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Created January 25, 2021 16:27
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""" Class object and functions for creating, training, and evaluating PPO agents
using the TensorFlow Agents API. """
# Native Python imports
import os
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import pickle
# TensorFlow and tf-agents
from tf_agents.environments import gym_wrapper, tf_py_environment
from tf_agents.replay_buffers import tf_uniform_replay_buffer
from tf_agents.trajectories import trajectory
import tf_agents.trajectories.time_step as ts
from tf_agents.utils import common
from tf_agents.policies.policy_saver import PolicySaver
# Other external packages
import cv2 as cv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# Custom modules
from utils import ObservationWrapper, video_summary, make_agent
from envs.multi_car_racing import MultiCarRacing
# Get GPUs
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
# If a virtual frame buffer is needed
from xvfbwrapper import Xvfb
# Hyperparameters and flags for agent(s), training, and environment
SIZE = (64, 64) # Dimensions of the RGB observation window for agents
NUM_FRAMES = 1 # Number of frames in the observation
NUM_CHANNELS = 1 # Number of color channels - 3 for RGB, 1 for grayscale
NORMALIZE = True # Set pixel range from [0, 255] --> [0, 1]
H_RATIO = 0.25 # Height ratio used for experiments
NUM_AGENTS = 2 # The number of cars in the environment
USE_SEPARATE_AGENTS = True # Whether to use N PPO agents
USE_SELF_PLAY = False # Whether to use a single, master PPO agent
assert (int(USE_SEPARATE_AGENTS) + int(USE_SELF_PLAY) < 2)
USE_TENSORBOARD = True # Whether to plot loss, returns, and trajectories to tb
ADD_TO_VIDEO = True # Whether or not to create .avi videos from training/eval
USE_CLI = False # Whether to use command-line arguments for hyperparameters
USE_EGO_COLOR = True # Whether to use ego-car color for rendering observations
BACKWARDS_FLAG = True # Render a flag whenever a car is driving backwards
DIRECTION = 'CCW' # Default direction for OpenAI gym track
USE_RANDOM_DIRECTION = True # Whether to use randomly-generated track direction
LR = 8e-5 # Learning rate for PPO agent
USE_LSTM = False # Boolean for whether to use an LSTM for actor/value nets # TODO(rms): Fix spec/tensor mismatch
NUM_EVAL_EPISODES = 5 # Number of episodes to evaluate each evaluation interval
EVAL_STEPS_PER_EPISODE = 1000 # Evaluation steps per evaluation episode
EVAL_INTERVAL = 100 # How many training episodes between each evaluation episode
TOTAL_EPOCHS = 20000 # Total training episodes
TOTAL_STEPS = 1e7 # Total of training steps to take from trajectories
COLLECT_STEPS_PER_EPISODE = 1000 # Steps per training episode
EXPERIMENT_NAME = "frame_stack_self_play_{}" # Directory for models and logging
USE_XVFB = False # If true, wraps main() in a virtual frame buffer
EPSILON = 0.0 # Probability of selecting greedy action
SAVE_INTERVAL = 500 # Save policies every SAVE_INTERVAL epochs
LOG_INTERVAL = 1 # Log metrics/results to tensorboard every LOG_INTERVAL epochs
class PPOTrainer:
""" Class object for training and evaluating PPO agents.
A PPO Deep Reinforcement Learning trainer object using TensorFlow Agents.
Uses PPO agent objects with TensorFlow environments to train agent(s) to
maximize their reward(s) in their environment(s).
ppo_agent (PPOAgent): A PPO agent used for learning in the
environment env.
train_env (tf env): A TensorFlow environment that the agent interacts
with via the neural networks. Used for creating training
trajectories for the agent, and for optimizing its networks.
eval_env (tf env): A TensorFlow environment that the agent interacts
with via the neural networks. Used for evaluating the performance
of the agent.
size (tuple): The observation width and height for the agent. Defaults
to (96, 96).
normalize (bool): Whether or not to normalize observations from
[0, 255] --> [0, 1].
num_frames (int): The number of frames to use for the agent(s)'s
observations. If num_frames > 1, frame stacking is used.
Defaults to 1.
num_channels (int): The number of channels to use for observations.
use_tensorboard (bool): Whether or not to run training and
evaluation with tensorboard. Defaults to True.
add_to_video (bool): Whether or not to create videos of the agent's
training and save them as videos. Defaults to True.
use_separate_agents (bool): Whether or not to train with N different PPO
agents (where N is the number of cars). Defaults to False.
use_self_play (bool): Whether or not to train with one master
PPO agent to control all cars. Defaults to False.
num_agents (int): The number of cars used to train the agent(s) in
this environment. Defaults to 2.
use_lstm (bool): Whether LSTM-based actor and critic neural networks
are used for the PPO agent. Defaults to False.
experiment_name (str): A name for the experiment where policies and
summary statistics will be stored in the local filesystem.
collect_steps_per_iteration (int): The number of time steps collected
in each trajectory of training for the PPO agent(s). Defaults to
total_epochs (int): The number of episodes the PPO agent is trained
for. Defaults to 1000.
total_steps (int): The total number of training steps the PPO agent is
trained for. Defaults to 1e6.
eval_steps_per_episode (int): The maximum number of time steps in an
evaluation episode. Defaults to 1000.
eval_interval (int): The number of training episodes between each
subsequent evaluation period of the PPO agent. Defaults to 100.
num_eval_episodes (int): The number of evaluation episodes in each
evaluation period. Defaults to 5.
epsilon (float): Probability of selecting actions using a greedy policy
for a given episode during training. Nonzero values can be used to
reduce domain adaptation when transferring from collect to eval
save_interval (int): The policy is saved every save_interval number of
training epochs. Defaults to 500.
log_interval (int): Metrics and results are logged to tensorboard
(if enabled) every log_interval epochs.
def __init__(self, ppo_agents, train_env, eval_env, size=(96, 96),
normalize=True, num_frames=1, num_channels=3,
use_tensorboard=True, add_to_video=True,
use_separate_agents=False, use_self_play=False,
num_agents=2, use_lstm=False, experiment_name="",
collect_steps_per_episode=1000, total_epochs=1000,
total_steps=1e6, eval_steps_per_episode=1000,
eval_interval=100, num_eval_episodes=5, epsilon=0.0,
save_interval=500, log_interval=1):
# Environment attributes
self.train_env = train_env # Environment for training
self.eval_env = eval_env # Environment for testing
# Observation attributes
self.size = size
self.H, self.W = self.size[0], self.size[1] # Observation width/height
self.normalize = normalize
self.num_frames = num_frames
self.num_channels = num_channels
self.use_separate_agents = use_separate_agents # Use N PPO agents (one for each car)
self.use_self_play = use_self_play # Use one master PPO agent
self.use_lstm = use_lstm # Whether agents maintain an LSTM
self.num_agents = num_agents # The number of cars in this environment
# Specifics of training
self.max_buffer_size = collect_steps_per_episode # Entire memory buffer
self.collect_steps_per_episode = collect_steps_per_episode # Fill buffer
self.epochs = total_epochs # Total number of episodes
self.total_steps = total_steps # Total training stips
self.global_step = 0 # Global step count
self.epsilon = epsilon # Probability of using greedy policy
print("Total steps: {}".format(self.total_steps))
# Create N different PPO agents
if use_separate_agents and self.num_agents > 1:
self.agents = ppo_agents # Use copies
for agent in self.agents:
agent.initialize() # Initialize all copied agents
self.actor_nets = [self.agents[i]._actor_net \
for i in range(self.num_agents)]
self.value_nets = [self.agents[i]._value_net \
for i in range(self.num_agents)]
self.eval_policies = [self.agents[i].policy \
for i in range(self.num_agents)]
self.collect_policies = [self.agents[i].collect_policy \
for i in range(self.num_agents)]
self.replay_buffer = tf_uniform_replay_buffer.TFUniformReplayBuffer(
max_length=self.max_buffer_size) # Create shared replay buffer
# Create a single PPO agent
self.agent = ppo_agents
self.actor_net = self.agent._actor_net
self.value_net = self.agent._value_net
self.eval_policy = self.agent.policy
self.collect_policy = self.agent.collect_policy
self.replay_buffer = tf_uniform_replay_buffer.TFUniformReplayBuffer(
# Create observation wrapper(s)
if self.num_agents > 1: # Need N observation wrappers
self.observation_wrappers = \
[ObservationWrapper(size=self.size, normalize=self.normalize,
for i in range(self.num_agents)]
else: # Single observation wrapper for single car
self.observation_wrapper = ObservationWrapper(size=self.size,
# Evaluation
self.num_eval_episodes = num_eval_episodes # num_episodes to evaluate
# Track evaluation performance for all PPO agents
if self.use_separate_agents:
self.eval_returns = [[] for i in range(self.num_agents)]
# Track evaluation performance over a single agent
self.eval_returns = []
self.eval_interval = eval_interval # Evaluate every <x> epochs
self.max_eval_episode_steps = eval_steps_per_episode # Steps in episode
# Logging
self.time_ext ="%Y%m%d-%H%M")
self.log_interval = log_interval
# For creating AVI videos
self.video_train = []
self.video_eval = []
self.add_to_video = add_to_video
self.FPS = 50 # Frames per second
# Save training and evaluation policies
self.policy_save_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "models",
self.save_interval = save_interval
if not os.path.exists(self.policy_save_dir):
print("Directory {} does not exist;"
" creating it now".format(self.policy_save_dir))
os.makedirs(self.policy_save_dir, exist_ok=True)
if self.use_separate_agents:
# Get train and evaluation policies
self.train_savers = [PolicySaver(self.collect_policies[i],
batch_size=None) for i in
self.eval_savers = [PolicySaver(self.eval_policies[i],
batch_size=None) for i in
# Get train and evaluation policy savers
self.train_saver = PolicySaver(self.collect_policy, batch_size=None)
self.eval_saver = PolicySaver(self.eval_policy, batch_size=None)
# Tensorboard
self.log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "logging",
self.tb_file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(self.log_dir)
if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir):
os.makedirs(self.log_dir, exist_ok=True)
self.use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard # Use tensorboard for plotting
# Set width and height
self.size = size
self.H, self.W = self.size
# Total frames to use for tensorboard
self.stacked_channels = self.num_channels * self.num_frames
# For creating tensorboard gif videos
if self.use_tensorboard:
self.tb_gif_train = np.zeros((self.collect_steps_per_episode,
self.num_agents, self.H, self.W,
self.tb_gif_eval = np.zeros((self.max_eval_episode_steps,
self.num_agents, self.H, self.W,
# Devices
local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices()
num_gpus = len([ for x in local_device_protos if
x.device_type == 'GPU'])
self.use_gpu = num_gpus > 0
def is_last(self, mode='train'):
""" Check if a time step is the last time step in an episode/trajectory.
Checks the current environment (selected according to mode) using the
tf-agents API to see if the time step is considered 'last'
(time_step.step_type = 2).
mode (str): Whether to check if the 'train' environment or 'eval'
environment is currently on its last time step for an episode.
Defaults to 'train' (the training environment).
is_last (bool): A boolean for whether the time step is last for any
of the cars.
# Check if on the last time step
if mode == 'train':
step_types = self.train_env.current_time_step().step_type.numpy()
elif mode == 'eval':
step_types = self.eval_env.current_time_step().step_type.numpy()
# See if any time steps are 'last'
is_last = bool(min(np.count_nonzero(step_types == 2), 1))
return is_last
def get_agent_timesteps(self, time_step, step=0,
only_ego_car=False, ego_car_index=0, max_steps=1000):
""" Create time step(s) for agent(s) that can be used with tf-agents.
Helper function for computing the time step for a specific agent.
Takes the action and observation corresponding to the input car index,
and creates a time step using these reward and observation slices. When
adding trajectories to the replay buffer, this ensures that the data
added is only with one car at a time.
This function is used as a wrapper for mapping time steps to a format
that can be used for action selection by agents.
time_step (tf-agents TimeStep): A tf-agents object consisting of
a step type, reward, discount factor, and observation.
step (int): An integer denoting the current time step count. Used \
only to check if this is on the first time step of collecting
an episode. Defaults to 0.
only_ego_car (bool): Whether to gather a time step for only the
'ego car' (the car currently being trained/evaluated). Defaults
to False.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
max_steps (int): The maximum number of steps an episode can be.
Defaults to 1000.
agent_ts (tf-agents TimeStep): Returns a tf-agents time step with
the appropriate observation and reward slices. This can be
for all agents (if only_ego_car is set to False), or for all the
cars (if only_ego_car is set to True).
# Extract discount and step type and convert to tf-tensors
discount =
if len(discount.numpy().shape) > 1 or discount.numpy().shape[0] > 1:
discount = discount[0]
discount = tf.convert_to_tensor(discount, dtype=tf.float32,
# Set step type (same for all agents)
if step == 0: # Start time step
step_type = 0
elif step == max_steps-1: # Last time step
step_type = 2
else: # Middle time step
step_type = 1
step_type = tf.convert_to_tensor([step_type], dtype=tf.int32,
# Extract rewards for all agents
R = [tf.convert_to_tensor(time_step.reward[:, car_id],
dtype=tf.float32, name='reward') \
for car_id in range(self.num_agents)]
R = [tf.convert_to_tensor(time_step.reward,
dtype=tf.float32, name='reward') \
for _ in range(self.num_agents)]
# Extract time step for ego agent only
if only_ego_car:
processed_observation = \
self._process_observations(time_step, only_ego_car=only_ego_car,
return ts.TimeStep(step_type, R[ego_car_index], discount,
dtype=tf.float32, name='observations'))
processed_observations = \
self._process_observations(time_step, only_ego_car=only_ego_car,
return [ts.TimeStep(step_type, R[car_id], discount,
dtype=tf.float32, name='observations'))
for car_id in range(self.num_agents)]
def _process_observations(self, time_step, only_ego_car=False,
"""Helper function for processing observations for multi-agent and
multi-frame configurations.
time_step (tf-agents TimeStep): A tf-agents object consisting of
a step type, reward, discount factor, and observation.
only_ego_car (bool): Whether to gather a time step for only the
'ego car' (the car currently being trained/evaluated). Defaults
to False.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
processed_observation (tf.Tensor): Tensor corresponding to the
processed observation across all the observing agents.
# Extract time step for ego agent only
if only_ego_car:
input_observation = time_step.observation[:, ego_car_index]
if self.num_agents > 1: # Multi-car
wrapper = self.observation_wrappers[ego_car_index]
else: # Single car
wrapper = self.observation_wrapper
# Process observations
processed_observation = wrapper.get_obs_and_step(input_observation)
return tf.convert_to_tensor(processed_observation, dtype=tf.float32,
# Extract a list of time steps for all cars
input_observations = [time_step.observation[:, car_id] for
car_id in range(self.num_agents)]
if self.num_agents > 1: # Multi-car
processed_observations = \
for wrapper, input_observation in
zip(self.observation_wrappers, input_observations)]
else: # Single car
processed_observations = \
return [tf.convert_to_tensor(processed_observations[car_id],
dtype=tf.float32, name='observations')
for car_id in range(self.num_agents)]
def collect_step(self, step=0, ego_car_index=0, use_greedy=False,
"""Take a step in the training environment and add it to replay buffer
for training PPO agent(s).
Function for collecting a single time step from the environment. Used
for adding trajectories to the replay buffer that are used to train the
agent(s). Resets on the first time step - indicating the start of a
new episode.
step (int): The current step of the episode. Important for
determining whether or not the environment needs to be reset
and for tracking the training trajectories in tensorboard
(if tensorboard plotting is enabled). Defaults to 0.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
use_greedy (bool): Whether or not the agent's greedy policy is used.
Defaults to False.
add_to_video (bool): Whether to add the current time step
observations to a video that is saved to the local filesystem
(i.e. not tensorboard). Defaults to False.
reward (int): The reward for the 'ego car'.
# Get current time step
time_step = self.train_env.current_time_step()
# Create empty list of actions
actions = []
# Extract all individual agent time steps
agent_timesteps = self.get_agent_timesteps(time_step, step=step,
# Determine which policy to use for ego agent
if self.use_separate_agents:
ego_agent_policy = self.collect_policies[ego_car_index]
ego_agent_policy = self.collect_policy
# Iterate through cars and select actions
for car_id in range(NUM_AGENTS):
# If the current policy is used to select action
if car_id == ego_car_index:
ego_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
ego_action_step = ego_agent_policy.action(ego_agent_ts)
if use_greedy:
actions.append(['loc']) # Greedy mean
actions.append(ego_action_step.action) # Noisy mean
# Add observation to video, if enabled
if self.add_to_video:
rendered_state = time_step.observation[:, car_id].numpy()
if self.stacked_channels > 3: # Frame stacking
rendered_state = rendered_state[:, :, :, :3] # First frame
# Select greedy action for other cars from N-1 policies
elif self.use_separate_agents:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
action_step = self.eval_policies[car_id].action(other_agent_ts)
# Select greedy action for other cars from one master policy
elif self.use_self_play:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
action_step = self.eval_policy.action(other_agent_ts)
# Or add all observations using tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
processed_observations = self._process_observations(time_step,
self.tb_gif_train[step] = tf.convert_to_tensor(processed_observations)
# Create the tf action tensor
action_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([tf.stack(tuple(actions), axis=1)])
# Step train env for next ts, and get next time step for ego agent agent
next_time_step = self.train_env.step(action_tensor)
ego_agent_next_ts = self.get_agent_timesteps(next_time_step, step=step+1,
# Create trajectory for ego car and write it to replay buffer
traj = trajectory.from_transition(ego_agent_ts, ego_action_step,
# Add observation to video, if enabled
if add_to_video:
rendered_state = time_step.observation[:, ego_car_index].numpy()
if self.num_frames > 1: # Frame stacking
rendered_state = rendered_state[:, :, :, :3] # First frame
return float(ego_agent_ts.reward)
def collect_episode(self, epoch=0, ego_car_index=0, add_to_video=False):
""" Collect a trajectory of experience for training the agent(s).
Function for generating experience data for the replay buffer.
Calls collect_step() above to add trajectories from the environment to
the replay buffer in an episodic fashion. Trajectories from the replay
buffer are then used for training the agent using PPO actor-critic
optimization approaches.
epoch (int): The current epoch of training. Used for tracking
the training trajectories in tensorboard (if tensorboard
plotting is enabled). Defaults to 0.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
add_to_video (bool): Whether to add the current time step
observations to a video that is saved to the local filesystem
(i.e. not tensorboard). Defaults to False.
episode_reward = 0 # Placeholder reward
step = 0 # Placeholder step count
# Reset the environment
# Decide whether to use training or greedy policy for this episode
use_greedy = float(np.random.binomial(n=1, p=self.epsilon))
# Iteratively call collect_step to add trajectories to replay buffer
while step < self.collect_steps_per_episode and \
not self.is_last(mode='train'):
episode_reward += self.collect_step(add_to_video=add_to_video,
step=step, use_greedy=use_greedy,
step += 1
# Update global step count when training is finished
self.global_step += step
# Log average training return to tensorboard and create video gif
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("Average Training Reward", float(episode_reward),
frames = self.tb_gif_train
video_summary("train/grid", frames, fps=self.FPS,
step=self.global_step, channels=self.num_channels)
# Reset the tensorboard gif array
self.tb_gif_train = np.zeros((self.collect_steps_per_episode,
self.num_agents, self.H, self.W,
def compute_average_reward(self, ego_car_index=0):
""" Compute average reward for agent(s) using greedy policy and
evaluation environments.
Function for computing the average reward over a series of evaluation
episodes by creating simulation episodes using the agent's current
policies, then computing rewards from taking actions using the
evaluation (greedy) policy and averaging them.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
episode_return (float): A float representing the average reward
over the interval of episodes which the agent's policies are
total_return = 0.0 # Placeholder reward
# Evaluation loop
for e in range(self.num_eval_episodes):
time_step = self.eval_env.reset()
# Initialize step counter and episode_return
i = 0
episode_return = 0.0
while i < self.max_eval_episode_steps and \
not self.is_last(mode='eval'):
# Create empty list of actions
actions = []
# Get all agent time steps
agent_timesteps = self.get_agent_timesteps(time_step, step=i)
# Iterate through cars and select actions
for car_id in range(self.num_agents):
# If the current policy is used to select an action
if car_id == ego_car_index: # Ego agent ts and video frame
ego_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
rendered_state = ego_agent_ts.observation.numpy()
if self.num_frames > 1: # Frame stacking
rendered_state = rendered_state[..., :3] # First frame
if self.use_separate_agents: # Use N different PPO agents
ego_action_step = self.eval_policies[car_id].action(ego_agent_ts)
actions.append(ego_action_step.action) # Greedy policy
elif self.use_self_play: # Use one master PPO agent
ego_action_step = self.eval_policy.action(ego_agent_ts)
actions.append(ego_action_step.action) # Greedy policy
# Select greedy action for other cars from N-1 policies
elif self.use_separate_agents:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
action_step = self.eval_policies[car_id].action(other_agent_ts)
# Select greedy action for other cars from one master policy
elif self.use_self_play:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
action_step = self.eval_policy.action(other_agent_ts)
# Create the tf action tensor
action_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([tf.stack(tuple(actions),
# Step through with all actions
time_step = self.eval_env.step(action_tensor)
# Or add all observations using tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
processed_observations = self._process_observations(time_step,
self.tb_gif_eval[i] = tf.convert_to_tensor(processed_observations)
episode_return += ego_agent_ts.reward # Add to reward
if i % 250 == 0:
action = ego_action_step.action.numpy()
print("Action: {}, "
"Reward: {}".format(action, episode_return))
i += 1
print("Steps in episode: {}".format(i))
total_return += episode_return
avg_return = total_return / self.num_eval_episodes
# If using tensorboard, create video
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
video_summary("eval/grid".format(car_id), self.tb_gif_eval,
fps=self.FPS, step=self.global_step,
# Reset the tensorboard gif array
self.tb_gif_eval = np.zeros((self.max_eval_episode_steps,
self.num_agents, self.H, self.W,
print("Average return: {}".format(avg_return))
# Append to aggregate returns
if self.use_separate_agents: # Computing the reward over multiple PPO agents
else: # Only one PPO agent to consider
return avg_return
def collect_step_lstm(self, step=0, ego_car_index=0, add_to_video=False,
""" Take a step in the training environment and add it to replay buffer
for training PPO agent(s). Uses LSTM-based actor and critic neural
Function for collecting a single time step from the environment. Used
for adding trajectories to the replay buffer that are used to train the
agent(s). Resets on the first time step - indicating the start of a
new episode.
step (int): The current step of the episode. Important for
determining whether or not the environment needs to be reset
and for tracking the training trajectories in tensorboard
(if tensorboard plotting is enabled). Defaults to 0.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
use_greedy (bool): Whether or not the agent's greedy policy is used.
Defaults to False.
add_to_video (bool): Whether to add the current time step
observations to a video that is saved to the local filesystem
(i.e. not tensorboard). Defaults to False.
policy_states (dict): A dictionary mapping agent ID(s) to policy
states, in this case, LSTM hidden states.
reward (int): The reward for the 'ego car'.
# Get current time step
time_step = self.train_env.current_time_step()
# Create empty list of actions and next policy states
actions = []
next_policy_states = {}
# Extract all individual agent time steps
agent_timesteps = self.get_agent_timesteps(time_step, step=step,
# Determine which policy to use for ego agent
if self.use_separate_agents:
ego_agent_policy = self.collect_policies[ego_car_index]
ego_agent_policy = self.collect_policy
# Iterate through cars and select actions
for car_id in range(self.num_agents):
# If the current policy is used to select action
if car_id == ego_car_index:
ego_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
if self.use_separate_agents:
ego_policy_step = ego_agent_policy.action(
ego_agent_ts, policy_states[car_id])
ego_policy_step = self.collect_policy.action(ego_agent_ts,
if use_greedy:
actions.append(['loc']) # Greedy mean
actions.append(ego_action_step.action) # Noisy mean
policy_state = ego_policy_step.state
# Add observation to video, if enabled
if self.add_to_video:
rendered_state = time_step.observation[:, car_id].numpy()
if self.num_frames > 1: # Frame stacking
rendered_state = rendered_state[..., :3] # First frame
# Select greedy action for other cars from N-1 policies
elif self.use_separate_agents:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
policy_step = self.eval_policies[car_id].action(other_agent_ts, policy_states[car_id])
policy_state = policy_step.state
actions.append(policy_step.action) # Add action to agent tensor
# Select greedy action for other cars from one master policy
elif self.use_self_play:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
policy_step = self.eval_policy.action(other_agent_ts, policy_states[car_id])
policy_state = policy_step.state
# Add the new policy state for each agent
next_policy_states[car_id] = policy_state # Get next policy state
# Or add all observations using tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
processed_observations = self._process_observations(time_step,
self.tb_gif_train[step] = tf.convert_to_tensor(processed_observations)
# Create the tf action tensor
action_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([tf.stack(tuple(actions), axis=1)])
# Step train env for next ts, and get next ts for ego agent agent
next_time_step = self.train_env.step(action_tensor)
ego_agent_next_ts = self.get_agent_timesteps(next_time_step,
step=step + 1,
# Create trajectory for ego car and write it to replay buffer
traj = trajectory.from_transition(ego_agent_ts, ego_policy_step,
# Add observation to video, if enabled
if add_to_video:
rendered_state = time_step.observation[:, ego_car_index].numpy()
if self.num_frames > 1: # Frame stack
rendered_state = rendered_state[:, :, :, 3] # First frame
return next_policy_states, float(ego_agent_ts.reward)
def reset_policy_states(self, ego_car_index=0, mode='train'):
""" Reset the policy state(s) of the PPO agent(s).
Function for resetting the policy state(s) of the PPO agent(s) by
resetting the hidden states of the LSTMs for the actor and critic
neural networks. Note that this function is only applicable for
LSTM-based policies.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
mode (str): Whether to check if the 'train' environment or 'eval'
environment is currently on its last time step for an episode.
Defaults to 'train' (the training environment).
policy_states (dict): A dictionary mapping agent ID(s) to policy
states, in this case, LSTM hidden states.
if mode == 'train':
if self.use_separate_agents:
policy_states = {car_id: self.eval_policies[car_id].get_initial_state(
self.train_env.batch_size) for car_id in range(self.num_agents)}
policy_states[ego_car_index] = self.collect_policies[
policy_states = {car_id: self.eval_policy.get_initial_state(self.train_env.batch_size)
for car_id in range(self.num_agents)}
policy_states[ego_car_index] = self.collect_policy.get_initial_state(
elif mode == 'eval':
if self.use_separate_agents:
policy_states = {
car_id: self.eval_policies[car_id].get_initial_state(
self.eval_env.batch_size) for car_id in
policy_states = {car_id: self.eval_policy.get_initial_state(
self.eval_env.batch_size) for car_id in
return policy_states
def collect_episode_lstm(self, epoch=0, ego_car_index=0, add_to_video=False):
""" Collect a trajectory of experience for training the agent(s). Used
for LSTM-based agents.
Function for generating experience data for the replay buffer.
Calls collect_step() above to add trajectories from the environment to
the replay buffer in an episodic fashion. Trajectories from the replay
buffer are then used for training the agent using PPO actor-critic
optimization approaches. This function should only be used for
LSTM-based policies.
epoch (int): The current epoch of training. Used for tracking
the training trajectories in tensorboard (if tensorboard
plotting is enabled). Defaults to 0.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
add_to_video (bool): Whether to add the current time step
observations to a video that is saved to the local filesystem
(i.e. not tensorboard).
# Get initial policy states for agents
policy_states = self.reset_policy_states(ego_car_index=ego_car_index)
episode_reward = 0 # Placeholder reward
step = 0 # Placeholder time step count
# Reset the environment
# Decide whether to use training or greedy policy for this episode
use_greedy = float(np.random.binomial(n=1, p=self.epsilon))
while step < self.collect_steps_per_episode and \
not self.is_last(mode='train'):
if step % 1000 == 0:
print("Step number: {}".format(step))
policy_states, ego_reward = self.collect_step_lstm(add_to_video=add_to_video,
step=step, use_greedy=use_greedy,
# Update reward and step counter
episode_reward += ego_reward
step += 1
# Update global step count when training is finished
self.global_step += step
# Log average training return to tensorboard and create eval gif
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("Average Training Reward", float(episode_reward),
frames = self.tb_gif_train
video_summary("train/grid", frames, fps=self.FPS,
# Reset the tensorboard gif array
self.tb_gif_train = np.zeros((self.collect_steps_per_episode,
self.num_agents, self.H, self.W,
def compute_average_reward_lstm(self, ego_car_index=0):
""" Compute average reward for agent(s) using greedy policy and
evaluation environments.
Function for computing the average reward over a series of evaluation
episodes by creating simulation episodes using the agent's current
policies, then computing rewards from taking actions using the
evaluation (greedy) policy and averaging them.
ego_car_index (int): An integer between [0, NUM_AGENTS-1] indicating
which observation and reward slices that will be taken from the
overall time step. Defaults to 0.
episode_return (float): A float representing the average reward
over the interval of episodes which the agent's policies are
total_return = 0.0
# Evaluation loop
for _ in range(self.num_eval_episodes):
time_step = self.eval_env.reset()
# Initialize step counter and episode_return
i = 0
episode_return = 0.0
# Get initial policy states for agents
policy_states = self.reset_policy_states(ego_car_index=ego_car_index,
while i < self.max_eval_episode_steps and \
not self.is_last(mode='eval'):
# Create empty list of actions
actions = []
# Get all agent time steps
agent_timesteps = self.get_agent_timesteps(time_step, step=i)
# Iterate through cars and select actions
for car_id in range(NUM_AGENTS):
# If a current policy is used to select an action
if car_id == ego_car_index: # Ego agent ts and video frame
ego_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
rendered_state = ego_agent_ts.observation.numpy()
if self.num_frames > 1: # Frame stacking
rendered_state = rendered_state[..., :3] # First frame
if self.use_separate_agents: # Use N different PPO agents
ego_policy_step = self.eval_policies[car_id].action(ego_agent_ts,
actions.append(ego_policy_step.action) # Greedy policy
elif self.use_self_play: # Use one master PPO agent
ego_policy_step = self.eval_policy.action(ego_agent_ts,
actions.append(ego_policy_step.action) # Greedy policy
policy_state = ego_policy_step.state
# Select greedy action for other cars from N-1 policies
elif self.use_separate_agents:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
policy_step = self.eval_policies[car_id].action(other_agent_ts,
policy_state = policy_step.state
# Select greedy action for other cars from one master policy
elif self.use_self_play:
other_agent_ts = agent_timesteps[car_id]
policy_step = self.eval_policy.action(other_agent_ts,
policy_state = policy_step.state
# Update policy states for next step
policy_states[car_id] = policy_state
# Create the tf action tensor
action_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([tf.stack(tuple(actions), axis=1)])
# Step through with all actions
time_step = self.eval_env.step(action_tensor)
# Or add all observations using tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
processed_observations = self._process_observations(time_step,
self.tb_gif_eval[i] = tf.convert_to_tensor(processed_observations)
episode_return += ego_agent_ts.reward # Add to reward
if i % 250 == 0:
action = ego_policy_step.action.numpy()
print("Action: {}, "
"Reward: {}".format(action, episode_return))
print("POLICY STATES: {}".format(
[np.sum(policy_states[i]) for i
in range(self.num_agents)]))
i += 1
print("Steps in episode: {}".format(i))
total_return += episode_return
avg_return = total_return / self.num_eval_episodes
# If using tensorboard, create video
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
video_summary("eval/grid".format(car_id), self.tb_gif_eval,
fps=self.FPS, step=self.global_step,
# Reset the tensorboard gif array
self.tb_gif_eval = np.zeros((self.max_eval_episode_steps,
self.num_agents, self.H, self.W,
print("Average return: {}".format(avg_return))
# Append to aggregate returns
if self.use_separate_agents: # Computing the reward over multiple PPO agents
else: # Only one PPO agent to consider
return avg_return
def train_agent(self):
""" Train the PPO agent using PPO actor-critic optimization and
trajectories gathered from the replay buffer.
Function for training a PPO tf-agent using trajectories from the replay
buffer. Does initial evaluation of the agent prior to training, and
then iterates over epochs of the following procedure:
a. Collect an episode of data, and write the trajectories to the
replay buffer.
b. Train from the trajectories on the replay buffer. Updates the
weights of the actor and value networks.
c. Empty the replay buffer.
d. (If enabled) Save data to disk for tensorboard.
e. Depending on epoch number and the evaluation and logging
intervals, evaluate the agent or log information.
agent (PPO agent): The PPO agent trained during the training
process. If using multiple agents, returns all trained agents.
eval_epochs = []
# Optimize by wrapping some of the code in a graph using TF function.
if self.use_separate_agents:
for car_id in range(self.num_agents):
self.agents[car_id].train = common.function(self.agents[car_id].train)
self.agent.train = common.function(self.agent.train)
# Compute pre-training returns
if self.use_lstm:
avg_return = self.compute_average_reward_lstm(ego_car_index=0)
avg_return = self.compute_average_reward(ego_car_index=0)
# Log average training return to tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("Average Eval Reward", float(avg_return),
# Append for output plot, create video, and empty eval video array
self.create_video(mode='eval', ext=0)
self.video_eval = [] # Empty to create a new eval video
returns = [avg_return]
# Reset the environment time step and global and episode step counters
time_step = self.train_env.reset()
step = 0
i = 0
# Training loop
for i in range(self.epochs):
# Train for maximum number of steps
if self.global_step >= self.total_steps:
print("Reached the end of training with {} training steps".format(self.global_step))
# Set the agent index for the ego car for this epoch
ego_car_index = i % self.num_agents
print("Training epoch: {}".format(i))
# Collect trajectories for current ego car (rotates each epoch)
print("Collecting episode for car with ID {}".format(ego_car_index))
# Reset the old training video
self.video_train = []
# Collect data for car index i % self.num_agents
if self.use_lstm:
self.collect_episode_lstm(epoch=i, ego_car_index=ego_car_index)
self.collect_episode(epoch=i, ego_car_index=ego_car_index)
print("No LSTM")
# Create a training episode video every 100 episodes
if i % 100 == 0 and self.add_to_video:
self.create_video(mode='train', ext=i) # Create video of training
print("Collected Episode")
# Whether or not to do an optimization step with the GPU
if self.use_gpu:
device = '/gpu:0'
device = '/cpu:0'
# Do computation on selected device above
with tf.device(device):
# Gather trajectories from replay buffer
trajectories = self.replay_buffer.gather_all()
# Train on N different PPO agents
if self.use_separate_agents:
# Take training step - with observations and rewards of ego agent
train_loss = self.agents[ego_car_index].train(experience=trajectories)
# Log loss to tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("Training Loss Agent {}".format(ego_car_index),
step=self.global_step // self.num_agents)
# Step the counter, and log/evaluate agent
step = self.agents[ego_car_index].train_step_counter.numpy()
# Train on a single PPO agent
# Take training step - with observations and rewards of ego agent
train_loss = self.agent.train(experience=trajectories)
# Log loss to tensorboard
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("Training Loss",
float(train_loss.loss), step=self.global_step)
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
if self.global_step % self.log_interval == 0:
print('step = {0}: loss = {1}'.format(self.global_step,
if i % self.eval_interval == 0:
# Compute average return
if self.use_lstm:
avg_return = self.compute_average_reward_lstm(ego_car_index=ego_car_index)
avg_return = self.compute_average_reward(ego_car_index=ego_car_index)
# Log average eval return to tensorboard and store it
if self.use_tensorboard:
with self.tb_file_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("Average Eval Reward",
eval_epochs.append(i + 1)
'epoch = {0}: Average Return = {1}'.format(step, avg_return))
if self.add_to_video:
self.create_video(mode='eval', ext=i)
self.video_eval = [] # Empty to create a new eval video
# Save checkpoints every save_interval epochs
if i % self.save_interval == 0 and i != 0:
print("Epochs: {}".format(i))
# Clear the replay buffer for the next episode
# At the end of training, return the agent(s)
if self.use_separate_agents:
return self.agents
return self.agent
def create_video(self, mode='eval', ext=0, ego_car_index=0):
""" Creates .avi videos of the agents' observations during training
and evaluation.
Function for creating .avi videos for viewing episodes from agent
training and evaluation. Saves frames stored in the video arrays to
a sequential .avi video inside the logging directory.
mode (str): The mode 'train' or 'eval' in which the class creates
a video. Pulls from self.video_train or self.video_eval,
ext (str): The extension, denoting the episode and, if there
are multiple agents, the agent numbers.
ego_car_index (int): The integer car id index corresponding to
the ego agent.
# Select mode to create video in
if mode == 'eval': # Plot episode from evaluation
video = self.video_eval
elif mode == 'train': # Plot episode from training
video = self.video_train
# Check if video is zero length, and get sizes
if len(video) == 0:
raise AssertionError("Video is empty.")
print("Number of frames in video: {}".format(len(video)))
obs_size = video[0].shape
width = np.uint(obs_size[-3])
height = np.uint(obs_size[-2])
channels = np.uint(obs_size[-1])
print("HEIGHT IS: {}, WIDTH IS: {}, CHANNELS IS: {}".format(width, height, channels))
# Videowriter objects for OpenCV
fourcc = cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
out_file = os.path.join(self.log_dir,
".avi".format(mode, ext, ego_car_index))
out = cv.VideoWriter(out_file, fourcc, self.FPS, (width, height))
# Add frames to output video
for i in range(len(video)):
img_rgb = cv.cvtColor(np.uint8(255 * video[i][0]),
cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Save as RGB image
def plot_eval(self):
""" Plots average evaluation returns for an agent over time.
Creates a matplotlib plot for the average evaluation returns for each
agent over time. This file is saved to the 'policy_save_dir', as
specified in the constructor.
if self.use_separate_agents: # Make graphs for N separate agents
for car_id in range(self.num_agents):
# TODO(rms): How to plot for multiple agents?
xs = [i * self.eval_interval for
i in range(len(self.eval_returns[car_id]))]
plt.plot(xs, self.eval_returns[car_id])
plt.xlabel("Training epochs")
plt.ylabel("Average Return")
plt.title("Average Returns as a Function "
"of Training (Agent {})".format(car_id))
save_path = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir,
print("Created plot of returns for agent {}...".format(car_id))
xs = [i * self.eval_interval for i in range(len(self.eval_returns))]
plt.plot(xs, self.eval_returns)
plt.xlabel("Training epochs")
plt.ylabel("Average Return")
plt.title("Average Returns as a Function of Training")
save_path = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "eval_returns.png")
def save_policies(self, epochs_done=0, is_final=False):
""" Save PPO policy objects to the local filesystem.
Using the PolicySaver(s) defined in the trainer constructor, this
function saves the training and evaluation policies according to
policy_save_dir as specified in the constructor.
epochs_done (int): The number of epochs completed in the
training process at the time this save function is called.
# If final, just use 'FINAL'
if is_final:
epochs_done = "FINAL"
# Multiple PPO agents
if self.use_separate_agents:
# Iterate through training policies and save each of them
for i, train_saver in enumerate(self.train_savers):
if custom_path is None:
train_save_dir = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "train",
train_save_dir = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "train",
if not os.path.exists(train_save_dir):
os.makedirs(train_save_dir, exist_ok=True)
print("Training policies saved...")
# Iterate through eval policies
for i, eval_saver in enumerate(self.eval_savers):
eval_save_dir = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "eval",
if not os.path.exists(eval_save_dir):
os.makedirs(eval_save_dir, exist_ok=True)
print("Eval policies saved...")
# Master PPO agent
# Save training policy
train_save_dir = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "train",
if not os.path.exists(train_save_dir):
os.makedirs(train_save_dir, exist_ok=True)
print("Training policy saved...")
# Save eval policy
eval_save_dir = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "eval",
if not os.path.exists(eval_save_dir):
os.makedirs(eval_save_dir, exist_ok=True)
print("Eval policy saved...")
# Save parameters in a file
agent_params = {'normalize_obs': self.train_env.normalize,
'use_lstm': self.use_lstm,
'frame_stack': self.use_multiple_frames,
'num_frame_stack': self.env.num_frame_stack,
'obs_size': self.size}
# Save as pkl parameter file
params_path = os.path.join(self.policy_save_dir, "parameters.pkl")
with open(params_path, "w") as pkl_file:
pickle.dump(agent_params, pkl_file)
def load_saved_policies(self, eval_model_path=None, train_model_path=None):
""" Load from policies stored in the local filesystem.
Loads saved policies for an agent, depending on what paths are
specified in the function call. This method sets the agent's
policies to be the new policies that are loaded below.
eval_model_path (str): A file path (relative or absolute) to the
directory containing the policy that will be loaded as the
evaluation policy of the agent.
train_model_path (str): A file path (relative or absolute) to the
directory containing the policy that will be loaded as the
training policy of the agent.
# Load evaluation and/or training policies from path
if eval_model_path is not None:
self.eval_policy = tf.saved_model.load(eval_model_path)
print("Loading evaluation policy from: {}".format(eval_model_path))
if train_model_path is not None:
self.collect_policy = tf.saved_model.load(train_model_path)
print("Loading training policy from: {}".format(train_model_path))
def parse_args():
"""Argument-parsing function for running this code."""
# Create command line args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Environment behavior
parser.add_argument("-n", "--num_agents", default=2, type=int,
help="Number of cars in the environment.")
parser.add_argument("-size", "--size", required=False,
help="The width and height of the observation window.")
parser.add_argument("-direction", "--direction", type=str, default='CCW',
help="Direction in which agents traverse the track.")
parser.add_argument("-random_direction", "--use_random_direction",
required=False, action='store_true',
help="Whether agents are trained/evaluated on "
"both CW and CCW trajectories across the track.")
parser.add_argument("-backwards_flag", "--backwards_flag", required=False,
help="Whether to render a backwards flag indicator when "
"an agent drives on the track backwards.")
parser.add_argument("-h_ratio", "--h_ratio", type=float, default=0.25,
help="Default height location fraction for where car"
"is located in observation upon rendering.")
parser.add_argument("-ego_color", "--use_ego_color", required=False,
action="store_true", default="Whether to render each "
"ego car in the same color.")
# MARL behavior
parser.add_argument("-self_play", "--use_self_play",
required=False, action="store_true",
help="Flag for whether to use a single master PPO agent.")
parser.add_argument("-n_agents", "--use_separate_agents",
required=False, action="store_true",
help="Flag for whether to use a N PPO agents.")
# Learning behavior
parser.add_argument("-epochs", "--total_epochs", default=1000, type=int,
help="Number of epochs to train agent over.")
parser.add_argument("-steps", "--total_steps", type=int, default=10e6,
help="Total number of training steps to take.")
parser.add_argument("-collect_episode_steps", "--collect_steps_per_episode",
default=1000, type=int,
help="Number of steps to take per collection episode.")
parser.add_argument("-eval_episode_steps", "--eval_steps_per_episode",
default=1000, type=int,
help="Number of steps to take per evaluation episode.")
parser.add_argument("-eval_interval", "--eval_interval", default=10,
help="Evaluate every time epoch % eval_interval = 0.")
parser.add_argument("-eval_episodes", "--num_eval_episodes", default=5,
help="Evaluate over eval_episodes evaluation episodes.")
parser.add_argument("-lr", "--learning_rate", default=5e-8, type=float,
help="Learning rate for PPO agent(s).")
parser.add_argument("-lstm", "--use_lstm", required=False, action="store_true",
help="Flag for whether to use LSTMs on actor and critic"
"networks of the PPO agent.")
parser.add_argument("-eps", "--epsilon", type=float, default=0.0,
help="Probability of training on the greedy policy for a"
"given episode")
# Logging behavior
parser.add_argument("-si", "--save_interval", default=10, type=int,
help="Save policies every time epoch % eval_interval = 0.")
parser.add_argument("-li", "--log_interval", default=1, type=int,
help="Log results every time epoch % eval_interval = 0.")
parser.add_argument("-tb", "--use_tensorboard", required=False,
action="store_true", help="Log with tensorboard as well.")
parser.add_argument("-add_to_video", "--add_to_video", required=False,
help="Whether to save trajectories as videos.")
# Directories
parser.add_argument("-exp_name", "--experiment_name", type=str,
default="experiment_{}", required=False,
help="Name of experiment (for logging).")
# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Display CLI choices and return
print("Your selected training parameters: \n {}".format(vars(args)))
return args
def main():
""" Main function for creating a PPO agent and training it on the
multi-player OpenAI Gym Car Racing simulator.
if USE_XVFB: # Headless render\
wrapper = Xvfb()
# Read in arguments from command line.
# Parse args
args = parse_args()
# Create gym training environment using wrapper
gym_train_env = MultiCarRacing(num_agents=args.num_agents,
# Create gym evaluation environment using wrapper
gym_eval_env = MultiCarRacing(num_agents=args.num_agents,
# Use global default parameters
# Create gym training environment using wrapper
gym_train_env = MultiCarRacing(num_agents=NUM_AGENTS, direction=DIRECTION,
h_ratio=H_RATIO, use_ego_color=USE_EGO_COLOR)
# Create gym evaluation environment using wrapper
gym_eval_env = MultiCarRacing(num_agents=NUM_AGENTS, direction=DIRECTION,
gym_train_env.observation_space.dtype = np.float32 # For Conv2D data input
gym_eval_env.observation_space.dtype = np.float32 # For Conv2D data input
# Now create Python environment from gym env
py_train_env = gym_wrapper.GymWrapper(gym_train_env) # Gym --> Py
py_eval_env = gym_wrapper.GymWrapper(gym_eval_env) # Gym --> Py
# Create training and evaluation TensorFlow environments
tf_train_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(py_train_env) # Py --> Tf
tf_eval_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(py_eval_env) # Py --> Tf
# Display environment specs
print("Observation spec: {} \n".format(tf_train_env.observation_spec()))
print("Action spec: {} \n".format(tf_train_env.action_spec()))
print("Time step spec: {} \n".format(tf_train_env.time_step_spec()))
# Read in arguments from command line.
# Instantiate and initialize a single agent for car(s)
agents = make_agent(tf_train_env, lr=self.learning_rate,
use_lstm=self.use_lstm, size=args.size,
# Otherwise, make N agents for N cars
agents = []
for i in range(NUM_AGENTS):
agents.append(make_agent(tf_train_env, lr=args.learning_rate,
use_lstm=args.use_lstm, size=args.size,
# Instantiate the trainer
trainer = PPOTrainer(agents, tf_train_env, tf_eval_env, size=args.size,
normalize=args.normalize, num_frames=args.num_frames,
num_agents=args.num_agents, use_lstm=args.use_lstm,
# Use global default parameters
# Instantiate and initialize a single agent for car(s)
agents = make_agent(tf_train_env, lr=LR, use_lstm=USE_LSTM,
size=SIZE, num_frames=NUM_FRAMES,
# Otherwise, make N agents for N cars
agents = []
for i in range(NUM_AGENTS):
agents.append(make_agent(tf_train_env, lr=LR, use_lstm=USE_LSTM,
size=SIZE, num_frames=NUM_FRAMES,
# Instantiate the trainer
trainer = PPOTrainer(agents, tf_train_env, tf_eval_env, size=SIZE,
normalize=NORMALIZE, num_frames=NUM_FRAMES,
num_agents=NUM_AGENTS, use_lstm=USE_LSTM,
total_epochs=TOTAL_EPOCHS, total_steps=TOTAL_STEPS,
eval_interval=EVAL_INTERVAL, epsilon=EPSILON,
print("Initialized agent, beginning training...")
# Train agent, and when finished, save model
trained_agent = trainer.train_agent()
# Plot the total returns for all agents
print("Training finished; saving agent...")
print("Policies saved.")
if USE_XVFB: # Headless render
if __name__ == "__main__":
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