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Robin Mehner rmehner

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mudge / production.rb
Last active November 21, 2023 14:06
How to configure Rails and Rack::Attack to use the real client IP when running behind Cloudflare
Rails.application.configure do
# Add Cloudflare's IPs to the trusted proxy list so they are ignored when
# determining the true client IP.
# See and
config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies = ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::TRUSTED_PROXIES + %w[
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"env": {
"es6": true,
"node": true,
"browser": true
"ecmaFeatures": {
"modules": true,
"jsx": true
jvenator / gist:9672772a631c117da151
Last active February 19, 2025 19:15
PDFtk Server Install Workaround for Mac OS X

Installing PDFtk Server edittion on your Mac

This workaround install is necessary because PDFtk was pulled from homebrew-cask due to issues with it aggressively overwriting file permissions that could impact other installed libraries. See this homebrew-cask issue.
The following steps worked on Mac OS X 10.10.1 with a standard brew installation for the PDFtk Mac OS X server libary version 2.02.
All Terminal commands separated by a full line space. Some commands wrap into multiple lines.

Download and extract the Mac OS X server install pacakge

rmehner / delete-databases.js
Last active July 9, 2024 10:35
Delete all indexedDB databases
// Credit to @steobrien from
// for modern browsers, this works:
const dbs = await window.indexedDB.databases()
dbs.forEach(db => { window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase( })
// for older browsers, have a look at previous revisions of this gist.
Electron-libre / pg_array_hsotre_fix.rb
Created November 7, 2013 07:59
Include this snippet into your model in order to use hstore in array with postgres and rails 4.0 ( fix is pending on the rails side )
module PgArrayHstoreFix
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
before_save :serialize_array_hash
def serialize_array_hash
self.class.attribute_names.each do |attribute|
column_definition = self.column_for_attribute(attribute)
if column_definition.array && column_definition.type == :hstore

Guide to loading/error events and substates

In addition to the techniques described in the Asynchronous Routing Guide, the Ember Router provides powerful yet overridable conventions for customizing asynchronous transitions between routes by making use of error and loading substates.

loading substates

jed /
Last active February 27, 2025 16:31
How to set up stress-free SSL on an OS X development machine

How to set up stress-free SSL on an OS X development machine

One of the best ways to reduce complexity (read: stress) in web development is to minimize the differences between your development and production environments. After being frustrated by attempts to unify the approach to SSL on my local machine and in production, I searched for a workflow that would make the protocol invisible to me between all environments.

Most workflows make the following compromises:

  • Use HTTPS in production but HTTP locally. This is annoying because it makes the environments inconsistent, and the protocol choices leak up into the stack. For example, your web application needs to understand the underlying protocol when using the secure flag for cookies. If you don't get this right, your HTTP development server won't be able to read the cookies it writes, or worse, your HTTPS production server could pass sensitive cookies over an insecure connection.

  • Use production SSL certificates locally. This is annoying

fabiofl / gist:5873100
Created June 27, 2013 00:41
Clear Mac OS X's icon cache.
sudo find /private/var/folders/ -name -exec rm {} \;
NV /
Last active January 7, 2025 08:28
Prepend the debugger statement to a function as easy as stopBefore('Element.prototype.removeChild'). Works in Chrome DevTools and Safari Inspector, doesn’t work in Firebug‘s and Firefox Developer Tools‘ console (I don’t know why). Works as a standalone script everywhere.


2min screencast


stopBefore(document, 'getElementById')
stopBefore('document.getElementById') // the same as the previous
stopBefore(Element.prototype, 'removeChild')

Devise / Warden Tagged logging

I wrote a middleware (actually two, but they do the same with different implementations) that logs information about signed in scopes in a Rails + Devise application. The solution works with multiple logins (like having a person logged both as an Admin and a User). I tested against Rails 4 and Devise HEAD, but it should work fine in any Rails 3 application.

This solution doesn't use the log_tags configuration option since it isn't very helpful when you need to retrieve information stored in cookies/session. That information isn't 'ready' when the Rails::Rack::Logger is executed, since it happens way down in the middleware chain.

Add one of the following implementations to your application load path and use the following configuration to add the middleware to your application stack:

# application.rb