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Last active October 8, 2024 14:48
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Cassidoo's interview question of the week: a function that given a string s and a list of words word_dict, determine if s can be segmented into the space-separated sequence of all the dictionary words.
import logging
from typing import List, Set, Tuple
# Configure logging, change level to DEBUG to trace all checks
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s")
def word_break(s: str, word_dict: List[str]) -> bool:
Determine if a given string can be segmented into the sequence of words from the given word list.
:param s: The string to be segmented.
:param word_dict: A list of words to be used for segmentation.
:return: True if the string can be segmented using all the words from the list, False otherwise.
word_dict.sort(key=len, reverse=True) # Sort words by length in descending order
stack = [
(s, word_dict)
] # Use a stack to keep track of the string `s` and `word_dict` while we try to remove its words from `s`
f" >>> WORD BREAK: Checking if '{s}' contains all of the following words: {word_dict}"
def remove_word_from_string(s: str, word: str) -> str:
"""Removes the first occurrence of word from s."""
index = s.find(word)
return s[:index] + s[index + len(word) :]
def get_new_state(
current_string: str, word: str, remaining_words: Set[str]
) -> Tuple[str, Set[str]]:
"""Generates the new state after removing the word from the current string."""
new_string = remove_word_from_string(current_string, word)
new_remaining_words = remaining_words.copy()
return new_string, new_remaining_words
while stack:
# Pop the current state from the stack
current_string, remaining_words = stack.pop()
f" Current state: string='{current_string}', remaining_words={remaining_words}"
# If the current string is empty, check remaining words
if not current_string:
" All words used and string is empty. Returning True."
if not remaining_words
else " String is empty but there are still remaining words. Returning False."
return not remaining_words
# If there are no remaining words but the string is not empty
if not remaining_words:
" No remaining words to use, and string is not empty. Returning True."
return True
# Try to find each word in the current string and generate new states
for word in remaining_words:
if word in current_string:
# Removes a string from `remaining_words` and updates `current_string` if it contains the string
new_string, new_remaining_words = get_new_state(
current_string, word, remaining_words
f" Found '{word}' in '{current_string}'! Resuming with '{new_string}' and remaining_words={new_remaining_words}"
stack.append((new_string, new_remaining_words))
logging.debug(" No valid segmentation found. Returning False.")
return False
assert word_break("leetcode", ["leet", "code"]) is True, "Test case 1 failed"
assert (
word_break("catsandog", ["cat", "cats", "and", "sand", "dog"]) is False
), "Test case 2 failed"
assert word_break("aaaaaa", ["aa", "aaa"]) is True, "Test case 3 failed"
assert word_break("aaabaa", ["aa", "aaa"]) is True, "Test case 4 failed"
assert word_break("aaaaa", ["aaa", "aaa"]) is False, "Test case 5 failed"
assert word_break("applepenapple", ["apple", "pen"]) is True, "Test case 6 failed"
assert (
word_break("pineapplepenapple", ["apple", "pen", "applepen", "pine", "pineapple"])
is False
), "Test case 7 failed"
assert (
word_break("pineapplepenapple", ["apple", "pen", "pine", "apple"]) is True
), "Test case 8 failed"
assert (
word_break("catsandogcat", ["cats", "dog", "sand", "and", "cat"]) is False
), "Test case 9 failed"
assert word_break("carscars", ["car", "ca", "rs"]) is True, "Test case 10 failed"
assert (
word_break("thedogbarked", ["dog", "barked", "the"]) is True
), "Test case 11 failed"
assert (
word_break("thedogbark", ["the", "dog", "barked"]) is False
), "Test case 12 failed"" All test cases passed!")
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