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Last active May 17, 2024 02:03
Quickly and easily deploy an Eleventy Static Site to GitHub Pages with a custom domain

Deploying an Eleventy Static Site to GitHub Pages with a custom domain

Quickly and easily deploy an Eleventy Static Site to GitHub Pages with an optional custom domain.


  1. Use or create a new Eleventy project and commit and push it to a GitHub repo.
  2. In the root folder of your Eleventy project create a new file and copy the contents into it and on the commandline run chmod +x
  3. Edit your package.json file adding "deploy": "./" into the bottom of the scripts: section.

(Optional) Custom domain

  1. Create a new file .gh-pages in the root of your project containing your custom domain (without https://): e.g.
  2. Go to your domain providers settings and add a new DNS entry for your custom domain:
    • Type: CNAME
    • Name:
    • Target:


Run npm run deploy and after a couple of minutes your Eleventy project should be live at either: or on your custom domain:

Run the same command again to update.

set -e
npm run build
rm -Rf /tmp/_site
mkdir /tmp/_site
cp -R .git /tmp/_site/
pushd /tmp/_site/
set +e
git branch -D gh-pages &>/dev/null
set -e
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset
[ -f ".gh-pages" ] && cp .gh-pages /tmp/_site/CNAME
pushd _site
cp -R * /tmp/_site/
pushd /tmp/_site/
git add -A
git commit -m 'Deploy site'
git push --force --no-verify --set-upstream origin gh-pages
rm -Rf /tmp/_site
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