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Rafael Kitover rkitover

  • San Francisco, CA, United States
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JustinGrote / ModuleFast.ps1
Last active August 17, 2024 11:42
Bootstrap Script for a High Performance Module Installer
using namespace System.Net.Http
#requires -version 7.2
# This is the bootstrap script for Modules
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
param (
#Specify a specific release to use, otherwise 'latest' is used
[string]$Release = 'latest',
#Specify the user
[string]$User = 'JustinGrote',
#Specify the repo
extremecoders-re /
Last active March 4, 2025 19:44
Setting up Qemu with a tap interface

Setting up Qemu with a tap interface

There are two parts to networking within QEMU:

  • The virtual network device that is provided to the guest (e.g. a PCI network card).
  • The network backend that interacts with the emulated NIC (e.g. puts packets onto the host's network).

Example: User mode network

Airblader /
Created May 9, 2017 09:44
Turn any window into a dock for i3 (caution, dock windows do not take focus ever)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# call like this:
# /path/to/this/ <window_id> <dock height>
width=$(xrandr -q | head -n1 | awk '{print $8}')
xdotool windowunmap --sync ${win}
xdotool windowsize --sync ${win} ${width} ${height}

Create private networks with libvirt

I assume that you have a running debian wheezy host with libvirt and qemu/kvm installed. You need two guest VMs for this. The first guest will get the IP and the second will get All following commands must be run with sudo or under root.

Internal Network

We create a new network named internal with libvirt and use it with the IP

samhocevar / gist:00eec26d9e9988d080ac
Last active October 17, 2024 17:02
Configure sshd on MSYS2 and run it as a Windows service
# — configure sshd on MSYS2 and run it as a Windows service
# Please report issues and/or improvements to Sam Hocevar <[email protected]>
# Prerequisites:
# — MSYS2 itself:
# — admin tools: pacman -S openssh cygrunsrv mingw-w64-x86_64-editrights