A handcrafted collection of 3D convex hull implementations.
- QuickHull3D: A Robust 3D Convex Hull Algorithm in Java. O(n log(n)) complexity, works with double precision
- C++ implementation of the 3D QuickHull algorithm. O(n log(n)) complexity. Can be included as header.
- CGAL library convex hull based on quickhull. O(n log(n)) complexity. Require building/installation of CGAL. Static version works faster than dynamic.
- Incremental convex hull in C++. O(n^2) complexity.
- S-hull: a fast sweep-hull routine for Delaunay triangulation in C++. O(n log(n)) complexity. Require library building/installation.
- Qhull. Performance is balanced in the sense that the average case happens on average. For more details re