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Last active September 7, 2023 07:20
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ArrayBuilder - Swift ~~FunctionBuilder~~ ResultBuilder
public struct ArrayBuilder<Element> {
public static func buildPartialBlock(first: Element) -> [Element] { [first] }
public static func buildPartialBlock(first: [Element]) -> [Element] { first }
public static func buildPartialBlock(accumulated: [Element], next: Element) -> [Element] { accumulated + [next] }
public static func buildPartialBlock(accumulated: [Element], next: [Element]) -> [Element] { accumulated + next }
// Empty Case
public static func buildBlock() -> [Element] { [] }
// If/Else
public static func buildEither(first: [Element]) -> [Element] { first }
public static func buildEither(second: [Element]) -> [Element] { second }
// Just ifs
public static func buildIf(_ element: [Element]?) -> [Element] { element ?? [] }
// fatalError()
public static func buildPartialBlock(first: Never) -> [Element] {}
// MARK: - Array.init(builder:)
public extension Array {
init(@ArrayBuilder<Element> builder: () -> [Element]) {
// MARK: -
//public struct ArrayBuilder_OLD<T> {
// // Empty Case
// public static func buildBlock() -> [T] { [] }
// // Single case
// public static func buildBlock(_ expression: T) -> [T] { [expression] }
// // Multple items
// public static func buildBlock(_ elements: T...) -> [T] { elements }
// // Multiple function builders
// public static func buildBlock(_ elementss: [T]...) -> [T] { elementss.flatMap({ $0 }) }
// // If/Else
// public static func buildBlock(_ elements: [T]) -> [T] { elements }
// public static func buildEither(first: [T]) -> [T] { first }
// public static func buildEither(second: [T]) -> [T] { second }
// // Just ifs
// public static func buildIf(_ element: [T]?) -> [T] { element ?? [] }
// // fatalError()
// public static func buildBlock(_ element: Never) -> [T] {}
////// static func buildBlock(_ element: T, _ elements: T...) -> [T] { [element] + elements }
//// // 1x Single + 1x Array
////// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ elements: [T]) -> [T] { [e1] + elements }
//// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ elements1: [T], _ elements2: T...) -> [T] { [e1] + elements1 + elements2 }
////// static func buildBlock(_ elements: [T], _ e1: T) -> [T] { [e1] + elements }
//// // 2x Singles + 1x Array
//// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ elements: [T]) -> [T] { [e1, e2] + elements }
////// static func buildBlock(_ es: T..., _ elements: [T]) -> [T] { es... + elements } // A parameter following a variadic parameter requires a label
////// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ elements: [T], _ e2: T) -> [T] { [e1] + elements + [e2] }
////// static func buildBlock(_ elements: [T], _ e1: T, _ e2: T) -> [T] { elements + [e1, e2] }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements1: [T], _ elements2: T...) -> [T] { elements1 + elements2 }
//// // 3x Singles + 1x Array
//// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ e3: T, _ elements: [T]) -> [T] { [e1, e2, e3] + elements }
//// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ elements: [T], _ e3: T) -> [T] { [e1, e2] + elements + [e3] }
//// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ elements: [T], _ e2: T, _ e3: T) -> [T] { [e1] + elements + [e2, e3] }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements: [T], _ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ e3: T) -> [T] { elements + [e1, e2, e3] }
//// // 1x Single + 2x Arrays
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements1: [T], _ e1: T, _ elements2: [T]) -> [T] { elements1 + [e1] + elements2 }
//// // 2x Singles + 2x Arrays
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements1: [T], _ e1: T, _ elements2: [T], _ e2: T) -> [T] { elements1 + [e1] + elements2 + [e2] }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements1: [T], _ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ elements2: [T]) -> [T] { elements1 + [e1, e2] + elements2 }
//// static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ elements1: [T], _ e2: T, _ elements2: [T]) -> [T] { [e1] + elements1 + [e2] + elements2 }
//// // 2x Singles + 3x Arrays
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements1: [T], _ e1: T, _ elements2: [T], _ e2: T, _ elements3: [T]) -> [T] { elements1 + [e1] + elements2 + [e2] + elements2 }
// // Mix Arrays and Singles.
// // But this is a work around for "A parameter following a variadic parameter requires a label"
// // 1x Arrays (up to 3x singles)
// public static func buildBlock(_ array1: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { array1 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ array1: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1] + array1 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ array1: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1, e2] + array1 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ e3: T, _ array1: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1, e2, e3] + array1 + trailing }
// // 2x Arrays (up to 3x singles)
// public static func buildBlock(_ array1: [T], _ array2: [T], _ e1: T, _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { array1 + array2 + [e1] + trailing } // to avoid ambiguity ([T]...)
// public static func buildBlock(_ array1: [T], _ e1: T, _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { array1 + [e1] + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ array1: [T], _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1] + array1 + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ array1: [T], _ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { array1 + [e1, e2] + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ array1: [T], _ e2: T, _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1] + array1 + [e2] + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ array1: [T], _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1, e2] + array1 + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ array1: [T], _ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ e3: T, _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { array1 + [e1, e2, e3] + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ array1: [T], _ e2: T, _ e3: T, _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1] + array1 + [e2, e3] + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ array1: [T], _ e3: T, _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1, e2] + array1 + [e3] + array2 + trailing }
// public static func buildBlock(_ e1: T, _ e2: T, _ e3: T, _ array1: [T], _ array2: [T], _ trailing: T...) -> [T] { [e1, e2, e3] + array1 + array2 + trailing }
//// static func buildBlock(_ expression: T?) -> [T] {{ [$0] }) ?? [] }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements: [T]?) -> [T] { elements ?? [] }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elements: T?...) -> [T] { elements.compactMap({ $0 }) }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elementss: [[T]?]) -> [T] { elementss.flatMap({ $0 ?? [] }) }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elementss: [T]?...) -> [T] { elementss.flatMap({ $0 ?? [] }) }
//// static func buildBlock(_ elementss: [T?]...) -> [T] { elementss.flatMap({ $0.compactMap({ $0 }) }) }
//// static func buildIf(_ element: T?) -> [T] { { [$0] } ?? [] }
//// static func buildIf(_ elements: [T]?) -> [T] { elements ?? [] }
//// static func buildEither(first: T) -> [T] { [first] }
//// static func buildEither(second: T) -> [T] { [second] }
//// static func buildEither(first: T...) -> [T] { first }
//// static func buildEither(second: T...) -> [T] { second }
//// static func buildBlock(_ either: Either<T>...) -> [T] { either.flatMap { $0.asArray } }
//// enum Either<T> {
//// case single(T)
//// case array([T])
//// var asArray: [T] {
//// switch self {
//// case .single(let el): return [el]
//// case .array(let els): return els
//// }
//// }
//// }
import XCTest
final class ArrayBuilderTests: XCTestCase {
let bool = false
func testExample() throws {
expect(["hello"]) {
expect(["hello", "world"]) {
expect(["world"]) {
if bool {
} else {
expect(["world", "world"]) {
if bool {
} else {
expect(["world", "world"]) {
if bool {
} else if !bool {
} else {
expect([]) {
if bool {
expect(["hello"]) {
if !bool {
if !bool {
expect(["world"]) {
if bool {
if !bool {
expect(["foo", "world"]) { // [String] or [[String]] ??
"foo" // :String
if bool {
"hello" // :String
} else {
"world" // :String
} // :[String]
expect(["foo", "world"]) {
if bool {
} else {
expect(["world1", "world2"]) {
if bool {
} else {
if bool {
} else {
//expect(["hello"]) {
// guard bool else {
// return []
// }
// "bar"
// "baz"
expect([]) {
func fatal() {
expect(["hello"]) {
expect(["hello"]) {
if bool {
expect(["hello"]) {
if bool {
} else {
// This works, just has a warning
// _ = expect(["hello"]) {
// if bool {
// "hello"
// fatalError()
// } else {
// "world"
// fatalError()
// }
// }
//expect(["hello"]) {
// for str in ["hello", "world"] {
// str
// }
expect(["hello", "world"]) {
["hello", "world"].map { str in
expect(["world"]) {
switch bool {
case true: "hello"
case false: "world"
func test2() {
XCTAssertEqual(["hello"], Array<String>(builder: {
XCTAssertEqual(["hello", "world"], Array<String>(builder: {
XCTAssertEqual(["world"], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
} else {
XCTAssertEqual([], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
XCTAssertEqual(["world", "world"], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
XCTAssertEqual(["world", "world"], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
XCTAssertEqual(["world", "world"], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
XCTAssertEqual(["world", "world"], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
if bool {
XCTAssertEqual(["world"], Array<String>(builder: {
if bool {
func expect(_ expected: [String], @ArrayBuilder<String> block: () -> [String]) {
XCTAssertEqual(expected, block())
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