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Last active August 20, 2020 00:14
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PDF bookmarks for "Machine Learning Yearning (Draft Version) - Andrew Ng" (LaTeX)

PDF bookmarks for "Machine Learning Yearning (Draft Version) - Andrew Ng" (LaTeX)

This gist contains out.tex, a tex file that adds a PDF outline ("bookmarks") to the freely available pdf file of the book

Machine Learning Yearning: Technical Strategy for AI Engineers In the Era of Deep Learning (Draft Version), by Andrew Ng

available from

The bookmarks allow to navigate the contents of the book while reading it on a screen.


  • complete form at
  • download Ng-MLY01-13.pdf from the email url (this code may not work for newer versions of the file)
  • download out.tex into the same folder as Ng-MLY01-13.pdf
  • compile as pdflatex out.tex
  • rename the resulting output file out.pdf to e.g. Machine Learning Yearning - Andrew Ng.pdf

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% Usage:
% * input email information at:
% * using url from email, download 'Ng-MLY01-13.pdf'
% * store this file as 'out.tex', and compile as 'pdflatex out.tex'
% * rename output file to e.g.
% 'Machine Learning Yearning - Andrew Ng.pdf'
pdftitle={Machine Learning Yearning (Draft Version)},
pdfauthor={Andrew Ng},
pdfsubject={Machine Learning},
pdfkeywords={machine learning},
\bookmark[page=3,level=0]{Table of Contents}
\bookmark[page=6,level=0]{1 Why Machine Learning Strategy}
\bookmark[page=8,level=0]{2 How to use this book to help your team}
\bookmark[page=9,level=0]{3 Prerequisites and Notation}
\bookmark[page=10,level=0]{4 Scale drives machine learning progress}
\bookmark[page=14,level=0]{5 Your development and test sets}
\bookmark[page=17,level=0]{6 Your dev and test sets should come from the same distribution}
\bookmark[page=19,level=0]{7 How large do the dev/test sets need to be?}
\bookmark[page=20,level=0]{8 Establish a single-number evaluation metric for your team to optimize}
\bookmark[page=22,level=0]{9 Optimizing and satisficing metrics}
\bookmark[page=24,level=0]{10 Having a dev set and metric speeds up iterations}
\bookmark[page=25,level=0]{11 When to change dev/test sets and metrics}
\bookmark[page=27,level=0]{12 Takeaways: Setting up development and test sets}
\bookmark[page=29,level=0]{13 Build your first system quickly, then iterate}
\bookmark[page=30,level=0]{14 Error analysis: Look at dev set examples to evaluate ideas}
\bookmark[page=32,level=0]{15 Evaluating multiple ideas in parallel during error analysis}
\bookmark[page=34,level=0]{16 Cleaning up mislabeled dev and test set examples}
\bookmark[page=36,level=0]{17 If you have a large dev set, split it into two subsets, only one of which you look at}
\bookmark[page=38,level=0]{18 How big should the Eyeball and Blackbox dev sets be?}
\bookmark[page=40,level=0]{19 Takeaways: Basic error analysis}
\bookmark[page=42,level=0]{20 Bias and Variance: The two big sources of error}
\bookmark[page=44,level=0]{21 Examples of Bias and Variance}
\bookmark[page=46,level=0]{22 Comparing to the optimal error rate}
\bookmark[page=49,level=0]{23 Addressing Bias and Variance}
\bookmark[page=50,level=0]{24 Bias vs. Variance tradeoff}
\bookmark[page=51,level=0]{25 Techniques for reducing avoidable bias}
\bookmark[page=52,level=0]{26 Error analysis on the training set}
\bookmark[page=53,level=0]{27 Techniques for reducing variance}
\bookmark[page=56,level=0]{28 Diagnosing bias and variance: Learning curves}
\bookmark[page=59,level=0]{29 Plotting training error}
\bookmark[page=60,level=0]{30 Interpreting learning curves: High bias}
\bookmark[page=62,level=0]{31 Interpreting learning curves: Other cases}
\bookmark[page=63,level=0]{32 Plotting learning curves}
\bookmark[page=66,level=0]{33 Why we compare to human-level performance}
\bookmark[page=68,level=0]{34 How to define human-level performance}
\bookmark[page=69,level=0]{35 Surpassing human-level performance}
\bookmark[page=71,level=0]{36 When you should train and test on different distributions}
\bookmark[page=73,level=0]{37 How to decide whether to use all your data}
\bookmark[page=75,level=0]{38 How to decide whether to include inconsistent data}
\bookmark[page=76,level=0]{39 Weighting data}
\bookmark[page=77,level=0]{40 Generalizing from the training set to the dev set}
\bookmark[page=79,level=0]{41 Identifying Bias, Variance, and Data Mismatch Errors}
\bookmark[page=81,level=0]{42 Addressing data mismatch}
\bookmark[page=82,level=0]{43 Artificial data synthesis}
\bookmark[page=85,level=0]{44 The Optimization Verification test}
\bookmark[page=87,level=0]{45 General form of Optimization Verification test}
\bookmark[page=88,level=0]{46 Reinforcement learning example}
\bookmark[page=91,level=0]{47 The rise of end-to-end learning}
\bookmark[page=93,level=0]{48 More end-to-end learning examples}
\bookmark[page=95,level=0]{49 Pros and cons of end-to-end learning}
\bookmark[page=97,level=0]{50 Choosing pipeline components: Data availability}
\bookmark[page=99,level=0]{51 Choosing pipeline components: Task simplicity}
\bookmark[page=103,level=0]{52 Directly learning rich outputs}
\bookmark[page=106,level=0]{53 Error analysis by parts}
\bookmark[page=109,level=0]{54 Attributing error to one part}
\bookmark[page=111,level=0]{55 General case of error attribution}
\bookmark[page=113,level=0]{56 Error analysis by parts and comparison to human-level performance}
\bookmark[page=115,level=0]{57 Spotting a flawed ML pipeline}
\bookmark[page=118,level=0]{58 Building a superhero team}
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