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Last active December 30, 2024 20:57
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fuck you, program!


Need to kill a program? Make it fun.

$ fuck you firefox
(╯°□°)╯ firefox

This script uses pkill. It should work on OS X and probably NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Solaris. It looks like at least some Linux distributions also include a Solaris-compatible pkill, so it may work there too. YMMV.

It also uses bash. Alternatives exist for Windows, fish, and zsh.

Shamelessly stolen from this tweet.


Run the following command in your shell:

curl | bash

You'll have to log out and back in (or close and reopen your Terminal/iTerm/whatever) for $PATH to be picked up automatically. Alternatively, you can force your shell to reread the path:

$ . .bash_profile
# fuck you, program!
# If ~/bin doesn't exist, make that first
if [ ! -d ~/bin ]; then
mkdir ~/bin
# If they already have a ~/bin/fuck for some reason, move
# that out of the way and inform the user
if [ -x ~/bin/fuck ]; then
mv ~/bin/fuck ~/bin/fuck.bak.fuckyoufirefox
echo "Moved ~/bin/fuck to ~/bin/fuck.bak.fuckyoufirefox"
# Add ~/bin to the user's $PATH
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
# Create ~/bin/fuck
cat >~/bin/fuck <<EOF
# fuck you, program!
# stolen from
if [ -z "\$2" ]; then
echo "usage: fuck you <program>"
if pkill "\$2"; then
echo "(╯°□°)╯ $(echo \$2)"
echo "\$2 doesn't appear to be running"
# Make it executable
chmod +x ~/bin/fuck
# Done
echo "Installation complete."
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