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Last active December 18, 2015 01:39
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  • Save rkoster/5705252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rkoster/5705252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script for migrating blobs from one blob store to an other. This script expects a config/private.tmp.yml file which will be renamed to config/private.yml when blobs are downloaded. The contents for the new config/final.yml are hardcoded into the script. You should fill in your own target blobstore credentials
# reset stuff
sudo rm -r .blobs
rm -r blobs
rm -r blobs_import
git checkout -- config/blobs.yml
git checkout -- config/final.yml
rm config/private.yml
# get blobs
bosh sync blobs
mv blobs blobs_import
# Format for private.tmp.yml:
# ---
# blobstore:
# s3:
# access_key_id: ACCESS
# secret_access_key: PRIVATE
# switch config to new blob store
cp config/private.tmp.yml config/private.yml
cat > config/final.yml <<EOF
final_name: cf-contrib
provider: s3
bucket_name: cf-services-contrib-release
# AWS s3 user: blobstore-reader
secret_access_key: e3uIA4EnWpb9zy1YtWREr/0moGcEdky+2wLfprqb
encryption_key: cloudfoundry-community
# clear blobs.yml
cat > config/blobs.yml <<EOF
# re-add blobs
for blob in `cd blobs_import && find */*`
dir=`echo $blob | cut -d'/' -f1`
bosh add blob blobs_import/$blob $dir
# upload blobs
bosh upload blobs
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The final.yml should not have the secrets, they should be in private.yml so they aren't committed to the repo. This is unfortunately not documented anywhere but in the code :(

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drnic commented Jun 5, 2013

final.yml needs to have the read-access credentials though?

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drnic commented Jun 5, 2013

The blobstore-reader credentials here only have read-access to the s3 account

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drnic commented Jun 5, 2013

But it does mean that private.yml shouldn't need deleting & copying. You should be able to create a config/private.yml up front and just use that.

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grenzr commented Jul 29, 2013

Nice script - would be nice if you didnt have to type 'yes' for each blob to upload though.. there doesnt seem to be a switch to auto-yes each blob upload :/

Looks like TieWei commented that check out in his BOSH fork though :D

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drnic commented Nov 13, 2015

bosh -n upload blob stops the yes prompt

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