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Forked from intrnl/bluesky-delete-all-post.ts
Last active December 15, 2024 13:55
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script to delete all posts from a Bluesky account from a specific domain
* # Bluesky Bulk Post Deletion Script
* This script logs into a Bluesky account and deletes all posts (feed records)
* that contain a specified domain in their facets or embeds. It employs a
* two-pronged approach to handle rate limits:
* 1. **Proactive Rate-Limit Avoidance**
* Uses a known hourly limit (5000 delete points/hour) to pace deletions and avoid
* hitting server limits directly. Once the threshold is approached, it waits until
* an hour has passed before resuming deletions.
* 2. **Reactive Rate-Limit Handling (Fallback)**
* If, despite the precautions, the server responds with a 429 (rate limit exceeded),
* the script parses the `ratelimit-reset` header and waits until that time before
* retrying the deletion batch.
* ## Key Parameters
* - `TARGET_DOMAIN`: The domain to search for within each post's facets, embed, or entities.
* - `DELETES_PER_BATCH`: Number of posts to delete per batch operation.
* - `MAX_DELETES_PER_HOUR`: Known hourly limit on deletions to avoid hitting the limit.
* - `SAFE_MARGIN`: A buffer below the max limit to start waiting early.
* - `DELAY_BETWEEN_BATCHES_MS`: A small delay between batches to spread out requests.
* ## How It Works
* 1. **Login:**
* Authenticates with the given `identifier` (handle) and `password`.
* 2. **Fetch Records:**
* Uses `listRecords` to retrieve all posts. For each record, it checks:
* - Facets (`facets[].features`) for a link facet referencing `TARGET_DOMAIN`.
* - Embeds (`embed.external.uri`) for the target domain.
* - Legacy entities (`entities`) for the target domain.
* 3. **Deletion Queue:**
* All matching posts are queued for deletion.
* 4. **Deleting in Batches:**
* The script divides the deletions into batches (200 by default).
* Before each batch:
* - Checks the number of deletions performed in the last hour. If approaching `MAX_DELETES_PER_HOUR`, waits until an hour is up since the first deletion before continuing.
* - Tries to delete the batch. If a rate limit error (429) occurs, waits until the specified `ratelimit-reset` time before retrying the batch.
* ## Setup
* 1. Install dependencies:
* ```bash
* npm install @atproto/api p-ratelimit
* ```
* 2. Replace `your-handle` and `your-password` with valid credentials.
* 3. Run:
* ```bash
* npx ts-node script-name.ts
* ```
* ## Notes
* - For very large numbers of posts, this process may take a long time due to rate limit constraints.
* - `VERBOSE` can be set to `true` for more detailed logging.
import { BskyAgent } from '@atproto/api';
import { pRateLimit } from 'p-ratelimit';
const VERBOSE = true;
const TARGET_DOMAIN = '';
// Known limits
const MAX_DELETES_PER_HOUR = 5000;
// Configure the batch size and delays
const DELETES_PER_BATCH = 200;
const DELAY_BETWEEN_BATCHES_MS = 5000; // 5 seconds between batches
const SAFE_MARGIN = 100; // Start pausing before we hit exactly 5000
(async () => {
const agent = new BskyAgent({ service: '' });
await agent.login({
identifier: 'Your-Account-Handle',
password: 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx',
console.log(`Logged in as ${agent.session!.handle} (${agent.session!.did})`);
const limit = pRateLimit({ concurrency: 3, interval: 1000, rate: 5 });
const getRecordId = (uri: string) => {
const idx = uri.lastIndexOf('/');
return uri.slice(idx + 1);
const chunked = <T>(arr: T[], size: number): T[][] => {
const chunks: T[][] = [];
for (let idx = 0; idx < arr.length; idx += size) {
chunks.push(arr.slice(idx, idx + size));
return chunks;
const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));
let deletes: any[] = [];
let cursor: string | undefined;
let batchCount = 0;
// Fetch posts and determine which to delete
do {
console.log(`Fetching records (cursor: ${cursor || 'none'})...`);
const response = await limit(() =>{
repo: agent.session!.did,
collection: '',
limit: 100,
reverse: true,
cursor =;
console.log(`Processing batch #${batchCount}, ${} records fetched`);
for (const record of {
if (VERBOSE) console.log(`\nChecking record URI: ${record.uri}`);
const val = record.value as any;
let found = false;
// Check facets for links
const facets = val?.facets || [];
for (const facet of facets) {
const features = facet.features || [];
for (const feature of features) {
if (feature.$type === 'app.bsky.richtext.facet#link' && feature.uri.includes(TARGET_DOMAIN)) {
if (VERBOSE) console.log(`Found target domain in facet link: ${feature.uri}`);
found = true;
if (found) break;
// Check embed if not found yet
if (!found && val?.embed) {
const embed = val.embed;
if (embed.$type === 'app.bsky.embed.external' && embed.external?.uri?.includes(TARGET_DOMAIN)) {
if (VERBOSE) console.log(`Found target domain in embed: ${embed.external.uri}`);
found = true;
// Check entities (legacy) if not found yet
if (!found && val?.entities && Array.isArray(val.entities)) {
for (const entity of val.entities) {
if (entity.type === 'link' && entity.value.includes(TARGET_DOMAIN)) {
if (VERBOSE) console.log(`Found target domain in entities link: ${entity.value}`);
found = true;
if (found) {
$type: 'com.atproto.repo.applyWrites#delete',
collection: '',
rkey: getRecordId(record.uri),
} while (cursor);
console.log(`\nFound ${deletes.length} posts containing '${TARGET_DOMAIN}'`);
if (deletes.length === 0) {
console.log('No posts to delete.');
const chunkedDeletes = chunked(deletes, DELETES_PER_BATCH);
console.log(`Deletion can be done in ${chunkedDeletes.length} batched operations`);
// Keep track of how many deletes we have performed in the current hour window
let hourWindowStart =;
let deletesThisHour = 0;
for (let idx = 0; idx < chunkedDeletes.length; idx++) {
const chunk = chunkedDeletes[idx];
// Check if adding this batch exceeds the hourly limit threshold
if (deletesThisHour + chunk.length > (MAX_DELETES_PER_HOUR - SAFE_MARGIN)) {
// We need to wait until an hour has passed since hourWindowStart
const now =;
const elapsed = now - hourWindowStart;
const oneHourMs = 3600000;
if (elapsed < oneHourMs) {
const waitTime = oneHourMs - elapsed;
console.log(`Approaching hourly limit. Waiting ${Math.ceil(waitTime / 60000)} minutes to reset.`);
await sleep(waitTime);
// Reset the hour window
hourWindowStart =;
deletesThisHour = 0;
console.log(`Deleting batch #${idx + 1} with ${chunk.length} posts...`);
// Implement a retry loop in case of rate limit errors
let success = false;
while (!success) {
try {
await limit(() =>{
repo: agent.session!.did,
writes: chunk,
console.log(`Batch operation #${idx + 1} completed`);
success = true;
} catch (error: any) {
if (error.status === 429) {
console.warn('Rate limit exceeded, checking headers to wait until reset...');
const resetTimeStr = error.headers?.['ratelimit-reset'];
let waitSeconds = 60; // default to 60s if no reset time provided
if (resetTimeStr) {
const resetTime = parseInt(resetTimeStr, 10);
const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
const diff = resetTime - now;
if (diff > 0) {
waitSeconds = diff;
console.log(`Waiting ${waitSeconds} seconds before retrying...`);
await sleep(waitSeconds * 1000);
console.log('Retrying this batch...');
} else {
console.error(`Error performing batch #${idx + 1}:`, error);
// For non-rate-limit errors, we may just break or handle differently
// If successful, increment counters
if (success) {
deletesThisHour += chunk.length;
// Small delay before next batch to spread out requests
} else {
// If not successful and we broke out, stop processing further
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