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Created August 12, 2024 16:37
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Olympics 2024 medal scaling by population
# medals per capita demonstration
d <- read.delim("medals_all.tsv")
# blank2()
d$Medals <- d$WeightedMedals
# d$Medals <- d$Gold + d$Silver + d$Bronze
d$Pop <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", d$Population))
# top 10 lists
# straight population
o <- order( -d$Medals/d$Pop )
# log population
o <- order( -d$Medals/log(d$Pop) )
# Now a model of diminishing returns that treats each person like a chance at a medal-winner. Chance is very low per person. Diminishing returns arise because large countries get duplicate winners.
dat <- list(
Medals = d$Medals,
n = d$Pop
# z is exponent on probability of being a medal-winner
# 1 - (1-p)^n is probability at least one of the n people is a winner
m0 <- ulam(
Medals ~ dgampois(exp(log_lambda),tau),
save> log_lambda <- a + log( 1 - (1-10^(-z))^n ),
tau ~ exponential(1),
a ~ normal(log(50),5),
z ~ normal(7,2)
), data=dat , chains=4 , cores=4 , constraints=list(z="lower=0") )
plot( log(d$Pop) , d$Medals , xlab="Log-Population" , ylab="Weighted medals" )
curve( 20*( 1-(1-10^(-7))^exp(x) ) , from=10 , to=25 , add=TRUE )
post <- extract.samples(m0)
plot( log(d$Pop) , d$Medals , xlab="Log-Population" , ylab="Weighted medals" )
points( log(d$Pop)[d$Country=="New Zealand"] , d$Medals[d$Country=="New Zealand"] , pch=16 , col="red" )
for ( i in 1:10 ) curve( exp(post$a[i])*( 1 - ( 1 - 10^(-post$z[i]) )^exp(x) ) , add=TRUE , col=col.alpha("red",0.6) )
identify( log(d$Pop) , d$Medals , labels=d$Country )
# each nation residual against population
ry <- sapply( 1:89 , function(i) d$Medals[i] - mean(post$log_lambda[,i]) )
plot( log(d$Pop) , ry , xlab="Log-Population" , ylab="residual medals" )
points( log(d$Pop)[d$Country=="New Zealand"] , ry[d$Country=="New Zealand"] , pch=16 , col="red" )
# order by residuals
o <- order( -ry )
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