I created these scripts to generate some daily and monthly notes in Bear.
The launchd scripts will run the daily script every day at 3am and the monthly script on the first of every month at 2am. Make sure to update the path to the actual scripts in the launchd scripts before loading them.
mv com.bearjournal.daily.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bearjournal.daily.plist
mv com.bearjournal.monthly.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bearjournal.monthly.plist
You can customize the template in either to add or remove sections.
You can add items to the TASKS_BY_DAY and TASKS_BY_DATE array in dailybear.sh to populate cerains tasks on certain days/dates. This is not super sophisticated or anything but it works. This requires bash v4 or higher, installed via homebrew.
A link to todays note will be added to the end of the monthly note each day. Links to previous notes are also added in other places where appropriate.
The habits table doesn't work very well unless you use a fixed width font. Menlo and Courier are available options in Bear.
A tag hierarchy will be created following #journal/[dailies|monthlies]/year/month
The monthly quote requires jq to be installed. I installed via homebrew.
This is all pretty rough, but it does a thing that I thought might be useful for others so I am throwing it up here. I might update this in the future if I get any other ideas. Feel free to reach out with any questions or ideas!
Here are some screenshots of what it might look like in action.