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My computer is so slow it hertz.

Arnaud Ferreri rnaud

My computer is so slow it hertz.
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The PiSugar2 is a battery board for the Raspberry Pi Zero. It has an integrated RTC chip available over I2C, but there are no drivers included in the kernel with the latest release of the pwnagotchi (or Kali in general). It's a ZXW Shenzhen SD3078; there is surprisingly little information out there about this chip. I suspect it's newish.

The PiSugar folks expect you to install Pisugar Power Manager, which is a web service to get battery status and set the RTC. I prefer to use the standard hwclock utility, because I don't need the extra function in the web interface. There is driver support for this chip in kernels 5.1 or newer, so we can grab that and compile it as an out of tree module. You may be able to adapt these ins

kerlin / get_workers.rb
Last active November 17, 2021 02:03
Calling the Workday API in Ruby with Savon
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Example Ruby CLI script to retrieve worker data from Workday
# Call on command line with worker id; prints worker name
# add "request" or "response" after worker id and prints the
# outgoing xml or received hash and exits.
# Using Savon version 2 for the SOAP client (2.11.2)
# Savon defaults to making the message tag the same as the operation name
nickbudi /
Last active August 15, 2024 19:54
Budi's Counter-Strike: Global Offensive config

Budi's CS:GO Config

This is my constantly updated CS:GO autoexec config. Changelogs can be found under revisions here

Put autoexec.cfg in ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg or take what you want from it and add to your autoexec config!

After the Wild West Simulator 2015 update, video.txt needs to be put in ...\Steam\userdata\<Steam3 ID>\730\local\cfg

Launch Options

stackng / rails content_for caching
Created March 29, 2011 06:30
make action and fragment caching of rails3 compatible with content_for
module ActionController
class Metal
attr_internal :cached_content_for
module Caching
module Actions
def _save_fragment(name, options)
return unless caching_allowed?
stakes / attribute_serializer.rb
Created February 24, 2011 20:11
Attribute Serializer with dynamic finders
module AttributeSerializer
module ActiveRecordExtensions
module ClassMethods
def serializeable(serialized, serialized_accessors={})
serialize serialized, serialized_accessors.class
serialized_attr_accessor serialized, serialized_accessors
psychemedia / Cross Domain JQuery with Yahoo Pipes Proxy
Created February 27, 2010 12:20
Make cross domain JSON calls in JQuery for JSON feeds that don't support JSONP. Using a Yahoo Pipe as a proxy, pass in the URI for your JSON feed from any domain, and grab the Pipe's JSONP proxy output into your page.
function cross_domain_JSON_call(url){
// url points to a JSON feed
// eg
function(data) { myCallbackFunction(data.value.items[0]); }