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Robert Moggach rjmoggach

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rjmoggach / cloudSettings
Last active June 20, 2020 22:19 — forked from nsrmoggach/extensions.json
VSCode's Settings - Syncing
rjmoggach /
Created February 19, 2018 18:02 — forked from evitolins/
Maya Python Snippets
This fixes a RRM bug (v1.4.7) where saved RRM setups do not preserve a
module's 'pinned' status.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel
def RRM_fixPinBug(objs):
for obj in objs:
trans = cmds.xform(obj,q=True, r=True, translation=True)
maya.mel.eval("RRM_PinProxies(1, 0);")
rjmoggach / ffmpeg-html5
Last active July 15, 2020 05:16 — forked from yellowled/ffmpeg-html5
Convert videos to proper formats for HTML5 video on Linux shell using ffmpeg. Will probably convert this to a bash script later, but for the time being, here's some examples. Not sure there have actually sensible dimensions and bitrates for web video.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
FILENAME=$(basename "$FULLFILE" | cut -d. -f1)
# webm
for size in 640x360; do
ffmpeg -i $FULLFILE -f webm -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -ab 128000 -crf 22 -s ${size} ${FILENAME}-${size}.webm
import os
import time
import urllib2
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json
import vimeo
rjmoggach /
Created January 11, 2016 23:15 — forked from L422Y/
Automounting NFS share in OS X into /Volumes

I have spent quite a bit of time figuring out automounts of NFS shares in OS X...

Somewhere along the line, Apple decided allowing mounts directly into /Volumes should not be possible:

/etc/auto_master (see last line):

# Automounter master map

+auto_master # Use directory service

$ sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
$ sudo natd -interface en1
$ sudo ipfw add divert natd ip from any to any via en1