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Created January 22, 2022 14:28
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Copernican model with epicycles animation
# simulation of simple Kopernican model showing epicycle
my_circle <- function(x=0,y=0,r=1,angle=0,...) {
a <- seq(angle, angle + 2 * pi, length = 360)
lines( r*cos(a)+x , r*sin(a)+y , ... )
# plot(NULL,xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1,1)); my_circle(0,0,0.5,lty=2)
p2c <- function(a) c(cos(a) , sin(a))
# blank()
par(bg = 'black')
draw_kop_epi <- function(tx,history=FALSE,r1=1,r2=0.2,rays=FALSE,epi=FALSE,sun_x=-0.2) {
if ( history==TRUE ) {
xs <- rep(NA,tx)
ys <- rep(NA,tx)
for ( ttx in 1:tx ) {
xy <- p2c( k1[ttx] )*r1
xy2 <- xy + p2c( k2[ttx] )*r2
xs[ttx] <- xy2[1]
ys[ttx] <- xy2[2]
lines( xs , ys , lty=1 , lwd=2 , col=col.alpha(4,0.5) )
if ( epi==TRUE )
xy <- p2c( k1[tx] )*r1
if ( epi==TRUE ) {
my_circle( xy[1] , xy[2] , angle=k1[tx] , r=r2 , lty=2 , lwd=0.5 , col="white" )
xy2 <- xy + p2c( k2[tx] )*r2
points( xy2[1] , xy2[2] , pch=16 , col=4 , cex=2 ) # earth
points( sun_x , 0 , pch=16 , col="yellow" , cex=4 ) # sun
if ( rays==TRUE ) {
# lines from sun to earth
for ( j in 1:tx )
if ( j/25 == floor(j/25) ) {
xy <- p2c( k1[j] )*r1
xy2 <- xy + p2c( k2[j] )*r2
lines( c(sun_x,xy2[1]) , c(0,xy2[2]) , lwd=0.5 , col="yellow" , lty=2 )
mpts <- 300
k1 <- seq( 0 , 2 * pi , length = mpts)
k2 <- seq( 0 , 2 * 2 * pi , length = mpts )
ani.record(reset = TRUE) # clear history before recording
# first orbit without epicycles shown
for ( i in 1:length(k1) ) {
par(bg = 'black')
plot(c(-1, 1), c(-1, 1), type = "n", asp = 1, axes = FALSE,
xlab = "", ylab = "")
draw_kop_epi( i , history=TRUE , r1=1 , r2=0.1 , rays=FALSE , epi=FALSE )
ani.record() # record the current frame
par(bg = 'white')
# second orbit with epicycles
for ( i in 1:length(k1) ) {
par(bg = 'black')
plot(c(-1, 1), c(-1, 1), type = "n", asp = 1, axes = FALSE,
xlab = "", ylab = "")
draw_kop_epi( i , history=TRUE , r1=1 , r2=0.1 , rays=FALSE , epi=TRUE )
ani.record() # record the current frame
par(bg = 'white')
# third orbit with epicycles and sun segments
for ( i in 1:length(k1) ) {
par(bg = 'black')
plot(c(-1, 1), c(-1, 1), type = "n", asp = 1, axes = FALSE,
xlab = "", ylab = "")
draw_kop_epi( i , history=TRUE , r1=1 , r2=0.1 , rays=TRUE , epi=TRUE )
ani.record() # record the current frame
par(bg = 'white')
oopts = ani.options(interval = 0.02)
# ani.saveqz(dpi=150)
# convert -alpha remove -background white -delay 5 -loop 0 frame*.png kopernicus_epi.gif
# convert -delay 5 kopernicus_epi.gif kopernicus_epi.gif
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