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Created July 11, 2019 13:06
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Bayesian implementation of instrumental variable regression (using rstan)
# install rethinking library with instructions here:
# the structural model
# W: wages
# Q: quarter of year of birth
# E: education
# U: unobserved confound
the_dag <- dagitty("dag{
Q -> E -> W
E <- U -> W
coordinates(the_dag) <- list(x=c(Q=0,E=1,W=2,U=1.5),y=c(U=0,Q=1,E=1,W=1))
# find instruments
instrumentalVariables( the_dag , exposure="E" , outcome="W" )
# simulate
# bEW: effect of education on wages
bEW <- 0
N <- 500
U_sim <- rnorm( N )
Q_sim <- sample( 1:4 , size=N , replace=TRUE )
E_sim <- rnorm( N , U_sim + Q_sim )
W_sim <- rnorm( N , U_sim + bEW*E_sim )
dat_sim <- list(
W=standardize(W_sim) ,
E=standardize(E_sim) ,
Q=standardize(Q_sim) )
# standard regression of W on E (is biased by U)
m14.4 <- ulam(
W ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- aW + bEW*E,
aW ~ dnorm( 0 , 0.2 ),
bEW ~ dnorm( 0 , 0.5 ),
sigma ~ dexp( 1 )
) , data=dat_sim , chains=4 , cores=4 )
precis( m14.4 )
# instrumental variable regression (unbiased)
# note covariance between W and E measured by Rho[1,2]
m14.5 <- ulam(
c(W,E) ~ multi_normal( c(muW,muE) , Rho , Sigma ),
muW <- aW + bEW*E,
muE <- aE + bQE*Q,
c(aW,aE) ~ normal( 0 , 0.2 ),
c(bEW,bQE) ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 ),
Rho ~ lkj_corr( 2 ),
Sigma ~ exponential( 1 )
), data=dat_sim , chains=4 , cores=4 )
precis( m14.5 , depth=3 )
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