]), combine: transducer(short_append)).val
* Define the functions, again
* Note: Playgrounds had a hard time using type inference to pick the right
* function, so I've rename severything :)
func shortMap <A, B, C> (f: A -> B) (reducer: (Cir<C>, B) -> Cir<C>) (acc: Cir<C>, x: A) -> Cir<C> { // (62 times)
return acc.attempt { _ in
return reducer(acc, f(x))
func shortFilter <A, C> (p: A -> Bool) (reducer: (Cir<C>, A) -> Cir<C>) (acc: Cir<C>, x: A) -> Cir<C> { // (2001 times)
return acc.attempt { _ in
return p(x) ? reducer(acc, x) : acc // (62 times)
func shortTake <A, C> (n: Int) (reducer: (Cir<[C]>, A) -> Cir<[C]>) (acc: Cir<[C]>, x: A) -> Cir<[C]> { // (31 times)
return acc.attempt { val in
return (val.count < n)
? reducer(acc, x)
: .Shorted(val)
//-- Using short circuiting
xs <<<| shortFilter(isOdd)
<| shortMap(incr)
<| shortMap(square)
<| shortTake(30)
x => take limit
n => xs.count
map -> 2(x + 1) times
filter -> n + 1 times
take -> x + 1 times
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Very interesting. I suggest to replace:
let isOdd : Int -> Bool = { $0 % 2 == 1 }
let isOdd : Int -> Bool = { $0 % 2 != 0 }
in order to make isOdd compatible with negative integers.

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