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Last active May 3, 2019 14:04
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  • Save rlindgren/b6646feac8c51ac27e46a2ddebef5e77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Nedb storage adapter for use with the cordova-file-plugin. Drop in replacement for the browser-version. To install pre-built Nedb for use with cordova-file-plugin, see here:
* Way data is stored for this database
* For a Node.js/Node Webkit database it's the file system
* For a browser-side database it's the device file system, exposed via the `cordova-file` plugin
* This version is the browser version
var storage = {};
storage.exists = function exists (_path, cb) {
_getFile(_path, false, function (err, file) {
if (err) {
return _getDir(storage._rootFS, _path, false, function (er, dir) { return cb(!!dir && !er) });
return cb(!!file && !err);
storage.rename = function rename (oldPath, newPath, cb) {
var oldDirPath = oldPath.split('/');
var newDirPath = newPath.split('/');
var oldFilename = oldDirPath.pop();
var newFilename = newDirPath.pop();
oldDirPath = oldDirPath.join('/');
newDirPath = newDirPath.join('/');
if (!newDirPath || oldDirPath === newDirPath) {
return _renameFile(oldPath, newPath, cb);
return _moveFile(oldPath, newPath, cb);
storage.writeFile = function writeFile (file, data, encoding, cb, isAppend) {
if (encoding === 'utf8') encoding = 'UTF-8';
if (typeof file === 'string') {
return _getFile(file, true, function (err, fileObject) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
return _writeFile(fileObject, data, encoding, cb, !!isAppend);
return _writeFile(file, data, encoding, cb, !!isAppend);
storage.unlink = function unlink (_path, cb) {
_getFile(_path, false, function (err, file) {
if (err) {
return _getDir(storage._rootFS, _path, false, function (er, dir) {
if (er) { return cb(er) }
return _removeDir(dir, cb);
return _removeFile(file, cb);
storage.appendFile = function appendFile (file, data, encoding, cb) {
if (encoding === 'utf8') encoding = 'UTF-8';
return storage.writeFile(file, data, encoding, cb, true);
storage.readFile = function readFile (file, encoding, cb) {
if (encoding === 'utf8') encoding = 'UTF-8';
if (typeof file === 'string') {
_getFile(file, true, function (err, fileObject) {
if (err) { return cb(err); }
return _readFile(fileObject, encoding, cb);
} else if (file.isFile) {
return _readFile(file, encoding, cb);
storage.mkdirp = function mkdirp (_path, cb) {
_getDir(storage._rootFS, _path, true, cb);
storage.ensureFileDoesntExist = function ensureFileDoesntExist(file, callback) {
storage.exists(file, function (exists) {
if (!exists) { return callback(null); }
storage.unlink(file, function (err) { return callback(err); });
storage.ensureDatafileIntegrity = function ensureDatafileIntegrity(filename, callback) {
var tempFilename = filename + '~';
storage.exists(filename, function (filenameExists) {
// Write was successful
if (filenameExists) { return callback(null); }
storage.exists(tempFilename, function (oldFilenameExists) {
// New database
if (!oldFilenameExists) {
return storage.writeFile(filename, '', function (err) { callback(err); });
// Write failed, use old version
storage.rename(tempFilename, filename, function (err) { return callback(err); });
storage.init = function init (rootPath, cb) {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(rootPath, function (rootFS) {
cb(null, (storage._rootFS = rootFS));
}, cb);
* helpers
function _readFile (fileObject, encoding, cb) {
if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
cb = encoding;
encoding = 'UTF-8';
fileObject.file(function (file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function (e) {
reader.onerror = cb;
reader.readAsText(file, encoding || 'UTF-8');
}, cb);
function _writeFile (fileObject, data, encoding, cb, isAppend) {
if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
cb = encoding;
encoding = 'UTF-8';
isAppend = cb;
fileObject.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
fileWriter.onwriteend = function (e) {
fileWriter.onerror = cb;
var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain', encoding: "UTF-8", endings: 'native' });
if (isAppend && typeof isAppend === 'boolean') {
try {;
} catch (e) {
} else {
}, cb);
function _removeFile (fileObject, cb) {
fileObject.remove(function () { cb() }, cb);
function _removeDir (_path, cb) {
if (typeof _path === 'string') {
_getDir(storage._rootFS, _path, false, function (err, dir) {
if (!err) {
dir.removeRecursively(function () { cb() }, cb);
} else {
} else {
_path.removeRecursively(function () { cb() }, cb);
function _renameFile (oldPath, newName, cb) {
var paths = oldPath.split('/');
var filename = paths.pop();
var newFilename = newName.split('/').pop();
_getDir(storage._rootFS, oldPath, false, function (err, dir) {
if (err) return cb(err);
dir.getFile(filename, {}, function (fileEntry) {
fileEntry.moveTo(dir, newFilename);
cb(null, newFilename);
}, cb);
function _renameDir (oldPath, newName, cb) {
// var paths = oldPath.split('/');
// var filename = paths.pop();
// var newFilename = newName.split('/').pop();
// _getDir(storage._rootFS, oldPath, false, function (err, dir) {
// if (!err) {
// dir.getFile(filename, {}, function (fileEntry) {
// fileEntry.moveTo(dir, newFilename);
// cb(null, newFilename);
// });
// } else {
// cb(err);
// }
// });
function _moveFile (oldPath, newName, cb) {
var paths = oldPath.split('/');
var filename = paths.pop();
var newPaths = newName.split('/');
var newFilename = newPaths.pop();
_getDir(storage._rootFS, newName, true, function (err, newDir) {
if (err) return cb(err);
_getFile(oldPath, false, function (er, fileEntry) {
if (er) return cb(er);
fileEntry.moveTo(newDir, newFilename);
cb(null, newName);
function _moveDir (oldPath, newName, cb) {
function _getDir (cwdFS, _path, create, cb) {
if (_path.charAt(0) == '.' || _path.charAt(0) == '/') {
_path = _path.slice(1);
var paths = _path.split('/');
cwdFS.getDirectory(paths[0], { create: create }, function (dataDir) {
if (paths.length > 1) {
return _getDir(dataDir, paths.slice(1).join('/'), !!create, cb);
return cb(null, dataDir);
}, cb);
function _getFile (_path, create, cb) {
var paths = _path.split('/');
if (paths.length === 1) {
storage._rootFS.getFile(_path, { create: create }, function (file) { cb(null, file) }, cb);
} else {
_getDir(storage._rootFS, paths.slice(0, paths.length - 1).join('/'), true, function (err, dir) {
dir.getFile(paths[paths.length - 1], { create: create }, function (file) { cb(null, file) }, cb);
function _ensureInit(cb) {
if (!storage._rootFS) {
console.warn('Storage not initialized. Call `storage.init(rootFsUrl, callback)`.');
if (typeof cordova !== 'undefined' && cordova.file) {
console.warn('Using `cordova.file.dataDirectory` until `storage.init` called with new root directory.');
storage.init.apply(storage, [cordova.file.dataDirectory, cb]);
} else {
throw 'Storage not initialized. Call `storage.init(rootFsUrl, callback)`.';
} else {
// wrap methods with `_ensureInit` for convenience
for (var methodName in storage) {
if (storage.hasOwnProperty(methodName) && methodName !== 'init') {
(function (methodName) {
var originalFn = storage[methodName];
var wrappedFn = function () {
var args =;
_ensureInit(function () { originalFn.apply(this, args) });
storage[methodName] = wrappedFn.bind(storage);
// Interface
module.exports = storage;
module.exports.crashSafeWriteFile = storage.writeFile; // No need for a crash safe function in the browser
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