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Last active June 3, 2024 08:31
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Setup for PowerShell-like history completion in bash

Setup for PowerShell-like history completion in bash

These settings will give you PowerShell-like history completion in bash using

History completions will be displayed in grey, press UP-ARROW or F8 to accept the completion and ENTER.

To cancel a completion, press CTRL-K or DOWN-ARROW.

When a completion is not active, use UP-ARROW and DOWN-ARROW to search history with the current text as a prefix and press ENTER to accept a history match and execute it.

Clone the repository and build it

mkdir -p ~/source/repos
cd ~/source/repos
git clone --recurse-submodules

Install in your .bashrc

source ~/source/repos/

ble-face -s auto_complete      bg=none,fg=grey
ble-face -s command_directory  bg=none,fg=4,bold
ble-face -s filename_directory bg=none,fg=4,bold
ble-face -s region_match       bg=none,fg=none

ble-bind -m auto_complete -f right   forward-char
ble-bind -m auto_complete -f left    backward-char
ble-bind -m auto_complete -f f8      auto_complete/insert
ble-bind -m auto_complete -f up      auto_complete/insert
ble-bind -m auto_complete -f down    auto_complete/cancel
ble-bind -m auto_complete -f M-right auto_complete/insert-fword
ble-bind -m auto_complete -f M-f     auto_complete/insert-fword

ble-bind -f up   history-search-backward
ble-bind -f down history-search-forward

ble-bind -m nsearch -f RET nsearch/accept-line
ble-bind -m nsearch -f C-m nsearch/accept-line

ble-bind -f M-BS  kill-backward-fword
ble-bind -f M-DEL kill-backward-fword
ble-bind -f M-C-? kill-backward-fword
ble-bind -f M-C-h kill-backward-fword
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