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Last active June 10, 2022 13:19
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Simple tool to query which things in AWS are using a specific security group.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Simple script to list resources that are using a specified Security Group.
# Accepts only one command line argument, which is the ID of the SecurityGroup
# to check for.
# Currently supports these resources:
# * EC2 Instances
# * EC2 LoadBalancers
# * RDS DB Instances
# * Directory Instances
# Output is one resource per line in the format of:
# NameOfResourceType=ResourceIdentifier
# Example:
# ./sg-tool sg-0f9ff74829dd331cd
# InstanceId=i-074c0dab3891a1283
# InstanceId=i-0e2ce6229560ba68b
# LoadBalancerName=test-elb
# DBInstanceIdentifier=test-rds-instance
# Requires AWS CLI installed and working (uses current profile) and jq.
set -euo pipefail
if [[ -z "$securityGroupId" ]]; then
echo "Please provide ther security group id as the first argument"
exit 1
if [[ "${securityGroupId#sg-*}" = "$securityGroupId" ]]; then
echo "That doesn't look like a valid security group id. (Expected format sg-......)"
exit 1
awsExtraArgs=( "$@" )
# Push this in, just incase the user selects a profile which has
# text or table as the default output
awsExtraArgs+=("--output" "json")
# Cheekily lifted from here
array::contains() {
local check needle
shift 1
for check in "$@"; do
if [[ "$needle" == "$check" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Lists all DBInstanceIdentifiers
# Takes no arguments
# Returns a list of all Load Balancer names
function list_db_instances {
aws rds describe-db-instances ${awsExtraArgs[@]} | jq -r '.DBInstances[].DBInstanceIdentifier'
# List all Security Groups in use by a specific DB instance
# $1 - The DBInstanceIdentifier to check
# Returns a list of all Security Groups in use by the DB Instance
function list_db_sg {
local DBName
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier "$DBName" ${awsExtraArgs[@]} | jq -r '.DBInstances[].VpcSecurityGroups[] | select( .Status == "active") | .VpcSecurityGroupId'
# List DB Instances using a specific Security Group
# $1 - DBInstanceIdentifier to check for
# Returns a list of all DB Instances with the specified Security Group attached
function list_db_using_sg {
local sgId
while read -r lb; do
mapfile -t sgList < <(list_db_sg "$lb")
array::contains "$sgId" "${sgList[@]}" && echo "$lb"
done < <(list_db_instances)
# List Directories using the specific Security Group
# $1 - SecurityGroupID to check for
# Returns a list of names of Directories using the specified Security Group
function list_directories {
local sgId
aws ds describe-directories ${awsExtraArgs[@]} | jq -r '.DirectoryDescriptions[] | select(.VpcSettings.SecurityGroupId == "'"$sgId"'") | .Name'
# Lists the instanceIds that are using the specified security group
# $1 - The SecurityGroupId to check for.
# Returns a list of InstanceId's that are using the SecurityGroup
function list_instances {
local sgId
aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filters Name=group-id,Values="$sgId" ${awsExtraArgs[@]} | jq -r '.NetworkInterfaces[].Attachment | select( .InstanceId != null) | .InstanceId'
# Lists all Load Balancer names
# Takes no arguments
# Returns a list of all Load Balancer names
function list_lb {
aws elb describe-load-balancers ${awsExtraArgs[@]} | jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[].LoadBalancerName'
# Lists all Security Groups in use by a specific Load Balancer
# $1 - The name of the Load Balancer to check
# Returns a list of all Security Groups attached to the Load Balancer
function list_lb_sg {
local lbName
aws elb describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-names "$lbName" ${awsExtraArgs[@]} | jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[].SecurityGroups[]'
# List Load Balancers using a specific Security Group
# $1 - Security Group Id to check for
# Returns a list of all Load Balancers with the specified Security Group attached
function list_lb_using_sg {
local sgId
while read -r lb; do
mapfile -t sgList < <(list_lb_sg "$lb")
array::contains "$sgId" "${sgList[@]}" && echo "$lb"
done < <(list_lb)
function main {
local dbList iList lbList sgId
mapfile -t iList < <(list_instances "$sgId")
mapfile -t lbList < <(list_lb_using_sg "$sgId")
mapfile -t dbList < <(list_db_using_sg "$sgId")
mapfile -t dirList < <(list_directories "$sgId")
[[ "${#iList[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && printf 'InstanceId=%s\n' "${iList[@]}"
[[ "${#lbList[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && printf 'LoadBalancerName=%s\n' "${lbList[@]}"
[[ "${#dbList[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && printf 'DBInstanceIdentifier=%s\n' "${dbList[@]}"
[[ "${#dirList[@]}" -gt 0 ]] && printf 'DirectoryName=%s\n' "${dirList[@]}"
exit 0
main "$securityGroupId"
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