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Created October 19, 2015 16:29
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Play Framework DynamoDB Json
object DynamoReader {
def typeReader[A](f: (JsObject => JsResult[A])) = new Reads[A] {
def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[A] = json match {
case obj: JsObject => f(obj)
case _ => JsError(Seq(JsPath() -> Seq(ValidationError("error.expected.jsobject"))))
object DynamoString {
val reads: Reads[String] = DynamoReader.typeReader[String](x => (x \ "S").validate[String])
val writes = new Writes[String] {
override def writes(o: String): JsValue = Json.obj("S" -> o)
object DynamoNumber {
val longReads: Reads[Long] = DynamoReader.typeReader[Long](x => (x \ "N").validate[String].map(_.toLong))
val longWrites = new Writes[Long] {
override def writes(o: Long): JsValue = Json.obj("N" -> JsString(o.toString))
object DynamoBoolean {
val reads: Reads[Boolean] = DynamoReader.typeReader[Boolean](x => (x \ "BOOL").validate[Boolean])
val writes = new Writes[Boolean] {
override def writes(o: Boolean): JsValue = Json.obj("BOOL" -> o)
case class Sample(someString: String, someLong: Long, optionalBoolean: Option[Boolean])
object Sample {
implicit val reads: Reads[Sample] = (
(JsPath \ "some_string").read[String](DynamoString.reads) and
(JsPath \ "some_long").read[Long](DynamoNumber.longReads) and
(JsPath \ "optional_bool").readNullable[Boolean](DynamoBoolean.reads)
)(Sample.apply _)
implicit val writes: Writes[Sample] = (
(JsPath \ "some_string").write[String](DynamoString.writes) and
(JsPath \ "some_long").write[Long](DynamoNumber.longWrites) and
(JsPath \ "optional_bool").writeNullable[Boolean](DynamoBoolean.writes)
class DynamoDBWSSample(credProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider, ws: WSAPI, config: Configuration) {
val conf = config.underlying
val serviceUrl = conf.getString("dynamoDB.url")
val serviceName = conf.getString("dynamoDB.serviceName")
val serviceRegion = conf.getString("dynamoDB.serviceRegion")
val awsPlayWSSigner = (wsReq: WSRequest, signer: Aws4Signer) => AwsRequestHolder(wsReq, signer).execute()
//Must be a function so that instances of the class don't cache the credentials from the provider.
val awsSigner = (credProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider) => {
val credentials = credProvider.getCredentials
new Aws4Signer(AwsCredentials(credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId, credentials.getAWSSecretKey), serviceName, serviceRegion)
val dynamoWSSigner = (wsReq: WSRequest) => awsPlayWSSigner(wsReq, awsSigner(credProvider))
val dynamoWSRequest = ws.url(serviceUrl).withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "application/x-amz-json-1.0").withMethod("POST")
val dynamoPutItem = (data: JsObject) => dynamoWSSigner(dynamoWSRequest.withHeaders("x-amz-target" -> "DynamoDB_20120810.PutItem").withBody(data))
val dynamoGetItem = (data: JsObject) => dynamoWSSigner(dynamoWSRequest.withHeaders("x-amz-target" -> "DynamoDB_20120810.GetItem").withBody(data))
val dynamoDeleteItem = (data: JsObject) => dynamoWSSigner(dynamoWSRequest.withHeaders("x-amz-target" -> "DynamoDB_20120810.DeleteItem").withBody(data))
val dynamoQueryItem = (data: JsObject) => dynamoWSSigner(dynamoWSRequest.withHeaders("x-amz-target" -> "DynamoDB_20120810.Query").withBody(data))
//Once the DynamoFunction Helpers are created, executing signed dynamo requests is not much harder than using the SDK itself...
def findSample(someString: String): Future[Option[Sample]] = {
val req = Json.obj(
"TableName" -> "",
"Key" -> Json.obj("some_string" -> Json.obj("S" -> someString)),
"ReturnConsumedCapacity" -> "NONE",
"ConsistentRead" -> true
dynamoGetItem(req).map { response =>
if (response.status == 200) {
(response.json \ "Item").as[JsObject].validate[Sample].asOpt
} else {
//TODO: ....
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rmmeans commented Oct 19, 2015

The goal of this gist is to show how one might integrate with DynamoDB using the WS library and this library to sign the requests:

I've provided a couple of read / writers for the different dynamo types. This list is by no means complete - but it shows you how you can handle the different dynamo types while still using Play's built in read / write converters into scala case classes with ease.

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