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Created February 6, 2021 03:51
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Demo of colorama's different output stylings
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
foregrounds_dark = {
i: Fore.__dict__[i]
for i in dir(Fore)
if not (i.startswith("_") or i.startswith("LIGHT") or i.startswith("RESET"))
foregrounds_light = {
i: Fore.__dict__[i]
for i in dir(Fore)
if i.startswith("LIGHT") and not (i.startswith("_") or i.startswith("RESET"))
backgrounds_dark = {
i: Back.__dict__[i]
for i in dir(Fore)
if not (i.startswith("_") or i.startswith("RESET") or i.startswith("LIGHT"))
backgrounds_light = {
i: Back.__dict__[i]
for i in dir(Fore)
if i.startswith("LIGHT") and not (i.startswith("_") or i.startswith("RESET"))
# Combined backgrounds
backgrounds = {**backgrounds_dark, **backgrounds_light}
styles = {
"DIM": Style.DIM,
for sn, sc in styles.items():
print(" " * 17 + "-" * 80)
print(" " * 18 + f"{sn:^82}")
print(" " * 17 + "-" * 80)
# Testing dark foregrounds
colnames = "".join(["{:^10.10s}".format(k) for k in foregrounds_dark])
teststring = "foo 123"
rowtext = "".join(
[f"{fc} {sc} {teststring:8s}" for fg, fc in foregrounds_dark.items()]
print(" " * 18 + colnames)
for bg, bc in backgrounds.items():
print(f"{bg:<16s} {bc} {rowtext} {Style.RESET_ALL}")
# Test light foreground text
colnames = "".join(["{:^10.8s}".format(k) for k in foregrounds_light])
teststring = "foo 123"
rowtext = "".join(
[f"{fc} {sc } {teststring:8s}" for fg, fc in foregrounds_light.items()]
print(" " * 18 + colnames)
for bg, bc in backgrounds.items():
print(f"{bg:<16s} {bc} {rowtext} {Style.RESET_ALL}")
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