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Created December 30, 2018 17:38
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Simple Hamiltonian Monte Carlo example, 1-dimensional Gaussian, location against time
HMC2 <- function (U, grad_U, epsilon, L, current_q , ... ) {
q = current_q
p = rnorm(length(q),0,1) # independent standard normal variates
current_p = p
# Make a half step for momentum at the beginning
p = p - epsilon * grad_U( q , ... ) / 2
# Alternate full steps for position and momentum
qtraj <- matrix(NA,nrow=L+1,ncol=length(q))
ptraj <- qtraj
qtraj[1,] <- current_q
ptraj[1,] <- p
for (i in 1:L)
# Make a full step for the position
q = q + epsilon * p
# Make a full step for the momentum, except at end of trajectory
if (i!=L) {
p = p - epsilon * grad_U(q,...)
ptraj[i+1,] <- p
qtraj[i+1,] <- q
# Make a half step for momentum at the end.
p = p - epsilon * grad_U(q,...) / 2
ptraj[L+1,] <- p
# Negate momentum at end of trajectory to make the proposal symmetric
p = -p
# Evaluate potential and kinetic energies at start and end of trajectory
current_U = U(current_q,...)
current_K = sum(current_p^2) / 2
proposed_U = U(q,...)
proposed_K = sum(p^2) / 2
# Accept or reject the state at end of trajectory, returning either
# the position at the end of the trajectory or the initial position
new_q <- q
accept <- 0
if (runif(1) < exp(current_U-proposed_U+current_K-proposed_K)) {
new_q <- q # accept
accept <- 1
} else
new_q <- current_q # reject
q = new_q,
traj = qtraj,
ptraj = ptraj,
accept = accept ) )
# U needs to return neg-log-probability
myU <- function( q , a=0 , b=1 ) {
U <- sum( dnorm(y,q[1],1,log=TRUE) ) + dnorm(q[1],a,b,log=TRUE)
return( -U )
# gradient function
# need vector of partial derivatives of U with respect to vector q
myU_grad <- function( q , a=0 , b=1 ) {
G <- sum( y - q[1] ) + (a - q[1])/b^2
return( -G ) # negative bc energy is neg-log-prob
library(rethinking) # for col.alpha
y <- abs(rnorm(50))
y <- c( y , -y )
priors <- list()
priors$a <- 0
priors$b <- 1
Q <- list()
ns <- 20
Q$q <- 0
q <- rep( NA , ns )
qt <- rep( NA, ns )
q[1] <- 0
qt[1] <- 1
L <- 20 # 20 for examples
eps <- 0.01 # 0.01 / 0.03
yr <- 0.25
plot( NULL , xlim=c(1,L*(ns-1)) , ylim=c(-yr,yr) , xlab="time" , ylab="position" , yaxt="n" )
axis( 2 , at=0 , label=0 )
# plot gaussian contour
# compute contour of log-prob
mu_seq <- seq(from=-0.45,to=0.45,length.out=50)
z1d <- matrix(NA,length(mu_seq),length(mu_seq))
for ( i in 1:length(mu_seq) )
for ( j in 1:length(mu_seq) )
z1d[i,j] <- myU( mu_seq[i] , a=priors$a , b=priors$b )
cl <- contourLines( mu_seq , 1:length(mu_seq) , z1d , nlevels=18 )
for ( i in 1:length(cl) ) abline( h=cl[[i]]$x[1] , col=col.alpha("black",0.5+abs(cl[[i]]$x[1])) , lwd=0.5+2*abs(cl[[i]]$x[1]) )
xt <- 1
for ( i in 2:ns ) {
Q <- HMC2( myU , myU_grad , eps , L , q[i-1] , a=priors$a , b=priors$b )
if ( Q$accept==1 ) {
q[i] <- Q$q
} else {
q[i] <- q[i-1]
xpts <- (1:(L+1))+xt-1
#lines( xpts , Q$traj , col="black" , lwd=2 )
for ( j in 1:length(Q$traj) ) lines( xpts[j:(j+1)] , Q$traj[j:(j+1)] , lwd=2*abs(Q$ptraj[j])+1 )
#points( xpts[2:L+1] , Q$traj[2:L+1] , pch=16 , col="white" , cex=0.3 )
points( xpts[L+1] , Q$traj[L+1] , pch=ifelse( Q$accept==1 , 16 , 2 ) , cex=1.2 )
xt <- xpts[L+1]
qt[i] <- xt
points( qt , q , col="white" , pch=16 , cex=0.7 )
text( -30 , -0.2 , "south" , xpd=TRUE )
text( -30 , 0.2 , "north" , xpd=TRUE )
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