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Created October 16, 2021 08:15
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Monte Carlo posterior predictive simulation
ani.saveqz <- function (list , dpi=150) {
if (missing(list))
list = animation:::.ani.env$.images
lapply(1:length(list), function(x) {
replayPlot( list[[x]] )
ani.pause() concat("frames/frame_",1000+x,".png") , type = "png", device = dev.cur(), dpi = dpi )
# posterior and prior predictive simulation
# uses globe tossing example
# sample: W L W W W L W L W (6 W, 3 L)
# left: posterior (prior)
# middle: sampling distribution and highlighted sample from a specific value of [left]
# right: accumulated samples from posterior (prior) predictive distribution
W <- 6
L <- 3
N <- W + L
a <- 1 + W #alpha of posterior
b <- 1 + L #beta of posterior
n_frames <- 500
pp <- rep(0,10) # 0 to 9 water observed
p <- NA
ani.record(reset = TRUE)
for ( f in 1:n_frames ) {
p_old <- p
p <- rbeta(1,a,b)
w <- rbinom(1,size=9,prob=p)
pp[w+1] <- pp[w+1] + 1
# flash cycle
gr <- 1:3
if ( f > 0 ) gr <- 4 # fast after first 50 frames
for ( g in gr ) {
par(cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3)
# sample from posterior
curve( dbeta(x,a,b) , from=0 , to=1 , xlab="proportion water" , ylab="" , bty="n" , lwd=3 , yaxt="n" , col=1 )
mtext("Posterior distribution")
if ( g==1 | g>3 )
lines( c(p,p) , c(0,dbeta(p,a,b)) , lwd=10 , col=col.alpha(2,0.4) )
lines( c(p,p) , c(0,dbeta(p,a,b)) , lwd=3 , col=2 )
# sampling distribution of binomial(size=9) for p
plot(NULL,xlim=c(0,9),ylim=c(0,dbinom(round(p*9),9,p)),bty="n",yaxt="n",xlab="number of water samples",ylab="",xaxt="n")
mtext("Predictive distribution for p")
for ( i in 0:9 ) {
if ( i==w & g>1 ) lines( c(i,i) , c(0,dbinom(i,9,p)) , lwd=10 , col=col.alpha(2,0.4) )
lines( c(i,i) , c(0,dbinom(i,9,p)) , lwd=3 , col=ifelse(i==w & g>1,2,1) )
# posterior predictive (accumulated)
plot(NULL,xlim=c(0,9),ylim=c(0,max(105,pp)),bty="n",yaxt="n",xlab="number of water samples",ylab="",xaxt="n")
mtext("Posterior predictive")
for ( i in 0:9 ) {
if ( i==w & g>2 ) lines( c(i,i) , c(0,pp[i+1]) , lwd=10 , col=col.alpha(2,0.4) )
lines( c(i,i) , c(0,pp[i+1]) , lwd=3 , col=ifelse(i==w & g>2,2,1) )
oopts = ani.options(interval = 0.1)
# ani.saveqz(dpi=150)
# convert -alpha remove -background white -delay 10 -loop 0 frame*.png post_predict_sim.gif
# convert -delay 10 post_predict_sim.gif post_predict_sim.gif
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