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Last active January 19, 2022 13:40
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ReaderT(..), runReaderT, ask, class MonadAsk)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
-- 01 no Reader
data Config = Config String
getConfig :: Config -> String
getConfig (Config c) = c
main01 :: Effect Unit
main01 = do
log $ getConfig config
where config = (Config " ***** foo ***** ")
-- 02 with Reader
-- getConfigR doesn't need to be passed config directly
-- as it is within the context of the monad
getConfigR :: Reader Config String
getConfigR = do
config <- ask
pure (getConfig config)
main02 :: Effect Unit
main02 = do
log $ runReader getConfigR config
where config = (Config " ***** fooR ***** ")
-- 03 with ReaderT
-- Now we can combine a side effect while also asking for the config
getConfigRT :: ReaderT Config Effect String
getConfigRT = do
config <- ask
liftEffect (log "side effect!")
pure (getConfig config)
main03 :: Effect Unit
main03 = do
r <- runReaderT getConfigRT config
log r
where config = (Config " ***** fooR ***** ")
-- 04 with App as a newType
-- We start creating now a App Monad with the behaviours we want
newtype App a = App (ReaderT Config Effect a)
derive newtype instance bindApp ∷ Bind App
derive newtype instance applicativeApp ∷ Applicative App
derive newtype instance monadAskApp :: MonadAsk Config App
derive newtype instance monadEffectApp :: MonadEffect App
getConfigApp :: App String
getConfigApp = do
config <- ask
liftEffect (log "side effect!")
pure (getConfig config)
runApp :: forall a. App a -> Config -> Effect a
runApp (App readerT) c = runReaderT readerT c
main04 :: Effect Unit
main04 = do
r <- runApp getConfigApp config
log r
where config = (Config " ***** fooR ***** ")
-- 05 with constrains
-- Now we uncouple the functions from the app by
-- declaring what are the characteristics of the monad
-- where this function is going to execute, instead of the actual monad
-- so that we can add new things without changing the App monad types everywhere
newtype AppC a = AppC (ReaderT Config Effect a)
derive newtype instance bindAppC ∷ Bind AppC
derive newtype instance applicativeAppC ∷ Applicative AppC
derive newtype instance monadAskAppC :: MonadAsk Config AppC
derive newtype instance monadEffectAppC :: MonadEffect AppC
getConfigAppC :: forall m. MonadEffect m => MonadAsk Config m => m Unit
getConfigAppC = do
config <- ask
liftEffect (log (getConfig config))
runAppC :: forall a. AppC a -> Config -> Effect a
runAppC (AppC readerT) c = runReaderT readerT c
main05 :: Effect Unit
main05 = do
runAppC getConfigAppC config
where config = (Config " Show me ")
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Mind adding some highlighting to this gist by adding the ".purs" file extension?

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rlucha commented Jan 29, 2019

Sure :)

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Thanks. That makes it a bit easier to read.

I'm linking to this gist in my learning repo here:

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