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Last active December 15, 2015 18:49
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Kitware TechTip 04-03-2013 Part 2: Computing fine-structure graph features
Fine-structure analysis of a graph.
Assuming that the file "graph.txt" generated by
resides in "/tmp", run
$ python
to see what the feature matrix for the graph looks like.
import pickle
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def visualize_subgraph(g, n):
"""Writes subgraph to .png file.
plt.title("Subgraph (Node: %.4d)" % n)
colors = ['white'] * len(sg)
colors[np.where(np.asarray(sg.nodes()) == n)[0]] = 'b'
nx.draw(g, node_color=colors)
plt.savefig("/tmp/sg-%.4d.pdf" % n)
# Define the graph features
attr_list = [ #Average vertex degree
lambda g : np.mean([e for e in]),
# Spectral radius (i.e., largest eigenvalue of adjacency matrix)
lambda g : np.abs(nx.adjacency_spectrum(g))[0]]
# Load graph from disk
G = pickle.load(open("/tmp/graph.txt"))
# Run All-Shortest path algorithm
sps = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G)
# Consider all neighbors reachable via 2 hops
hops = 2
V = np.zeros([len(G),len(attr_list)])
for n in G.nodes():
# Select n-th row in shortest-path matrix
nth_row = np.array(sps[n,:]).ravel()
# Get all neighbors within the specified number of hops
within_radius = np.where(nth_row <= hops)
# Extract subgraph centered on n-th vertex
sg = G.subgraph(within_radius[0])
# Compute subragph features
V[n,:] = np.asarray([attr_fun(sg) for attr_fun in attr_list])
# Visualize the subgraph
visualize_subgraph(sg, n)
print V
print "Feature matrix shape: (%d,%d)" % V.shape
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